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Posts posted by Lato

  1. Wanky/boring tutorial, missions are always a press F and kill, there are like 10 viable weapons, nothing new until you reach level 195, in order to have fun and variety with the game you need to spend an absurd amout of money (but oh hey game is free so they need money somehow, lets put guns at 30$, new players are definitely gonna buy them). What else? Matchmaking basically does not exist because there is no real ranking system, there are 2 maps and one of them is hvrFront which is really unbalanced and annoying to play other than laggy. Oh also, if you are a solo player you could go against premade groups OF 4.
    The positive things are..APB is not pay to win and symbol/theme customization can be fun. 
    That said, new players really hate this game with HEART

  2. 3 hours ago, ShadowXS said:
    That's the same type of person to call anyone they die against, a hacker. Why do they all have the same toxic personality traits?

    Willing to bet my life Lato has either already created a "BATTLEYE IS USELESS, LO DO NOTHING ABOUT HACKER EPIDEMIC!", is planning to, or will create one in the near future. The cycle is never wrong.
    You are completely out of the road, probably haven't read any of my posts. And i don't play shotguns, i play any weapon that is off-meta (Obeya cr7, tommygun, shaw, scout). I don't know when you guys started playing, but after YEARS of n-tecs and hvrs, it was about time for a meta shift. 
    Also, just because i don't use Easy weapons like the n-tec/hvr/shotgun,  doesn't mean i'm a silver that calls everyone cheater. You'd be dead after that bet

  3. 13 hours ago, Nite said:
    To be fair, any and all assault rifles that have released after the NTEC/STAR have been ARMAS only to my knowledge (ATAC, FAR, Misery, COBR-A, Frenzy etc). In that vein, yeah we can't afford to have such an AR be better than the NTEC, then it would be P2W.

    and that's exactly why this game is down to 700 players

  4. 1 hour ago, Frosi said:

    Thank you for nerfing Rifling even more even after it didn't need to be changed. You turned it from a mostly dead mod after the change to a completely dead mod now.

    That's good, so people will start considering the Obeya CR762 instead of the N-tec at long range..which is a harder and more counterable weapon, also changes the damn n-tec meta finally
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