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Everything posted by zekter

  1. The threat system could actually be improved with had more players, because Bronze, Silver and Gold aren't sufficient to balance players. I know that I'm not bringing any solution to the current pop problem, but sometimes I get really frustrated with this game because of the current threat system. Like, I'm currently gold and I still get owned by Gold players? When I used to drop to silver (which doesn't happen anymore since I lose 5 matches getting rekt and win 3 owning everyone) something weird always happened, I always owned silvers and low-gold players (like me) but when I got queue'd against real golds they used to make me want to uninstall the game and never come, even though I kept playing the game LUL. The only solution for this problem is creating more threats, but since our pop is low as hell I don't think it would actually work and we would need a new matchmaking system. Just imagine APB with more threats like Bronze 1 - 3, Silver 1 - 5, Gold 1- 10 and even a completely new threat like Master or something like that with the top 100 players of the server. If we had this system and including some great rewards when you rank up your threat, this game would be awesome.
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