The only solution to this problem would be to isolate bronze, greens, and Trainees in their own district. Thus Silver and gold must play vs each other.
1. It isn't fair to anyone except other golds on your teams that are 'dethreating',. And people call you a try hard if you push against this behavior.
2. You are creating the problem. APB players are are like predators. Nature of the game, which is cool. They want to search out the easiest targets. Again, the result they dethreat to get to bronze.
>>>People rejoice when they lose their Gold.<<<
3, You are losing new players that are overwhelmed by this Threat system's flaws.
4. Causes contempt within the community, thus making it more toxic. Multiple reasons that are too numerous to list here.
In closing I will say I have been here as long as the game. I have worked with gamersfirst with many issues within the game.
I know what will work and not work.
>>>Implement this change for a month and see how it works out. <<<
One last thing. You may think; "Yeah, but silvers wont be able to play with silver!" Not so, It takes nothing to make silver from bronze. But takes a lot to get from Silver back to bronze.
I won't point out the guidelines of how or why that is for it will expose techniques.
What do you have to lose @MattScott Trust me
Sincerely. LX
NA/EU APB player