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Posts posted by BlueB

  1. 7 minutes ago, NoobQueen said:

    Shooting is so broken in this game and always will be due to netcode, people with shitty net, ddos and all that mess. If I was LO I would try something else. Damn Calabria racing would be still a lot more fun than Riot that is just same old APB

    I agree... if something is really satisfying is killing someone with ntec cj3, but instead of 6 bullets i need like 20. 


    I remember when ff arrived that hit reg worked wonders even for me. Does cheating has anything to do with craping hit reg or messing with ping?

  2. 2 hours ago, Seedy said:

    Territory control would be good.. we have spoke about this before though and its not happened yet but you never know!

    If i wanted to play territory control i would go straight to planetside...


    If main problems are not solved (i and others mentioned them good enough) not even regular players are going to come back it doesnt matter what game mode they add, or anything.


    If problems are slowly solved then apb can pull out its potential.

  3. Even if they had perf3ct protection theres still the reroll problem and unbanning all people so they can keep cheating.

    There are many things that can be done but resources are lacking... our only hope is that government that taxes our virtual buys start protecting that tribute and actively punish cheat makers and even cheaters.

    They hurt business and they hurt people investing real money and time, is not "just a game" anymore.

    • Thanks 1

  4. On 6/18/2019 at 7:58 PM, lTheDarkness said:

    I know how these things works but i don't know how they have set them up.. normally would be +1 (positive) for like and thanks, +0 (neutral) for confused, haha and -1 (negative) for dislike.

    So.. if it works in a similar way i don't think they will ever let us to put unlimited reactions, maybe they could do some sort of..


    rep 50= 10 default + 5 extra

    rep 75= 10 default + 7 extra

    rep 100= 10 default + 10 extra

    and ahead.. something like that


    Unlimited no but more yes, is annoying to see "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today." 😂

    Yes let the popular guys have all the dis/likes.

    You are really smart, hm? Special mommy boy.

    • Like 1

  5. On 6/10/2019 at 8:29 PM, I-Reaper-I said:

    Right, I have been playing this game for about 5 years now and have just recently returned after a long while. Unfortunately I haven't seen much change in the game just yet but I would like to see an idea added to the game that "in my opinion" would make a huge difference in bringing new players into the game.

    So my proposition is: Faction Locked PvE instances with AI enemies. Purely for practice reasons.

    How it works:
    Simple. New instances would be generated for both Enforcers and Criminals each, that are basically PvE instances with AI enemies. People entering these districts, would have a few benefits as well as drawbacks while there.

    This would show up in the basic selector as "practice district" or "training district".



    1.) All weapons and modifications are unlocked while in the district (not ARMAS exclusives, any owned ARMAS items are carried over to the district.)
    Players would have one of each weapons unlocked in their inventory, along with all modifications for use. This will allow new players to test out the guns and work on developing a playstyle they see fit best for them. This would also help seasoned veterans who want to experiment with new combinations of mods and weapons or practice their preferred playstyle.

    2.) You only get matched against AI enemies.
    The best way to learn the ropes for new players in my honest opinion is playing against AIs. Just like Rainbow Six: Siege, CS:GO and many other games that have introduced offline practice, this would hugely benefit new players for learning to play without the negative experience the current state of the game would bring for them. Seasoned veterans can also team up with their friends/clan to work on new strategies and tactics to become better and better against the rival opposition.


    3.) All ammunition comes free.
    This will correlate with a drawback of this idea, but basically all ammo is free and never runs out. This eliminates the need to spend cash on ammo in practice instances.



    1.) No cash or standing earned after missions.
    Since this would be just a practice instance, we don't want to give the incentive to people to stay on these instances forever. Therefore cash and standing should be disabled here altogether.

    2.) Threat level is not affected by these instances.
    In any way, Threat level should not be affected in practice instances, since the sole purpose of this mode is to train yourself, hone your skills, get to know the map better and get the feel for the weapons and cars in the game.


    This is all I can think of at the moment, but I believe that adding this mod to the game, would not be a huge task first of all (Just gotta license a decent AI plug-in for enemies, and create new instances that are faction-locked with a few changes and tweaks) and it would greatly benefit all players of this game and would bring a lot of new players in too.

    @MattScott I would appreciate if this idea was looked into and at least considered for future implementation, I cannot think of a better way to make the game more friendly and welcome to newcomers as well as experienced players.

    Of course this idea is open for criticism and suggestions, so if any of you have any more ideas to lay down or have anything that might need changing, it's open to interpretation.

    Thank you for reading and hoping to see this make it into the game. 😄

    Or you could learn to play and not be scared of doing pvp...

    You want to kill apb dividing the rest of the players even more with pvp/pve.


    Apb is pvp exclusive game, if you dont like it go play sims or other thing.

  6. Bans need to hurt... cheaters do not care to be banned and start over because they lose nothing. Thats when "mmorpg" type progression kicks in, not only to feel you are progressing if not to make cheaters feel they lose something important every time they get banned.


    Be maps unlocking the more you play (it could serve as filter), more powerful weapons... w/e use your imagination, it needs to hurt.

    Make ranking up important again, it doesnt matter how. Start fighting back.

    • Like 1

  7. On 7/6/2019 at 12:19 AM, damn2112 said:

    Why the hell are people so obsessed with graphics? They are acting like its gonna make the game better than it currently is. People being concerned about a games graphics instead of how it plays. Its exactly why most AAA games come out shit these days.

    What if i play games for the looks only? Apb used to look amazing until g1 decided to crap on it to be able to add more stuff, and more not allways equals to better.

    • Thanks 1

  8. Like we have enough mlp symbols out there... adding horses would have the same effect as adding a wolf mask, a risk g1 wasnt ready to take.


    Motorbikes are actually better idea, but getting someone to work on such task... i doubt it. Physics could be hard to add to apb.

    Players could have 50% hp while riding and motos 600 or 700hp. They could be like micros with better speed.


    Real problem around balance could be helicopters.

  9. 1 hour ago, DragonWhiteThork said:

    stop giving me down point! You people disgust me!

    Gas what? Dude are you currently undergoing some sort of constant edible digesting problem?

    Where are you? When I need you!

    It gladly stopped... but life didnt get easier. Im trully confused right now.

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