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Posts posted by kurbstomp88

  1. 6 hours ago, Kewlin said:


    I personally don't see a point to heavy barrel reducing spread, but I really think the range on shotguns needs to be brought back up.


    IDK how LO thought it was a buff to shotguns to destroy their range, especially the CSG.

    Because the player base spent years with shot guns only being viable in 5m corner camping unless your a god at on center aim and cried that they actually had to worry about shot guns flanking them. but now they almost feel worse then when G1 gutted them and made me quit the first time. yet  some how guns like the Euyrel fly under the radar as "balanced" even though it has extreme ttk massive magazine high rof and minimal movement reduction, or the kraken witch is essentially a stronger ntech with less bloom and more ammo 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Kewlin said:


    The fact that you proposed remote det as the only benefit of premium displays your extreme ignorance in this area. . . seeming as remote det is the only activatable mod that doesn't gain a benefit from premium, since it has a 1s cooldown either way. Even if the cooldown reduced, what are you going to do, put a new car on the objective 0.5s after it blows up and blow it up again?


    So. . . maybe you're the one who doesn't know what premium does? lol.

    or I don't use car det and even further proves that u don't gain a competitive edge for simply having premium 


  3. 20 hours ago, Kewlin said:


    Stop repeating close minded meme assumptions please: disliking the gameplay benefit of premium has nothing to do with supporting the game or having premium or not, lol. I have plenty of friends who have spent a shit ton on this game, including for premium, and do not like the cooldown benefits. You know what else will slow down development? The fact that every newbie thinks this game is pay to win, and you know what helps fix that? Making the game not pay to win. Sure, premium doesn't give a huge advantage, but it is an advantage nonetheless, and that's unacceptable in a game if it wants to have any semblance of being fair competition.


    Do you really want to gain an advantage in missions because you paid to? I have heard many people who've spent thousands on this game complain about the premium cooldown advantage, but I don't remember ever hearing a single person say that they liked that premium gave them better cooldowns than free players.

    are u serious people crying this game is p2w don't even know what premium does because these are the same people that cry guns like the stiletto and strife are p2w because they lost to it. the only time premium is an advantage is if u run car det and park it on objectives but we both know any1 doing that is max rank gold/silver with thousands of hours playing against other high silver/golds. ive played years with out premi and it was nothing more then an inconvenience of not being able to nos every time I get in my car


  4. got to love a society that created a entire generation that feels entitled to what every1 else has because you want it. the cd reduction is not game breaking or p2w its convenient but that's about it. 8 dollars a month is less then most of u spend on your daily coffee intake. seriously people nothing is free and making everything free will just mean the game shuts down to lack of income to keep servers up 

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  5. On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 5:42 AM, neophobia said:

    The pledging stuff is plainly wrong, as long as there is one contact that isn't max in the district you are in, you will earn standing.

    The opposite is the case: if you forget to unpledge/pledge to another one after maxing it out, you will not advance.

    So the safer way is to not pledge at all unless you want something specific. (or to track your progress outside of missions without going to the contacts tab)

    And if you stop advancing, switch to Waterfront if you were on Financial or vice versa.

    im with him on this one, I never pledged on my enf while leveling and as long as I had a contact that wasn't max it would do missions for them, and pledging to try to streamline toward specific weapons/car clothing isn't something a newbie is going to do well or even know the contact paths to get what they want or were to find them the thread is good however. also a little disclaimer to new players the first 100 hours of apb are all learning curve 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kewlin said:

    That was definitely an intended feature. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it cheese.

    To be perfectly honest, cars would barely be usable under most circumstances if you could be shot in them.
    this game would be almost unplayable if you could be shot in a car 
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  7. I don't understand this whole there's no content argument rank means nothing in this game and the entire game is killing people around missions. the combat is the content. and serg anytime I think about trying a free game on steam I make sure to look threw reviews to see if its worth the time of downloading it since there are so many money grab freemium games that devs completely neglect 

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  8. the biggest problem with open threat is a new player wont understand why some people kill them before they can react and others take a full clip to kill them and will just blame "hacking" and leave a shitty review on steam with 1 star calling the game p2w and littered with hackers 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    hurr durr durr durr mah ntec meta!


    The game is very playable, you just suck. Stop crying, pick up a JG, and join the fun.

    this Is how I feel about my thumper on test servers. they are gutting shotguns... well I enjoyed the weeks of shottys being like when I first started playing when the nerf hit live servers ill prob quit again.

  10. LO reverting the g1 shotty nerfs is the only reason I came back to apb if they gut shottys as bad as g1 did I will quit again. better yet while I'm here why does everyone cry about shottys but not a word is said about lmgs when they consistently carry that fastest ttk in the game have the largest magazine capacities and have up to 70m range

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