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Posts posted by Haganu

  1. Whenever there's balance changes, there's going to be posts complaining about balance I guess.


    TG8 could use a very small accuracy buff, but then again the same can be said for the OCSP, as that's the weapon it takes the accuracy stats from IIRC. The idea is that both guns are supposed to be slightly less reliable than the FBW and the 45AP. Both guns can carry themselves currently if you're really really good with your trigger finger. Neither weapon should become equivalent to the FBW in its bloom however.

  2. On 7/17/2023 at 9:52 PM, AlienTM said:

    New game mode then to replace the mission system completely.One big mission only.For example 50 crims vs 50 enforcers in a TDM(where u see ur opponents)but with one condition-u can fight only players ur threat.Probably green gonna have to be removed cause very little players are(all greens-bronzes)About T-they can fight for 1 match everybody till they get their threat(bronze,silver,gold)Each mission-15 minutes.If the final score is possible to be calculated separately or even to run separately-like 3 different missions-thats perfect(1 mission for silvers,1 for bronzes,1 for golds)

    There u go matchmaking problems resolved.This mode also will remove the campy objective spots and will decrease the lag on the district(cause only 1(or 3)missions/systems running)

    Oh well just my fantasies...

    Bringing back and polishing Anarchy would be one way. 

    I vaguely feel the maps currently in the game are also the perfect size for an extraction shooter style gamemode, if we get rid of the cars or turn them all into wrecks and decrease the amount of players per instance.


    From a creative standpoint, you could chain the 2 gamemodes up by lore.


    In any case, a lot can be tried and tested to get some population, but in the end nobody is going to stick if the core gameplay is miserable. The shooting in this game still feels really good, but because every other core aspect of this game is just utterly miserable, I have no reason to actively play.


    I'll come out of my retirement home when the game is fixed in that regard.



  3. On 7/11/2023 at 4:11 AM, Hexerin said:

    There's also the bigger issue of the matchmaking not even bothering to look at the entire population of the current district before making decisions, and instead just looks at who's in the queue alone. This is the ultimate issue with the matchmaking as it currently stands, and why things just keep getting more and more fucked over time. If the matchmaking was adjusted to look at the whole district before making decisions, it would be able to hold off on dropping that bronze into a match against a gold and instead keep that bronze in the queue until those other bronzes get out of their match against other golds... which results in a longer queue time for the bronze, but that longer wait is rewarded with a significantly better matchup that they will actually enjoy playing. Plus, that longer queue only happens at first, because then everyone will be shifted into the matchmaking "groove" of everyone else at a given skill level range. By the way, that "groove" behavior is why you currently always see the same few op every mission, despite dozens of other people in district.


    This is the kind of thing that could be fixed by an intern on their lunch break, compared to the shit LO is prioritizing which would require an entire set of teams (which is something that LO doesn't have) to be completed in any reasonable amount of time. Plus, implementing such a fix to matchmaking (one of many that could relatively easily implemented since most/all of the systems are already there) would result in a significant boost to the game's current playability, which would keep people around for longer, which means more time available for working on the other more difficult to tackle issues the game has. Ultimately though, LO doesn't have the capacity to see long term like this, so nothing will be done. They're throwing a completely needless Hail Mary, that at this point is obvious to see is almost certainly going to fail. Which is unfortunate, because this was this game's absolute last chance, if it actually shuts down then APB will never see the light of day again... also thanks to LO, by selling the IP to that random Chinese jackoff who's done nothing with it (and obviously never will).

    If matchmaking has to wait till the ideal match up is out of a mission, prepare for even longer waiting times and more unopposed missions before finally getting a match. It's doing less-than-ideal match ups for continuïty of the gameplay loop. If there were less threat levels it would be easier for matchmaking to decide. 40 is way too many. Even for cross district matching. We don't have the population for this many threat levels anymore, even if only 30 of the 40 are in use most of the time.

  4. Please don't make the new car an SUV please don't make the new car an SUV please don't make the new car an SUV...


    As for clothing and character customization:


    Hairstyles that aren't bald 1, 2 or 3, more hairstyles with bangs/fringe generally

    Small lopsided hats
    Oversized baggy t-shirt


    For vehicles, I'd like to see more kits for lower-tier vehicles like the Calabria

    On 7/12/2023 at 10:00 PM, mtz said:

    To illustrate what I mean: if you were to create an outfit that looks like the plugsuit worn by D.va from Overwatch, you'd have to go with a long-sleeved shirt and leggings, but the latter will have that weird glossy look to them, making it obvious you're wearing two entirely different clothing items. The turtleneck has a similar issue, where it very obviously has this wooly texture to it. I think the jeans also have this problem.

    A plug suit would be interesting

  5. 20 hours ago, Jilleroo said:

    The speeds can be adjusted as we see fit, the main point I'm raising is that we reexamine how much effort it takes to ascend the ranks, which I feel is too slow.


    The game is so old, all the base symbols should honestly just be unlocked either for free, or sold for in-game money. Getting a symbol as a mission reward is like... wow lmao.

    It absolutely would work, the game just needs a healthy playerbase and to cull a lot of archaic and horrendous design choices that don't mesh with the current mindset of the industry.

    They'll run out of ideas before long and if they decide to do some more outlandish designs it'll end up like the Pestilence suit due to tech constraints. Looks promising in concept but falls flat, literally, in the final product.


    Need better tech before creative leads can run free.

  6. On 6/7/2023 at 12:38 AM, Gateron said:

    Game Pay to win? Far from being P2W when F2P guns mostly dominate the meta lol. For new players the struggle would be getting outgunned in range by Improved rifling and being able to tap faster with HS3. But mostly its just veteran players trying their hardest by grouping up with their 3 other veteran buddies playing this competitively against silvers and bronzes killing the game. People aren't able to get better in a linear way and quit the game.


    Make a new rank that is above gold and force these people into separate district. I don't how else you would want new players to have fun. 

    Or fix threat distribution by making doing an objective not hand out 250 points and use less threat levels so matchmaking has an easier time finding ideal match ups.

  7. Relying on cosmetics only for microtransaction revenue wouldn't work in this game because the tech it runs on is far too constraining. It works for a game like PSO2, which gets new cosmetics every 2 weeks distributed through lootboxes (the good old gacha system), because their tech allows clothing to be detailed and elaborate, with physics. Impossible for APB as it currently is but with proper tech I'd support having only the most superficial stuff be distributed through microtransactions.

  8. On 6/26/2023 at 10:15 AM, Yapopal said:

    Another post dedicated to cheaters... Think sensibly. The problem is not the macro or the cheats. The problem is that you are a weak player, fighting players much stronger than you. The problem is matchmaking, or rather its complete absence. The problem is the poor performance of the server, 45 bullets fly into you at once. The problem is that the health interface does not work. There are no sounds of hitting bullets. The problem is that you can't normally refuse a fight.  The game does not give you a choice whether you want to fight the proposed player or not.

    And the main problem is that no one is going to solve these problems. I can offer you to hammer the last nail in the coffin of hope, stop wasting time writing posts that no one needs.

    When in doubt, imagine what you would do with the game if you could change it. The people to whom you dedicated the post have this opportunity. What are they doing? Nothing. They are not interested in your opinion.

    The multiple bullets hitting you in a single packet is more due to poor client netcode than actual server performance. Matchmaking is also there but has far too many threat levels to pick from in a given pool of players to make a proper match up so 99% of the time it'll fall back to next-best solutions for continuïty's sake. There's also extremely poor client performance even on 64 bit, mainly due to garbage data collection and dumping.


    I do think there's some obvious cases that should have been taken care of long ago, but I do agree with the rest of the issues you're listing here and the willful neglect of all the developers this game has to tackle these.


    What I'd do if I were able to make a spiritual successor... Considering the IP is sold to China. I'd use UE5 as a base and pick a lot of players here to do some curator work regarding the shooting, to get the feel of gunplay as similar as possible to this game, just without the misery that are the issues this game has such as mentioned above. Customization would be better while cheaper, as newer tech should be able to prevent another 200 million $ lemon here.

  9. Telling you, GTA V is going to be the next Skyrim

    It's well on its way first releasing on PS3/XB360, then PS4/XBONE, PC and now PS5/XSEX


    While TakeTwo is being scared of pushing anything for its sequel it'll probably come to phone in a few years.

    Maybe it'll see a release on one of Nintendo's next consoles. 


    The only thing GTA V is lacking is Todd Howard

  10. Quite sure before OP even made a post about it, if he wore the suit in front of a GM they would do nothing with it, if they would even notice the symbol at all.


    Not like there's actually any effective measures taken ingame against racism, discrimination or other things that do the game more harm than good.

  11. APB becoming a crowd developed game would certainly be interesting, but I feel that that would be more sensible after the engine upgrade is released. 

    I'm sure among the players there's quite a bunch that's really intrigued in the game, its world building and RTW's vision on it, and would be humbled to be able to expand on it and fill in their vision where a series of poor lead producers over the years left nothing but gaps.


    There are a lot of things that could fit within the world building of APB and RTW's vision that have been untouched.

  12. On 7/22/2021 at 9:16 AM, Deadliest said:

    100 million dollar game you think they could start a brand new game? 

    little orbit doesn’t produce triple A games, they don’t have the budget or the resources, developers etc.


    If they could make a new game similar to apb, why would they acquire apb reloaded off gamerfirst in the first place?



    100 million was back in the day when a lot of time and resources were spent on custom code for all sorts of thing, including but not limited to something basic like a day/night cycle.

    I highly doubt rebuilding APB Reloaded from scratch in newer tech is going to cost nearly as much, since a lot of the tech is already there. This saves development time and resources, and as such it saves money.

  13. Kinda in the same boat as the guy above me.


    This is a problem that should've been solved 6 years ago. If the dev studio from back then wanted success they would've tackled this issue within the first year of it being a problem, and to those saying it wasn't a problem back then - sorry to say but you have the memory span of a goldfish.


    LO should've tackled this problem right from the moment they pulled the strings, but nobody seemed to want that other than a handful of people.


    The latest Steam charts look beyond pathetic. I'm very much hoping nobody is going to reply making up all sorts of excuses. If there are people yet - even the forums look empty these days. 


    But hey if this keeps up there might be just about 100 players around when 2.1 releases!

    Pointless to invest into this any further.

  14. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    Do people actually look at billboards while playing? not the player graffiti ones, but the ones that will be replaced by real ads.

    I've got over 5k hours in APB, and I don't think I can tell you what is on any billboard anywhere.

    Considering some certain people in both this thread and the thread on reddit pull the immersion card, probably.

    It could be a plus for those who bother, if executed properly.


    As with everything else in this playerbase, if half-assed, it just gives the goons here another barrel to kick against.

  15. Putting up ads like this is something that has to be approached with a silk touch.

    Considering some people already consider it a loss of immersion and lore.


    I honestly think it's a great idea if executed properly.

    It would be great for everyone to have ads blend in with the rest of the world and the universe, but if it's something completely out of place, it'll be a big minus for the game.


    I'd also suggest to not replace every billboard with ads, and only have a select amount of billboards throughout the maps renew ads after x amount of weeks. This keeps some of the immersion while allowing new ads to come in and reach players. 

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