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Suggestions for the game

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Hey, Alisha here.

Another topic focusing on improvements and suggestions.

Clearly, there are some heavy issues behind the argoments below, enjoy.

These are only few suggestions.



1. Missing SMS/Email authentication methods

2. Missing Backup codes

3. Missing Security questions

4. Missing Owner authentication (special code) method to skip Trade Lock (3/7 days max)

5. Missing an option to hide the Email Address while login inside the game

6. Missing Username to avoid entering the Email Address every time (website, forums, armas, game etc)



1. Missing method/s to avoid these situations to happen



1. Missing both player speed and location methods

2. Missing Phone Number Verification method before going to play inside Any populated instances

3. Missing IP/MAC/HWID ban

4. Missing Shadow ban

5. Missing both Macro detection and ban

6. Missing detetion of different colored triggerbots



1. Missing Chat 24/7 moderation by LO

2. Missing Automatic Spam Filters and methods that would provide more clean chatting



1. Missing improvements over Response Times

2. Missing Solve Now button to avoid employees wasting their time for just closing the ticket itself

3. Missing different Status such as "Not yet looked at", "Answered", "Working on..", "Waiting for your response" and "Solved and closed"



- Huge instability issues

- Problematic Shutdown timer in-game

- Missing Countdown timer on both website, forums and in-game to advice the community when the game is gonna be up again.




2FA Thoughs

The system itself is good and for the love of the god, LO alredy implemented it, but, not in it's intregrity.

Some features are missing while others could need some adjustments / rework.


Griefing Thoughs

These type of players totally ruining the game together cheaters, and who keep insulting, without even caring about rules, ToS and whatever is in place.

There needs to be a method, a system that prevents them to keep doing that, or at least taking more under control all the districts, which is now impossible because we have literally 3 2 GM?s active, out of the total amount, just because they are GM's that doesn't mean they are being always active (sadly).

Presence list related them is this;

1. AncientMew- Pretty much all the times i see a GM it's him, poor guy

2. ComFeyer - In the last months i never saw him in-game, maybe im blind but i do play every day

3. Mirele - Never seen in the last couple months

4. Mistmane - Never seen in 2020

5. VoidRatio - Never seen in-game or even in the chat in the lasts 2 years

(Devs, CMs, TGM's and any other higher/low role not included + avoided the presence of these above in events, activities and/or special days)

We don't beed babysitters or mods that just stays inside Social, we need this game to be Over controlled, so all the issues im talking right now, surely will be not totally solved, but most of them are going to be very less present.

I don't blame nobody, but if they can't do what they should do, give them better tools god damnit, or give them the real abilities to change how the game is looking right now.


EAC Thoughs

I do understanding that LO Might leave "few" cheaters running around and play, ruining the experience of other legit players like nothing is really happened.

While it's true that if LO should ban Every cheater and macro user (+all other major exploiters or against ToS players), this game will lose probably (like Matt said in the first Q&A), the Majority of the playerbase which isn't the best because if you don't know, Citadel and Jericho both together can reach approx. 1500/1600 players (as of now).

There is a limit also on that side.

I agree with that but.. at the same time i don't know why they are waiting that long to do such changes, under some system doesn't needs EU to be out.

Leaving cheaters to play because you are scared to lose pretty much.. let's say.. 25/30% (I don't know exactly, im not someone who can check that) of the population, but at the same time, welcoming new newbies, players, who will just quit out of the game after being literally destroyed, obliterated and insulted by those last ones.

At this point, if this is going forward like that, i don't think we will Ever see new players populating this game.

I alredy tried to bring few friends, and after some time they were saying *fuck, this is so trash, im not gonna play.* and then quitted forever.

Think of that, without players that actually care, without few streamers, and without the passion of every other uman partecipating into this community, the game will be dead, instantly, or it will be just full of trash bags.

Good players, passionate streamers, we could do Anything, we alredy doing our best, but is just not working, since so many years have been like that and im sure most of the peoples who would and will agree with me, are literally tired, sick, and annoyed by this situation to keep going forward, without a clear STOP sign.

Let's be clear guys, Engine Upgrade shouldn't be the N°1 priority.

These things instead, should be.


Chat Thoughs

This also have been a Huge issue in APB since long time.

Why the Broadcast System kick you out only after crazy amount of spams? There should be a cooldown, and then if you keep going, the kick.

And mostly, why the hell /cointoss is still being used to spam the chat, to disturb, to annoy all the other players.

Lastly, about the chat 24/7 moderation, i think LO should build up a system that can stay connected Live to each Social District instance, looking for those who want to "joke" too much.


Support Thoughts

Alright, again this is kinda repetitive but i wanted to looking at it and i just cannot avoid to talk about.

Firstly, can you imagine what would happen if this game will magically reach high population numbers?

The support gonna get Obliterated and Runned Over, totally, by Thousands of tickets, together also the old ones, i think we would need to wait months, before getting any answer. (like in the beginning)

There needs to be new methods on this, is not possible that we are still sitting at 14 if not more, days of response, this is totally unacceptable.

I can't imagine those few poor guys behind that whole system, pushing hard and working lonely, to get these solved as soon as possible.

I talked with Matt a while ago and i know the situation will get better (hope pretty soon).


Servers Thoughts

What's happening to the servers? We are getting ddosed or are they really dying?

Keep seeing them crashing, peoples getting mad and sad because they lose the connection, desyncs or any other problem.

There should be really Countdown timers to let the community know the game is under maintenance and will come back in X days/hours/minutes.

That thing is missing from both website and forums, and also inside the login screen of the game itself.

Not talking about the Shutdown timer which is disgusting honestly, telling every 5 minutes, then every 1, when the servers are going offline, while posting these informations in the chat, or at the top of the screen, which in both cases, i don't really see always, because i have a 4k monitor and play with small UI, scaled for the monitor itself, and while playing i don't look at the chat, because you know is not facebook.

Also because the UI i use daily since 2 years now is literally a bit smaller than this forums text defalt size, so would be impossible to note that while playing, or being in mission.

There is a little sound that plays each time the Broadcast System post these infos, but honestly if i shoot or an explosion happen, or anything, that will just kill the notification sound volume, which will not be heard.

Making an UI element that just count down Live? Minute per minute, second per second? Sort of ⚠️Attention, Weekly maintenance happening in 00:00:00. All the servers will be offline for 00:00:00 ⚠️

Then, the same thing, but inside the login screen 🔴APB Servers are offline due to the Weekly maintenance and will be back online in 00:00:00, please be patient or try again later. 🔴

I mean.. what's the point? Making players to insert their login details and wait 20/30 seconds just to receive the error message telling that the servers are offline.



Im gonna sleep or eat something now.

Thanks for reading.


Edited by AlishaAzure
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