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Hello. I was offering myself to the old G1 as community adviser to help them understand what we players really want, becouse they never acted like a players tbh. The old G1 team was ignoring me for years when I was offering my 'volunteer' help in making the new district map (if they only give me the programs like map maker or whatever they used). I could finish the midtown district like 2 years ago but... Nvm. The new age begun. I see that, L.O. is more eager to listen the players. So I will give some pretty useful tips. As a APB player since RTW i think i have something to say in that direction. And also i will speak as voice of the people, becouse my opinion is shared by pretty huge group of people. Already it's like whole nation which is pretty big % of whole apb comunity. Don't dont forget some of these ideas are just my and private so not eveyone can find them cool :P. Some of the ideas are just concepts that could never work good in game- but are worth saying it. So let's go to the point. These ideas must these ideas must come into force. Few of them will be possible to implement instantly, and few will be concepts to work for : Return of stunting- Everyone knows that, a lot of people was chilling in the game and stunting. Getting to hard to reach places was attracting people to do that. And made you want to get it. It gave a lot of fun to everyone that stunts.Then G1 introduced anti-glitching system that stopped people from bugging cases etc. behind the walls. I dont think this system is bad. Its pretty necessary. B U T. As the system came into the game, tobi (if i remember correctly it was him) instantly suggested 1 simply change in the system code, that could make system just perfect. CHANGING 1 LINE - made a system working when you are on the mission, BUT system was inactive when you wasn't on mission. That change could protect people on missions from bugging, and allow the "free-time" chillin' players to stunt (that change probablly would bring a lot of people from beyond the grave)- not every glitch or a bug is bad for a game- stunting spots wasnt, and it made apb kinda unique. Less than LTL weapons - Old apb concept like stuning sticks etc. to stun as melee. Arresting for crims- concept kinda related with upper one. But it can work already if enforcer stun himself accidentally (and that happens). In my idea crims could use 'cable tie' or just a rope to "arrest" enforcers. Road around the social district where people could drive they cars (blocked road like highway what wouldn't allow them to drive into social center). Make clan logos finally visible for others in a 'TAB preview' section. Clans are allowed to challange other clans for a match. Bigger groups than just 4 of people. (5/6 is kinda better- we dont need group of 20). Clan title for everyone- not just for a premium members. heavy NHVR is really hard to balance weapon. from one way it should hit u strong, in second way, its kinda too op. I think adding bullet drop only to this weapon would make it more balanced and less op on distances like 80+ meters. Kevlar 3 is a character mode that is found by community as really tryharding and give huge advantage in 1vs1 situations. I think if someone have 130% hp rather than 100%, so he should provide more points for a kill. If killing traditional person provide 100 points for a kill- killing guy in a kevlar provides 130. it kinda balances the his advantage in 1vs1, or at least rewards you for wining it. 2x bigger custiomization bar in the car customization. Everyone who at least once tried to make a great car: experienced the fact he still haven't use all 50/50 symbols BUT his bar is full and he can't finish his work as he wanted. Clan ranking based on W/L ratio (it's conected with challanges system i suggested above). Everyone knows there was idea about CRIM and ENF social districts. But what you think about clan district? I have few options in my head. There would be "clan bank" and clan members would collect money to buy/unlock a clan's house. First idea is that: there is a district for clans ( working on rules of the old crim/enf social district idea ). So every clan is allowed to have a clan house('district') imposed in advance . they have no choice in this. One for enf clans and other for crims. Like the old 'asylum concept for crims' and unfinished concept for enforcers. Whole clan district could be unlocked after getting right ammount of cash or you can just buy main room, and then you have to buy and unlock next and next rooms and zones. Second idea is that: there are few smaller and bigger clan houses available to buy by a clan. Depends how big clan is and how much money they own to buy and unlock a clan house district. This option is cooler but of course requires much more work and projecting. To finish both ideas we could use mission reward system. As we get yellow character mods/ emoticons/ symbols and rarely clothes after finishing the mission, that we could get furnitures and fixtures to finish our clan house make it unique, and more desired by others. More open buildings in apb- not just corridor through the building. more like few open flats per district ( not many, just few ). and make fire stairs usable- to make a second enter to these flats. that would protect these spots from being too op. If fastest apb car (vegas) max speed is 23 meters per second, AND IF YOU EVER PLANNED adding motorbikes into the game- they should be with a speed like 40 m/s BUT every collision ends with your death or making u '-85' and also u are still hitable on the motorbike, so for example sniper still can take you off. abandoned racing idea. Long time ago there was an idea about races. even old fightclub (bacon) had racing startup lines around. In my idea there should be simple and 'fast-made' racing district. With system of choosing a race type, cars allowed, entry fee etc. Also there could be added some simple (not that awesome as armas ones) car kits, so we could win parts of it in the 'official ranked races', not in the custom ones. Crash Derby arena (minimod like fightclub where group of 4 with a car could join to take part in the car crash derby with weapons. Last team standing would win). There are bronze statues in the city with a plate "higest honor", after placing ourselves on them, the plating should change from the "higest honor" to Chararacter name and our clan. Extend existing districts by existing textures around. Like docks and Lighthouse in Asylum. Or some textures in Financial or Docks in Waterfront. Cars Patriot T-25 and Dolton Montane could have a grip for a weapon on the semi-trailer, that allows you to instal weapon and decrease recoil. Daily login rewards. (with a minimal play-time of 30 minutes to achive). At this moment, HAZARDOUS is the only one legendary weapon in APB that isn't unique becouse of any variation. In the game is placed unavaiable weapon moditication named "Muzzle brake VERTICAL". And this modification would make this weapon much better. I think replacing one of the Hazardous modifications with this variation of muzzle brake would finally make it better than common colby version and worth naming it "legendary weapon". Get back with the old district system, where golds playing on bronze had -90% standing and cash and -25% on silver, so gold disctricts will be full again. Thats pretty MUST HAVE to fill gold districts again and let silvers play vs people on their level. As usual, I was became dreamly and wrote about conteption ideas and i forgot about most of the real ones but I will add them soon. Anyway you can say what you think about these. PEACE.
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