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Posts posted by zekter

  1. 4 hours ago, Hey! said:

    My posts that offer any proof keep getting deleted.  But the fact that there are several blatant ragebot cheaters selling cheats who make Youtube videos about it showing everything off... kinda shows that either you cheat, you support the network of cheats, or your effing clueless. And for the Mods on this forum telling ME I need to provide proof (which is so abundantly obvious and available on an internet search) that I have to contact support... let me state plainly...


    Keep falling for their baits with detected pasted shit lmao. Perhaps you should try buying it so you can get your dumb patootie scammed, cuz that's what you seem to want.

  2. 53 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    There is no difference though, They desegregate n put 'Normal players against solid Golds, none of which I've seen in NA b4, Then They skewer it all up n add 60 instances, all of which are dead except the Foreign New York Silver. So I still get to have to play against Golds, cause everything else is dead pop.

             You know n lets forget a minute that they are Gold, They are mostly unknowns, 'Randoms'. They are not the people i came up with. 

             Just seems to me LO is catering to the Golds, n I think most of you know my opinion about Golds, the opinion that I cannot 'Air' in public chat or forum.


     p.s. I goto another game WT n guess what anti cheat they have,,,yeppers Ez Anti 🙄

    You must be so famous, right? I mean, you must be, since you're too worried about playing against "randoms" in a 200pop game. Couldn't expect more from someone who plays this game for years. yet still can't handle playing against decent opp. Keep doing your thing killing the game by playing vs newcomers on bronze servers, you're doing fine bro!

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Acornie said:

    I do understand the actual peak numbers of the two servers, it's been a weird hobby for months to be methodically checking will(dot)io: I just don't get why literally every thread about NA's population always picks a very weak number to give, it's like me sharing this and going 'Look, silly EU, no players. Weak. Haha! Gottem!!" 50a19d1c6d.png

    But on the actual topic, I agree with the points @Solamente has already gone over, and I'll even risk making the claim that our population has been greatly hurt by no segregation, we were putting up 250's and even higher on weekends only months ago, now quite rapidly it's dropped to hardly getting above 200... that's almost a 20% decrease in a few months, it's terrible and looks really bleak, I don't think that 'no segregation' is the answer because (imo of course) it will continue the downward spiral

    Still, we have less players than EU and that's what OP is trying to say. Is no segregation the answer for our problems? No, but we would have 2 districts with players open for golds, silvers or bronzes, and even 1 full/half-populated in situations where we only have ~80 players online. What could save us or at least manage the lack of players is phasing, but it doesn't seem to be arriving any time soon. If most of you believe that having one server up is the best way to keep the population stable, keep it that way then. 


    I believe that a system where segregation is removed on low-pop times would be a great idea. What do you guys think? This could be applied for EU and NA.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Acornie said:

    I still don't get why people keep taking pre-noon numbers of NA, who the hell is playing Apb in the morning? There's this concept called timezones, I know it's a bit much to grasp but since the earth is spherical the sun shines at different points of the earth, thus making it different times of the day to different places on said earth. Weird I know! Due to this aforementioned knowledge, please stop comparing NA morning numbers to EU evening numbers, thank you for your consideration

    OP's comparison was wrong indeed, but NA's peak on prime-time is still low when compared to EU. It's not about timezones, it's the fact that when NA hits 200 players at its best time, EU hits 600 and even 700+ sometimes.




  5. NA can't have segregation removed, man. Otherwise, 4fun players aka dethreaters will start crying on forums; claiming that they're the 99% of our player base and how they don't wanna play against "tryharders". But one thing is interesting: they can't have fun, unless when stomping new players on bronze district.

    I wouldn't try to convince this forums if I were you. x)

    • Like 1

  6. 1 hour ago, Queen of Love said:

    the people asking for this "amazing" p5n5 removing are the same that dethreat for stomp in bronze.

    not your case but if you check COD features, you can see how unfair was give a bonus for kill more to people that doesnt need it at all (airstrike, helicopter,nuke and other demential ego boost)

    P5N5 is a nice opposite to this. It allow also the weak/noobs to have a chance to have fun.


    Yes, having fun is at least put an hit to score, not necessary have 32498230984kill and zero death as tryhard wish.

    It's unfair to give good people rewards? Ok. Weak/noobs shouldn't be playing against good players, it's matchmaking fault. You don't seem to understand that the death number isn't the issue here, getting N5/P5 can determine how a mission will end if it were close in scores. Why would dethreaters ask for this to be removed? I'm not an old player, I've played on bronze for a few months before I stopped oscillating between silver - gold, but I amost never had played against new or even silver players there. All I remember from bronze server is a bunch of bad 255s abusing explosivees and trying to stomp newcomers.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Salvick said:


    Besides I'm not one of these saying that the bounty system is a balance factor I want to say one more time that there's a contradiction when stating "players mastering the game" end up "fucked up by an RNG mechanic" because if it is supposed that someone mastered the game, well, they had like 10 years to master the bounty system too.

    Also telling others how they should play the game or assuming they are silvers or that they only play on bronze servers and anything such like that when the threat system is totally broken and exploited to death and people dethreat for multiple reasons including to by-pass the useless threat lock currently in place is a vague argument to say the least. Indeed since a bunch of players that reach the gold threat actually move to bronze districts, we could argue that actual golds playing in silver/gold instances are lacking of a big portion of the current population of the game to consolidate or lose their threat. Threat doesn't mean anything anymore tbh, except to be the bully of the day on forums ofc.


    So it seems the philosophy on APB now is "master it or remove it", such a way to develop skills and adapt to a game.

    You can't master randomness. I'm not bullying anyone though, I'm barely average and I'm pretty much aware of it. I just can't see the point on people defending such system; this leads to the only thing I can assume which is the fact that they aren't getting challenged enough, otherwise they wouldn't want a random-based mechanic to be their's mission decisive factor. That's all. I also agree with gold not meaning anything, but if you're running away from your original threat you're just a loser making new players suffer on bronze districts to boost your ego-- not aiming at you, just saying what some people can't accept.

  8. Jesus, this is pure cancer at this point. Bounty system wasn't made for the current game's state, devs didn't think 10 years ahead when players would be mastering the game. There are infinity situations where it would end up fcking you up. Matches aren't always unbalanced; sometimes you get good opp and this means the match will keep going until the last stage almost 100% of the time, getting N5/P5 can mean how it'll end and it's too RNG to be a decisive factor. 


    Stop saying it is a balance factor, in this case bad matchmaking is what should you should be arguing about. You never doing well or getting close matches matches doesn't mean everyone is in the same situation, some people are actually getting close matches. I don't even fall into the "good player" category as you've said this entire thread, but still I get alot of those close matches. Also, can't see a reason why bounty wouldn't be a punishment for y'all too, unless you were playing all day on bronze servers to boost your ego.


    1 hour ago, Queen of Love said:

    And Neither went less 400, why you didnT correct the other nice forum user?


    T. & H. spreads.....

    Do you want me to @ him so you can feel a little better? Grow up, all I'm stating is that the game was dying even before LO, not because of a patch. And @CookiePuss was probably talking about NA, which doesn't even avg. 250 players /week according to will.io ---can also be used for more numbers, since steamcharts only counts steam users, but will.io doesn't make the avg. /month only weekly numbers.

  10. 5 hours ago, Queen of Love said:

    there were 600 before this mutilation done by people that NEVER understood APB.

    congrats, 50% less in a month.

    the goal of 100% out is near.


    congrats also to supporters of this nice type of ideas (that neither play the game)

    The game havent avg'd 600 players since January, 2019. Removing bounty isn't what "killed" apb, the game has been losing players since 2015.


  11. 2 hours ago, Hey! said:

    1. added the Russians, and 2. added the Brazilians 

    LO didn't add any of them, buddy. The publishers of the game in their countries gave up on APB; G1's the one to blame, they were the ones to create the migration system to begin with. As a BR myself, we don't enjoy playing on "your" servers, all we ever wanted and ever will is having our on server with decent ms. This can also be used for Russians, I belive, but not only for them, as Australians also fall into the equation too. Do you actually think people enjoy having to play with high ms? I don't give a shit about your xenophobia, but at least be accurate on who you're putting the blame on.


    2 hours ago, Hey! said:

    3. rely on an utterly ineffective anticheat. 

    How can EAC be an "utterly ineffective anticheat"? It's used in one of the most successful games in history, it's basically at the same level of BE and only loses to FaceIT Client which is a absolutely invasive AC.  Some other points that you check before saying it's ineffective: P2C providers vanished almost completely since EAC was implemented; R255 cheaters used to almost rage-cheat in FC servers, now from time to time you only see some r40 doing this on EU, which means that some of them ARE getting banned; Fairfight is obsolete, which means that EAC is already superior to it. Also, take in consideration that LO claims to have something else to analyse the gameplay pattern of reported players, so it is something already.


    2 hours ago, Hey! said:

     What I well and do remember is under G1 the game had actual fast response to tickets, regular, even weekly Armas sales, GMs who at least tried to be in-game and observe based on player reports, and banned a lot of cheaters.  There was a point where hardcore banning accounts was unproductive and I long advocated temp bans... but as G1's population declined, their funding declined and they stopped paying for Fairfight updates and simply manually banned in the name of Fairfight... prior to that, and had the bans been temporary and faster than Fairfight's entirely too slow algorithm, the game population would have remained stable.  What LO has done to the game has shrunken the population by a magnitude of 10... leaving a game populated by thousands... a game populated by a few mere hundreds... and yes.. the SAME cheaters and exploiters who were mass unbanned... continue with impunity... because the system is so compromised, and the GMs so incapable and so lax... that nothing is done... except the playerbase continues to shrink... down that toilet bowl.

    Support is working as intended. I just had a problem with my account and the max waiting time I've had was 2 days, which isn't bad for a small team of customer support; There are weekly updates and patch notes, those not having sales sometimes doesn't mean it's bad; Fairfight never worked for this game, and it never will. Fairfight is an obsolete system in general due to the "evolution" of the cheating scene mainly with randomization (let's not get too in-depth on this one, but can check a forum with u and c and do some research on FF); Check steamcharts for the recent numbers pre-LO and post-LO, you'll see that the game have been losing 1k players each year since 2015, so LO isn't making more people leave, they were leaving long time ago; They were unbanned because G1 manually banned alot of them, as you've said.




  12. 35 minutes ago, Hey! said:

    The good news is, LO has so horribly managed the game it is now infested with exploiters, cheaters and toxics... as a consequence the game is almost dead and sure to be sold and LO's utter incompetence will be gone for good.  Game may die... but if a company actually installs an anticheat which isn't easily bypassed, and puts GMs into the district shadowing the gameplay and district communication... like they did on Nekrova... APB just might come back to life again.  LO listening to known cheaters, has failed harder than a G1 nightmare circling a toilet bowl.

    Game was WORSE when it comes down to cheating back in G1 days. I won't change my mind on this one, and it's quite clear if you actually sit down and remember those days.

    • Like 1

  13. Well, look at the brightside, at least you didn't dethreat to silver on purpose. You know you're gold, that's why you queue on Silver servers; you know that you can play fairly well if not soloing against premades. I mean, the thing most APB "play-4-fun" players will eventually do is dethreat to silver on purpose, this way they can keep a fake ego stomping actual new/bad players. You didn't do that, you kept playing even though you were losing and that's what makes you different from the rest.


    I don't wanna go full motivational coach type shit though, you still did only 3/11 on those matches so you must be doing something wrong. Leave the "better than me = cheating" mentality for those who are either really bad or "too good" to the point where they can see if someone is cheating. Also, don't focus on your hours, man. Mastering something is a damn long process. When it comes to apb it is even worse since, currently, I can't recall any game with such specific mechanics.


    Still, that's fixable. Unlike the delusional ones who run away to Bronze servers, those will never learn the game even when they hit 10k hours. Another thing that might be a little too obvious, but I'll say it anyway: stop caring about winning/losing or being silver/gold, this will help you with the "devastated" feeling. Just don't let this stop you from grinding. 🙂

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  14. 15 hours ago, Goldtiger said:

    I personally think the bounty changes are stupid. It was one of the things that made this game unique, and like you said, this change they made basically removed it, lol. All it did was make this game even more generic. I hope they decide to reverse it in the future.

    I don't know how you guys says that removing a broken mechanic which was pure rng is making the game more "generic". Come on, we have fully customizable characters/cars, a whole symbol system which you can make almost everyhing, theme creation with pretty advanced stuff and much more. Bounty doesn't make the game unique, all it did was annoy people doing their missions.

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  15. 13 hours ago, Umro said:

    Yes you could do that if you don't have many armas weapons or you don't care if you buy more on your new account but many players do have them and don't want to buy the same weapons again.You will always have a way to bypass the system but there would be much less disbalance in game

    Do the beginner missions and you already have some of the best guns in the game for free, and 1 for 10 days. XD

  16. 1 hour ago, Alani said:



    people think apb is a competitive shooter



    let me know who is in the top 'apb teams' and then tell me its a competitive shooter


    competitive shooter in games implies people can compete for winnings or actual tournaments lmao


    apb is no where near competitive. the fucking missions arent even asymmetrical lmao

    Have you ever played any arranged matches, just as Flaws said? I don't really play those anymore, but back in the ol' Hoplon days --brazilian game publisher that died a while ago --, we used to play some arranged matches and it WAS something else. When you narrow down the things which make this game "unique" but at the same time RNG-based, the player experience turns into something way bigger, and actually unique, than just an open-world pvp like GTA.


    I mean, anything can be a competitive game as long as there are people willing to play at their best, mobile competitive is the living proof of it. You can't ruin the experience of these people who are actually trying just because you want run around and have fun. The way the game was made doesn't mean it's not competitive. If devs had this mentality of prioritizing the casual player instead of the competitive one, eSports would never exist. There wouldn't be a 'Farming Simulator Championship' or even a mobile ones like I've said.

    • Like 1

  17. On 2/4/2020 at 11:11 AM, CookiePuss said:

    ugh where to start...


    There is matchmaking.

    Matchmaking works as intended.

    Adding 1 or 100 more threat colors or categories will have no impact in your in game experience.


    The problem with matchmaking is the number of players matchmaking has to pick from when trying to find you opp.


    40 players max.

    Subtract those already in missions.

    Subtract those in group sizes too large for matchmaking to pair.

    Subtract those also waiting for opp while unopposed in a mission.


    This is the problem with matchmaking.


    Should we ever get matchmaking across the entire player base and not just within a district, you should see some improvement. APB would still have a tiny overall player base to choose from compared to popular games, but it'd at least be better than the 40 we have now.

    You're right, my post lacked information and yours is actually able to explain it to me. Anyways, I still feel like green, bronze, silver and isn't enough. It probably won't have any impact in the actual games state, but try to see my point. When say divisions I don't limit it to having gold 1 - 10, I mean actual points. Points that says where you're at; so this can be used to balance the matches with the total rating points the team have; also, at the same time, make the player aware of how many points he has, how many he won in that match, how many left to derank or to rank up, etc. It is hard to explain though, I don' t have enough vocabulary to go in-depth but try to see Overwatch as an example. 

  18. Just as others said before, '/abandonmission' CAN NOT be removed in the current game's state. There's no matchmaking system in this game, and I don't believe anyone who says otherwise. I can't even count how many times I got queue'd with silver/bronze players, newcomers or oldtimers who doesn't have the time or will to play the game at their 100%, against gold 255 4-man tryharding.


    Forcing a gold player to play with those in their team is just mean. First, you fix the matchmaking by creating other elo divisions or just making a system that actually queues decent players vs decent players. Only then you can start thing of removing the command and you still have to considerate bad missions being reworked.

  19. 12 hours ago, Ketog said:

    With the engine upgrade will the game config files finally be encrypted so it can't be modified outside of the game ?


    People using configs with "no smoke , no muzzle flash , etc" are really unfair ,  why should normal players have to deal with all the smoke and particles while the config users doesn't ?


    i understand that they want FPS , but in certain scenarios those configs actually gives an unfair adventage .


    but this shouldn't be a thing , especially after the engine upgrade where performence should be better .

    Most of these changes aren't private anymore; you can use them if you want. Also, this won't make your life any better, in other words, if you suck without them you'll still suck while using them.


    In fact some of those changes can actually mess your gameplay up instead of helping, and I believe that at this point, using them is more of an "I want to be edGy gamer haha" then trying to improve the game performance itself.


    Even if they encrypt their files, someone will keep updating and using them. Thats just how APB players like to deal with stuff that gives them the pseudo exclusivity look.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Archon said:

    Aussies, BRs, so many got the short end of the stick already, if they merged it would just be unplayable for so many.

    As a BR myself, I can say that playing on EU is pretty much possible. I've been playing on EU instead of NA for like 6 months now, it's not like going from 160 to 190 is a big of a deal tbh. And I prefer EU over NA (even with the high ms) since you play with different people at least 3/5 matches.

    +1 for the merge, IO doesn't need to actually delete NA servers, just merge them in one and keep districts like "NA-Financial" "EU-Financial". This way you can actually play on both without switching characters.

    1 minute ago, displacement said:

    As a BR myself, I can say that playing on EU is pretty much possible. I've been playing on EU instead of NA for like 6 months now, it's not like going from 160 to 190 is a big of a deal tbh. And I prefer EU over NA (even with the high ms) since you play with different people at least 3/5 matches.

    +1 for the merge, IO doesn't need to actually delete NA servers, just merge them in one and keep districts like "NA-Financial" "EU-Financial". This way you can actually play on both without switching characters.

    LO** (why can't I edit my own post smh)

    • Like 2

  21. 21 minutes ago, Mitne said:
    And today new Master among 100 is our (insert dictionary word) thanks to his triggerbot/aimbot/wallhack/all of above (choose), joining the elite of cheating elite!1!
    But in all honesty, how you imagine that master being given? On what basis? Just because you killed silver team based on current matchmaking, you can be gold. So... how do you want to solve it? Master championships? And gold threat already punishes golds... now let's punish the best by matching them up with cheaters? Will be fun... Eherm... also this will make dethreating problem even worse.
    Why would you even dethreat when it's a ranked mode? I'm pretty sure my post lacked information but what I'm really taking about is a "new" mode, with ranked threats making you able to grind from bronze to masters. I'm not talking about the grind we have atm, I'm talking about points. MMR-based matchmaking, the kind of stuff that almost every new game has. If you're a casual player and don't want to play ranked mode, the open-district would be your solution, that's all. I'm giving some ideas based on what I've seen on other games, I'm just a player that wanted to see new stuff on this game. Anyway, to make my idea possible they would have create a lot of stuff and I don't think it would be possible even with the new engine. I'm sorry if I didn't add anything useful to this thread, I was just dreaming without considerating our current situation.
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