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Posts posted by speee

  1. I think you are posing interesting questions. Asymmetry and random factors in competitive games is not necessarily a bad thing. We can usually mitigate the issues that these factors would introduce by increasing our sample size. Lets say we estimate based on skill rankings that team A has a 80% chance to win and team B has a 20% chance. If both teams play against each other for 5 matches, theoretically team A would win 4 of the 5 matches. However, in practice it might be the case that team B defies the odds and wins all 5 matches. If we can increase our sample size to a larger number such as 100, we can decrease the overall effect of the random factors, which would then favor team A (the better team). The chance of team B taking the win is still always there. But the idea is that there will never be a perfect game. The only way to get around imbalances in a competitive environment is to keep playing the game until enough matches have been played to clearly declare a winner. There is a good presentation given by Richard Garfield here which I would recommend. Also check out this video if you want something a bit more succinct.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Kewlin said:


    What? Do you care to explain?

    I don't care to discuss specifics about each gun change. But in general, every gun should reward good aim. What is the alternative philosophy? Shotguns are wildly inconsistent and NFAS is a gun that kills way too fast with little requirement from the player, for example. Guns do need to be changed and reworked. Most people tend to use the guns that are most effective. Therefore, adding new guns to the mix will just create more problems.

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  3. If you are unable to give LO a few years more to work out the engine upgrade, then you are just an impatient pleasant fellow. I think it is time we see the bigger picture and stop whining about LO trying to make APB better for everyone. RIOT is just a small step in the right direction for the game. You will see soon enough.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Latsha said:

    More like another few never. It's depressing to see LO make all these wrong moves even when told by the community to avoid them.
    Didn't they promise some UE 3.5 screenshots soon though?

    They did. Also, Maniac was an awesome series.

  5. Before RIOT mode, I thought the game was surely going to die. I am glad you guys have your priorities straight and released RIOT mode in a timely manner. I think now players will see the true potential of APB. Also, take your time with the engine upgrade. I do not mind waiting a few more years for it. Just make APB the best it can be.


    Thank you LO!



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  6. 2 hours ago, Roxane said:

    Maybe they are trying to give something new to apb.


    Stop criticizing them.

    Ok Riot wasn't the best thing they have done. But as they said, they are still learning.


    Give them a little time. 🤷‍♀️



    At least they're trying to make APB stay alive.


    Or do you prefer G1?



    I think its fine. Honestly, who wouldn't mind waiting another few years for the engine?

  7. 21 minutes ago, Recon_Puppy said:

    The boycott falls within the category of free speech, they are allowed to do it and express it as they want as long as it doesn't negatively effect everyone.
    That being said the boycott isn't stopping you from doing missions. They aren't stopping you from getting opp, they are playing the game and having fun in their own way. Thats how the game was meant to be. You interpret the game as you want and play it as such, no one has the right to tell you that you can't do that, especially no one who is part of the same community, another player.
    You could say it, but it has no power.

    Also, I am heading to bed so I'll respond when I get back up. So feel free to respond.

    As it is, if someone plays the game with a group of 4 high threat players, the opposition is little to none. There is definitely negative affects by not readying up in an action district. There is almost no purpose to be doing any of the activities in the action district e.g. ram raiding.  And this is really just a flaw of the game itself. Lots of ideas the original developers had but did not flesh out. The reality is, these "protesters" are not doing any of those activities anyways. 


    I am not directly blaming them for the issues the game has. I think the game does need to be fixed in many areas. But deciding to not ready up only compounds those issues. 

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  8. 24 minutes ago, Recon_Puppy said:

    The OP is actually very much attacking, all you have to do is read it, its attacking the population that likes to have fun in the game. This isn't a thread discussing an issue. This is a thread that discusses a personal dislike of a certain group. There are real issues in the game i.e. server lag, to some degree poor optimizations (though it is better than before), low pop on it's own is an issue, but not how people play the game.
    Now, let's say that a group just jumps into the game and sits at Double B doing Absolutely nothing (Actual Loitering), that'd be an issue, but to a certain degree, the group he is attacking is actually doing a boycott of missions until things are fixed. Most of what I did in the game was Missions, and I have a few livestreams on it. However, not once did I say "Why are these people doing this? This isn't the way to play the game." No I said," Oh, that looks cool." and continued on my way. There are complaints of mission queue times  due to fake loitering, maybe currently with low pop, but you have to realize the pop will increase with improvements to the game, lessening the impact of fake loitering.

    Again, you are attacking just as much as the OP, you want to do missions, they aren't stopping you, and the amount of people who ride Dump Trucks is miniscule compared to the people doing the missions, I've been there. The only detriments are those who use the trucks as grief trucks.

    Just because you feel attacked by someone's opposing view, does not mean they are attacking you or anyone who shares your view. This is why we have discussions. Unfortunately, people prefer to appeal to their feelings instead of reality. The fact that you are willing to admit said group is doing a boycott should be enough for anyone to understand that it is not favorable for the game if it continues to happen. If you want to protest, do it here on the forums with open discussion. But leave it out of the game.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Recon_Puppy said:

    I get it, you legitimately care for the game and it's population. This just isn't the right way to solve something that isn't an actual issue.
    The game needs to be fixed first, if the game gets fixed LO could start promoting the game drawing new people in and bringing old people back into missions, then LO could focus on content expansion.
    I want to see this game thrive just as much as the next person, but attacking and pushing away part of the already small community is more detrimental than it is helpful.
    Threads like this divide the community on it's own, now more than ever  the community should be banding together and trying to keep the game afloat for LO to fix, not attacking each other.

    Nothing about the original post was attacking or pushing any one away. It addresses a real issue and opens a discussion. You want a community that comes together to keep the game afloat, but you don't want threads that open discussion about issues. I fail to see how some individuals could agree with the idea that we should not participate in a core aspect of APB "until they fix the game". The fact is that the game is the way it is right now, and if you do not like certain aspects of it, then do not ruin it for people who actually want to play it the way it is meant to be played in its current state.

    Just now, Glaciers said:

    if the game's population is so low don't you think the loiterers make no real difference?


    they'll leave and then the district will still be 30v40 or whatever

    The players who sit around not readying up are affecting the matchmaking process. The game requires people to ready up so that matches can start. If the loiters left, the district could fill up with players who want to participate in the missions. There are plenty of people spamming to get in when it is full, while certain people decide it is better to drive around in dump trucks for hours.

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  10. 7 hours ago, Mitne said:

    Ahhh. Nothing like pool which favors only one side of argument. And more idiotic one.

    BuT mAh MiSsIoNs.

    Can't even drive around or do some alternative shit, that's totally haram to you, eh?

    I might be try-hard but i'm so totally against killing fun part of community.

    Fun is subjective. Many people have fun doing missions. Just because you don't, doesn't mean you have to ruin it for others. The way things sit currently, there is no other viable way to level up your characters. When there is only one district with possibly enough players to get opposition, and there are one or two groups sitting around not participating in the only aspect of the game that allows players to progress their character, you could imagine how that could cause issues.

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