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Marlon Carreiro

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Everything posted by Marlon Carreiro

  1. Uma boa proposta seria conseguir vender a arma que você comprou por um valor inferior ao preço de compra. Isso nos permitiria vender para comprar outras armas. por exemplo: colby .45 comprado por $ 3k JP vendido por 1k JP ou menos. Posso vendê-lo para adicionar meu JP e comprar outra arma. Merged. A good proposal would be to be able to sell the gun you bought for a lower value than the purchase price. This would allow us to sell to buy other weapons. for example: colby .45 bought for $3k sold for 1k or less. I can sell it to add my joker points and buy another weapon
  2. Hello, you could finance a server in Brazil for the Brazilian community or for the entire Latin American community. We love APB, but playing on the foreign server is a bit frustrating because ping / latency is very high. While we have 0-40 ping in Br, in the USA we have 150-400. Thank you in advance, I am a mega fan of APB, I love this game. Thank you. -pedited on google translate-
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