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Everything posted by CH3V

  1. i think anyone account on this forum older then 2012 should get a nice banner
  2. LOL but i want to save my picture and have it under my picture
  3. but i can do a custom photoshop 1 just for me and they can add it
  4. how can get i a cool banner like yours SPCT (it doesnt need to be spct)
  5. shit i hit my head when i walk under a door frame
  6. but we are becoming a stronger community after this
  7. wondering on how difficult it is to mess with server? youtube "Preparing for 10 GIGABIT Internet! What Could Go Wrong?" Linus tech tips will show you how hard it is
  8. YEAH thats why they put dump truck in the game for griefing
  9. wonder how it will feel in the new server driving around in the dump truck
  10. your picture goes well with your comment
  11. i guess i should of done it so long :3
  12. don't get me wrong, i love this game, put a lot of hours in it. want the game to be prosper
  13. simply adding another element to the game to entertain, if someone said please move i would of move, i wasnt being a mean person, theirs more then 1 time i move out of the way for someone when they sat their and watch me i knew what they were thinking, my goals isnt ill intent was simple a harmless joke and if you said anything in chat or sat there, i would of moved out of the way, idk if you ever played WOW before but image you spawn with your new character and the area you spawn is getting raided, it could be way worst
  14. and i understand what the GM did, just wondering on if this is the only way to fix this problem for the future?
  15. wasnt pleading my case was simply getting more info, in a constructive way, all im doing is opening the bigger picture here,
  16. sitting there making new friends
  17. i can understand what i am doing, but im not blocking anyone from playing the game, or stopping a mission to be done, simple little joke, then GM comes online and force me out of the vehicle, was it necessary for a GM to get involved? i was simply playing the game.
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