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  1. @MrsHappyPenguin how is disabling useless windows services,that track and send data and using resources on pc bloatware? make some research on that program and then call it snake oil,please.
  2. no it wont destroy your ram sticks or overheat them it has nothing to do with overclock,this works for windows as well and any game/task @Mitne
  3. whats the point of posting my "specs" this is a thread to boost even high-end pc's and fix stuttering and not only fps issues,stuttering occurs even on the most high end machines,i dont see a point advertisting my specs. @Rade
  4. imo i would do some research before typing that @cheater
  5. you need to use task scheduler and then it will repeat it self every 5 minutes check the instructions
  6. You got banned for a reason buddy,check your email which you created your account on.
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