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Posts posted by IROCkiller

  1. Character: IROCkiller

    Server: Jericho


    They say fortune favors the bold. Will the gods smile down upon you or will the crystal ball reveal your future is forever dark?


    This is my fortune teller costume. I have a light and a dark version, but I think the dark version looks better so I'm submitting that one.





    • Like 2


    4 minutes ago, Snubnose said:

    can't stress this enough...

    was also the first thing I though when I saw those... "these axes are kinda small scaled..."
    and I'd rather have 2 tomahawks or just 1 big axe isntead of this...

    anyway, these are some nice additions to the game!


    14 minutes ago, GhosT said:


    How did I not see sommething that obvious.

    Should've went with one axe and positioned it like the katana instead.


    22 minutes ago, SkittyM said:

    They're called Fire Axes but are literally the size of larger hatchets?   The reason they were scaled down so much was because of clipping and fitment issues but they are so tiny they cant classify as Fire Axes.

    Are you guys tellin me that you DON'T want to be rescued by a dual axe wielding badass of a fireman?

  3. 5 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    Yup it's very possible. I've gotten a few of my characters into the game as well as Brittney Bloodrose, Tiptoe, Trick, and Treat.  My main VRChat avatar is a cat costume that I made in APB and did some heavy editing to in blender.

    Nice! Apparently my rank is too low to upload avatars, so that sucks. DM the waterfront link!


    4 hours ago, Glubbable said:

    Come back when you have VR viewpoint in the actual game and not in a virtual desktop.

    That's one thing that's not so likely to happen. With how disorienting this was, I'd hate to actually be floating behind a character/car.

  4. 12 hours ago, Goabea said:

    y tho

    I really couldn't tell you


    10 hours ago, Glaciers said:


    You have unsubscribed from shitty ideas that no one should do.


    8 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    that looks painful to do

    It was better before I streamed it, i got at least 50 fps constantly


    6 hours ago, Alani said:

    imagine playing VR on a VR computer, and VR on a VR computer using VR?

    New goal for me


    1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:



    jk, looks fun.... if vomiting is your thing 😛

    Introducing the APB Vomit Comet: just do VR


    47 minutes ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    lol took me a second to figure out what was going on.  At first it just looked like you were screen pointing with a cell phone, but then I realized that you were playing APB on a PC in VR.  It's neat, but it looks painful to play.


    If you want see APB in VR I have a Waterfront map in VRChat.  It's not done and horribly unoptimized at the moment but there's a few drivable cars scattered around.  If you ever want to pop in and check it out I could give you a join link.  Just don't look toward the Villaneuva unless you wanna puke from the frame rate dropping.

    I'd check it out, gotta get my APB character into VR chat. Is that even possible?

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