this game has a lot to learn from fortnite, fortnite actually has a player base, making money, and is fun.
APB needs to be a cartoony URBAN battle royal but a little bit nastier than fortnite, more appealing to the adult players, and without building
that way it can really take a part of fortnites player base, a lot of fortnite player (like myself) would rather invest our times in a more mature BR.
and the thing is, apb is almost ready, it has fightclub to practice the mechanics, it has missions which can be used as the WIN element for the battle royale.
imagine a game where you play apb but you are competing with 3 other squads to "steal a car" type mission, then you fight the other squads who survived the RAID mission, when a team loses its out, its basically an APB battle royal tournament ,apb can be a great battle royal, we could still have missions just like it is now but in a battle royal tournament