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Posts posted by IROCkiller

  1. 1 hour ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    not winning severely reduces, the biggest issue is the very low gain you get overall for lvling the contact and the fact that prem doesnt do anything to lvl him faster. It should give the double it gives everybody else right now as theres no season pass yet. And I dont see why it would as theres been farms for as long as theres been events. I also dont see why they should squish this since were trying to work around their own mess that they made with Riot and their slow response to fix.

    Yeah, I'm not arguing that this shit's busted. Your team being eliminated really screws you over though. I got eliminated, made 70 standing. Teammate hid until the end, got 1k. That's no way to do this event, it encourages hiding. There is no reason to go for the truck, just hide.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    Its farming the contact regardless as you got to play in order to gain exp with him. If ppl played riot wed be farming alone but wed all still be farming. And yea making a discord group for this would be the way to go so we can all chat as we play riot and kill eachother lol. The main purpose of this group tho is to gather everyone who wants the skin so we can all play at once and have enough ppl so riot will run and to play riot for a good period of time. Then we can get the skin and well all be happy. Yea it sucks its gota come to this just to play a mode but theres no other way around it at this point as LO is dragging their heels in making Riot easier to play.

    I wonder if intentionally letting everyone survive to the end would be against the ToS. Your team being eliminated severely reduces the standing you get, which is my main issue with RIOT (besides the whole population thing)

  3. We shouldn't have to do this, but I agree that it's something we need to do. I'd be down, how we going to schedule this? Create a Discord group?

    One issue, is it against the ToS to do this? I think assembling a group to play would be fine but farming the contact might not fly.

  4. 2 hours ago, MrChan said:

    A territory control district is definitely something I want.


    I'd make it even more like PS2 and have the district run persistently rather than reset after a certain period of time (although I concede this may not be viable). I'd also try and keep it to the two faction split rather than run 3 randomly grouped teams. Might need three for game balance a la Planetside, but I'd still at least try the two.


    I know the map's for illustration purposes only, but I assume the idea is to have the map broken into more zones than that?

    Yeah, with RIOT mode the roads pretty much are the boundaries for the zones, and I think that's perfectly fine.


    I don't know about a faction split, I'd say keep groups together but open matchmaking (faction doesn't matter in open matchmaking)


    I think the rounds have to end for progression purposes. I'm not sure on that, as getting eliminated from RIOT still gives you some progression. Not a lot, elimination severely reduces your standing reward.

  5. I say take RIOT down and rework it. I'm personally in favor of making it a Planetside 2 style gamemode, I gave my thoughts as to how it would work here:

    I think APB would benefit from a change like this, but I'm not a dev. I have no clue if the things I'm suggesting is possible.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Glaciers said:

    its already been explained multiple times that separate teams are working on riot and the engine upgrade simultaneously and that throwing more bodies at the engine upgrade wont help 

    I don't understand how people don't realize that an artist, map designer, or even the person coding the game mode would be of very little help on the engine upgrade. Two different areas.

  7. I personally think RIOT mode should have been a PlanetSide 2 styled mode. A constant fight for control of the district, with the ability to spawn at any held areas in the district. 



    This is kind of how it's looking in my mind. 


    Red Area = Team One

    Green Area = Team Two

    Blue Area = Team Three


    Yellow H = Home Base

    Pink 1 = 1 point for holding that zone


    Holding three points would win the match. Each zone you take must be connected to your held areas, so I couldn't just go take Red Team's point. You'd have to work towards it. The middle area is up for grabs at the start of the round.


    You can't take someone's home base, so if you lose all your areas you aren't out of the fight just yet. 


    Obviously, each team's starting territory can and should be tweaked, as I know this isn't a perfectly balanced map.


    To hold the zones I'm thinking a flag like the refer-a-friend one, except it's dropped into a circle like a hold the item in your base style mission. Dropping your flag into an enemy's area would be like a take and hold mission, from enemy held, to neutral, to team held. 


    This looks like a PlanetSide 2 Ripoff (because it kind of is). A giant 3 man team battle sounds like a hell of a good time to me.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Glaciers said:

    Tbh i don’t think this is true, orbit has several games under development right now


    while apb failing wouldn’t be good for them i doubt it would collapse the whole company



    That's true. APB is their main moneymaker as of now, because Fallen Earth is dead and Unsung Story hasn't actually come out yet. If APB dies they might be able to survive until Unsung Story is complete.


    I think employee morale dropping right now because of the community's reactions. In a funny way, it's kind of a self-fufilling prophecy. The game will fail because everyone thinks it will fail, and the employees see that. That's why I say we have to hold out hope that LO figures it out.

  9. I'm not 100 percent panicked, but the outlook is not good at this point. The survival of the company depends on the survival of APB, so I think that means they'll try their hardest, even if it's not very good right now. 


    If worst comes to worst and the game starts dying hopefully someone with the time and resources sees APB's potential and snaps it up, but I don't see death happening anytime soon. Gotta keep hope, right?

    • Like 1

  10. You forgot one major point, at least for NA: there isn't enough people interested to even start a round. It only happens at certain times of the day and night, times that I'm not around. It's basically impossible for me to get the skin, and soon it'll be impossible for everyone on NA to get it just because no one will be playing it. I want to try for the skin, but it's just too dead. I mean, look at the current population of the RIOT district here(Unknown is RIOT districts.) I admit, it's midday on a Monday for NA players, but this is some of the only time I've got to play. I'm screwed until I hit a hot time, and even then there's about 4 rounds and it dies again. 

  11. 41 minutes ago, Zolerox said:

    Because it's a brick, What kind of top level security access do you need to place a 60,000$ brick on your gas pedal.

    Bricks are considered weapons in San Paro and cannot be purchased at the local Home Depot. Instead, they are smuggled in, resulting in the high price tag of 60k per brick.

  12. All in all, I had a good time. It's a fun gamemode with friends, and I like the final stage. It means you actually have to go for the RIOT devices.


    I still had some enemies respawn right next to me, but honestly I don't know if that can be helped. Possibly make a RIOT only character mod that acts like a mobile spawn point? You couldn't respawn if your teammate was too close to an enemy. In that case you would respawn normally. 


    Another idea I had was for a "down" system. Dealing lethal damage to an enemy sets them in the arrested or stunned mode. They could then be helped up by a teammate, killed by an enemy, or have their timer run out and die.


    I did find a bug. It seems at the borders of some areas you get a little contaminated patch. I have a video uploaded, here's the link. It's not game-breaking or anything, just something I found odd.



  13. 1.How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes?


    It's a lot quicker of a gamemode. If you die early you're sort of just sitting on your hands without much to do.


    2.Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT?


    I would, it's a pretty good mode. The guns are pretty easy to find.


    3.How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it?


    It's a battle royale styled mode where the players choose how the area collapses.


    4.What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could?


    I think the color coding could use some work. For example, revives are orange, primary is a light blue, and so on. Also possibly make the player go into an arrested state to symbolize "down". They'd be "revived" when a teammate frees them, but if the timer runs out the person dies.


    5.What is your favorite aspect of RIOT?


    I like the weapons system. Being able to buy my own loadout is nice, I can choose what I'm good with.


    6.What about RIOT do you like the least?


    I don't like the spawn system. I know you guys said it'll be reworked, but maybe let us choose what teammate to spawn on.



    All in all, it's a fun gamemode. Nice work on it guys.

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