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  1. I've got a few friends that have this exact issue. They still can't log into districts.
  2. That really sucks... My father was in the hospital (he's doing a bit better now) and I didn't even have a chance to try and get the event finished... I was finally able to play again on Saturday thinking I could grind the event like we were able to in the past... but unfortunately that wasn't the case.. because of this timer... I was only able to do the daily's every 12 maybe 15 hours... I was also told by others, people who played for 5 years, they said when they tried playing the event the server was either crashing or down or just over populated. So the people who wanted to do this event didn't have a chance to because of these things that kept happening. I mean I can't log on all day and I'm sure it's the same about other people. It's not like I can have anyone go on my account for me because that's against Code of Conduct or whatever it's called... I don't mean to complain... but because of the glitch and ALL of the other things that were going on... it would've been nice to have a bit of extended time for the people who were WANTING to do this event... I have ALWAYS gotten excited when the Halloween Event was coming up.. Halloween is my favorite holiday afterall. But this year... everything that's happened.. I'm just disappointed..
  3. So i forgot to reply here again but the game is still crashing. Same thing.
  4. It seems to be working for now. If it crashes again when I play later I'll letcha know.
  5. I just crashed out lemme relaunch.
  6. The -1 is my m.2, one of my m.2. Where else would you like to check.
  7. If not here's another one... I think this is the one.. all of it won't fit though and makes my computer time out... 00:08:32 - Log: GolemPart M_Top_ShortSleeved_Functional_TeeTight_Golem doesn't have a Class ID assigned. Please open it with the Character Tool. 00:08:32 - APB_Audio: Terminated audio NPC interface 3935851296 for vehicle 2691956736 00:08:32 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_76) EndCrouch 31.0000 00:08:32 - Log: GolemPart M_Top_Longsleeved_Functional_SmartShirtPopped_Golem doesn't have a Class ID assigned. Please open it with the Character Tool. 00:08:32 - Mem: Memory Event: Day 1.005926 VB 3333181440 Prev 3329507328 LgDev 1 Thresh 3281831424 Dev 0051350016 LgDelta 0 Lim 0010000000 Delta 0003674112 00:08:32 - Mem: Setting new raised memory threshold of 3331831424 00:08:33 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 28.236090, base 16.573772, numframes 1, flags 0 00:08:33 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 1.005937 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 28.236090 FT_PrET 5.441212 _PrWT 0.091747 _Strm 0.151544 _PrTD 0.002931 _PNIx 0.031950 _TD 0.012311 _ATx 0.120473 _TT 6.904181 _UCLT 0.502410 _G11 0.611744 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.017294 _PWT 13.071455 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.002052 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.005569 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 0.931247 _Hst 0.006156 _APBE 1.104481 _PET 0.002345 _FES 0.002931 _MBk 0.000000 FT_other -0.777945 00:08:33 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 1.005937 TT_PreAWAT 1.880374 _DuringAWAT 1.044098 _FetchRes 0.051882 _RBNotifies 0.000293 _PostAWAT 3.111483 TT_other 0.816050 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.284035 _Ww 0.506514 _MSM 0.002931 _Pri 0.121645 Audio_other 0.016122 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.006156 _GC 0.016122 00:08:33 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 1.005937 PWT 13.071455 PrWT 0.091747 PWT_PreRV 1.167796 _RV 6.755862 _PostRV 5.134021 PWT_other 0.013777 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 6.611353 _GBB 0.000000 _GBF 0.000000 RV_other 0.144509 CPUren_IV 0.000000 _D 0.000000 _B 0.000000 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.000000 _T 0.000000 _O 0.000000 _AL 0.000000 CPUren_other 0.000000 00:08:33 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 1.005937 InBytes 0 InPackets 0 TOTAL 0 00:08:33 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): Day 1.005937 00:08:33 - Log: GolemPart M_Top_LongSleeved_Functional_SuitJacketCasual_Golem doesn't have a Class ID assigned. Please open it with the Character Tool. 00:08:33 - APB_Audio: Terminated audio NPC interface 3935874704 for vehicle 4024377344 00:08:33 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioCharacterImplementation - RegisterGameObject 2466898404 00:08:33 - APB_Audio: Register character game object 2466898404 00:08:33 - APB_IGABF: Adding request cCharacterRequest_169 for: cAPBPawn_83 00:08:33 - APB_IGABF: Memory cache found for request (build manager): cCharacterRequest_169 with component: cCustomisedSkeletalMeshComponent_298 00:08:33 - Mem: Memory Event: Day 1.005937 VB 3355553792 Prev 3338903552 LgDev 0 Thresh 3331831424 Dev 0023722368 LgDelta 1 Lim 0010000000 Delta 0016650240 00:08:33 - APB_Audio: Initialised audio NPC interface 3935849392 for vehicle 4189691904 00:08:33 - APB_Audio: AcAPBVehicleBase::SetAudioParameters called - 113 on interface 3935849392, actor 4189691904. Voice ME_UAF1,ME_AFA1 00:08:33 - APB_Audio: Damage State 2 (0) 00:08:34 - Log: UcAnimNodePlayEquipmentCSA::OnEquipmentCSAAnimEnd - End Intro 00:08:34 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioProjectileImplementation - Unregister Game Object 2692880164 00:08:34 - Log: GolemPart M_Armwear_Bracelets_Skate_StuddedRight_Golem doesn't have a Class ID assigned. Please open it with the Character Tool. 00:08:34 - Mem: Memory Event: Day 1.005949 VB 3369172992 Prev 3357528064 LgDev 0 Thresh 3331831424 Dev 0037341568 LgDelta 1 Lim 0010000000 Delta 0011644928 00:08:34 - APB_IGABF: Adding pre-cache requested cVehicleRequest_132 00:08:34 - APB_IGABF: Downloading descriptor for requested cVehicleRequest_132 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) cAPBPawn_78 cAPBPawn::ChangedDyingData!!! 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_DyingData.eDyingState - eDS_OnFoot 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_DyingData.bForceRagdoll - True 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_DyingData.fImpulseScale - 1.0000 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_DyingData.nExplosionType - 0 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_DyingData.vExplosionLocation - 0.00,0.00,0.00 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_DyingData.nControllerUID - 11178662 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) bTearOff - True 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) TearOffMomentum - 1.00,0.00,-1.00 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) DamageType - cWeaponDamageType 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_fDespawnDelay - 5.0000 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) m_fDespawnDelayMax - 30.0000 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) cAPBPawn_78 cAPBPawn - DyingOnFoot 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) cAPBPawn_78 Pawn::State Dying 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_78) cAPBPawn::BeginOnFootDeathSequence - Ragdoll 00:08:35 - Log: [AcAPBPawn::GetPhysicsImpulse] No Valid Bone, new bone = None 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 25.786180, base 16.321667, numframes 1, flags 0 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 1.005961 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 25.786180 FT_PrET 2.876693 _PrWT 0.350866 _Strm 0.003811 _PrTD 4.352560 _PNIx 0.096730 _TD 0.302794 _ATx 0.275827 _TT 8.071390 _UCLT 0.786738 _G11 0.419164 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.017294 _PWT 6.843212 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.000000 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.005276 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 0.503289 _Hst 0.014656 _APBE 0.671248 _PET 0.001172 _FES 0.002931 _MBk 0.000000 FT_other 0.190529 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 1.005961 TT_PreAWAT 4.346111 _DuringAWAT 1.100378 _FetchRes 0.070935 _RBNotifies 0.003811 _PostAWAT 1.753452 TT_other 0.796704 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.278172 _Ww 0.030778 _MSM 0.002052 _Pri 0.179097 Audio_other 0.013190 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.014656 _GC 0.016415 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 1.005961 PWT 6.843212 PrWT 0.350866 PWT_PreRV 1.280354 _RV 1.473228 _PostRV 4.077611 PWT_other 0.012018 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 1.393499 _GBB 0.000000 _GBF 0.000000 RV_other 0.079729 CPUren_IV 0.000000 _D 0.000000 _B 0.000000 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.000000 _T 0.000000 _O 0.000000 _AL 0.000000 CPUren_other 0.000000 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 1.005961 InBytes 262 InPackets 1 ClientAckGoodMove 1 0.01 TOTAL 1 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): Day 1.005961 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 31.685541, base 16.517885, numframes 1, flags 0 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 1.005961 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 31.685541 FT_PrET 1.389688 _PrWT 0.279638 _Strm 2.009933 _PrTD 0.003517 _PNIx 0.030191 _TD 0.011432 _ATx 1.003648 _TT 9.299569 _UCLT 0.821033 _G11 1.072531 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.021398 _PWT 14.906688 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.000000 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.005276 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 0.308071 _Hst 0.004690 _APBE 0.476029 _PET 0.002638 _FES 0.003517 _MBk 0.000000 FT_other 0.036054 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 1.005961 TT_PreAWAT 2.581227 _DuringAWAT 2.131579 _FetchRes 0.074746 _RBNotifies 0.007035 _PostAWAT 3.531820 TT_other 0.973163 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.130732 _Ww 0.007035 _MSM 0.002052 _Pri 0.157113 Audio_other 0.011139 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.004690 _GC 0.019639 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 1.005961 PWT 14.906688 PrWT 0.279638 PWT_PreRV 2.016382 _RV 2.850312 _PostRV 10.026803 PWT_other 0.013190 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 2.637799 _GBB 0.000000 _GBF 0.000000 RV_other 0.212513 CPUren_IV 0.000000 _D 0.000000 _B 0.000000 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.000000 _T 0.000000 _O 0.000000 _AL 0.000000 CPUren_other 0.000000 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 1.005961 InBytes 0 InPackets 0 TOTAL 0 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): Day 1.005961 00:08:35 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) ClientSelfSay: "INVALID_USABLE_SLOT" 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 27.745403, base 16.578316, numframes 1, flags 0 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 1.005961 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 27.745403 FT_PrET 7.848032 _PrWT 0.196391 _Strm 0.428543 _PrTD 0.001759 _PNIx 0.044261 _TD 0.181442 _ATx 0.130732 _TT 6.630113 _UCLT 0.621417 _G11 0.805791 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.019346 _PWT 10.146983 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.002345 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.004104 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 0.481892 _Hst 0.004397 _APBE 0.654247 _PET 0.001466 _FES 0.002638 _MBk 0.000000 FT_other -0.460496 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 1.005961 TT_PreAWAT 3.153107 _DuringAWAT 1.078980 _FetchRes 0.070056 _RBNotifies 0.003517 _PostAWAT 1.406983 TT_other 0.917470 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.254722 _Ww 0.007035 _MSM 0.002638 _Pri 0.205478 Audio_other 0.012018 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.004397 _GC 0.017001 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 1.005961 PWT 10.146983 PrWT 0.196391 PWT_PreRV 1.184797 _RV 2.803999 _PostRV 6.147048 PWT_other 0.011139 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 2.683819 _GBB 0.000000 _GBF 0.000000 RV_other 0.120180 CPUren_IV 0.000000 _D 0.000000 _B 0.000000 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.000000 _T 0.000000 _O 0.000000 _AL 0.000000 CPUren_other 0.000000 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 1.005961 InBytes 302 InPackets 1 ClientAckGoodMove 1 0.01 ClientRemoveStrafeFiring 1 0.00 TOTAL 2 00:08:35 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): Day 1.005961 00:08:36 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 30.822300, base 16.855642, numframes 1, flags 0 00:08:36 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 1.005972 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 30.822300 FT_PrET 8.259281 _PrWT 0.137474 _Strm 0.145974 _PrTD 0.002052 _PNIx 0.018760 _TD 0.367574 _ATx 0.094971 _TT 6.532796 _UCLT 0.654833 _G11 0.388972 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.011725 _PWT 12.113534 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.000000 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.004397 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 1.654084 _Hst 0.004690 _APBE 1.864838 _PET 0.002345 _FES 0.003224 _MBk 0.000000 FT_other -1.439228 00:08:36 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 1.005972 TT_PreAWAT 1.561458 _DuringAWAT 1.343082 _FetchRes 0.070935 _RBNotifies 0.007328 _PostAWAT 1.729709 TT_other 1.820284 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.957628 _Ww 0.012018 _MSM 0.002931 _Pri 0.664213 Audio_other 0.017294 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.004690 _GC 0.010845 00:08:36 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 1.005972 PWT 12.113534 PrWT 0.137474 PWT_PreRV 0.551068 _RV 3.060480 _PostRV 8.489967 PWT_other 0.012018 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 2.915678 _GBB 0.000000 _GBF 0.000000 RV_other 0.144802 CPUren_IV 0.000000 _D 0.000000 _B 0.000000 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.000000 _T 0.000000 _O 0.000000 _AL 0.000000 CPUren_other 0.000000 00:08:36 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 1.005972 InBytes 289 InPackets 1 ClientAckGoodMove 1 0.01 TOTAL 1 00:08:36 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): Day 1.005972 00:08:36 - APB_Audio: Initialised audio NPC interface 3935852864 for vehicle 4266958848 00:08:36 - APB_Audio: AcAPBVehicleBase::SetAudioParameters called - 47 on interface 3935852864, actor 4266958848. Voice FE_AMJ1,FE_LAM1,FE_AME1,FE_AME2,FE_AME3,FE_AUS1,FE_KOR1 00:08:36 - APB_Audio: Damage State 2 (0) 00:08:36 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_75) StartCrouch 31.0000 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) cAPBPawn_80 cAPBPawn::ChangedDyingData!!! 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_DyingData.eDyingState - eDS_OnFoot 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_DyingData.bForceRagdoll - True 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_DyingData.fImpulseScale - 1.1000 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_DyingData.nExplosionType - 0 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_DyingData.vExplosionLocation - 0.00,0.00,0.00 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_DyingData.nControllerUID - 2537900 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) bTearOff - True 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) TearOffMomentum - 1.00,0.00,0.00 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) DamageType - cWeaponDamageType 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_fDespawnDelay - 5.0000 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) m_fDespawnDelayMax - 30.0000 00:08:37 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_80) BeginOnFootDeath - (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime) = 19.0693 00:08:37 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioCharacterImplementation - Unregister game object 2466899812 00:08:37 - MeshStreamingError: LOD finalize skip for mesh: GolemSkeletalMesh Transient.CharacterMesh_325 LOD Index: 0 00:08:37 - APB_Audio: Terminated audio NPC interface 3935871232 for vehicle 4016062464 00:08:37 - APB_IGABF: Adding pre-cache requested cVehicleRequest_132 00:08:37 - APB_IGABF: Adding request cVehicleRequest_132 with priority 0.00 00:08:38 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_75) EndCrouch 31.0000 00:08:38 - APB_IGABF: Request cCharacterRequest_162 switched to the mesh generation stage. 00:08:38 - Warning: cSkelMeshBucketAllocator: Couldn't find a compatible bucket. Size=226656, RenderResource=Skeletal-mesh vertex buffer. 00:08:38 - hosting: Receive [WS2GC_CHAT_DISTRICT] 00:08:38 - hosting: m_nCharacterUID 11680206 00:08:38 - hosting: m_eChatTag 0 00:08:38 - hosting: m_bBypassIgnore 0 00:08:38 - hosting: m_szMessage papi shampoooo 00:08:38 - hosting: m_nSilence 0 00:08:38 - ScriptLog: (cHostingNameQuery_0) CharacterUID 11680206 name search 00:08:38 - ScriptLog: (cHostingNameQuery_0) name found (gameinfocache) 00:08:38 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_75) StartCrouch 31.0000 00:08:39 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_75) EndCrouch 31.0000 00:08:39 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 33.181633, base 16.630030, numframes 1, flags 0 00:08:39 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 1.006007 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 33.181633 FT_PrET 4.593505 _PrWT 0.173528 _Strm 0.004690 _PrTD 0.002052 _PNIx 0.025502 _TD 0.545206 _ATx 0.093213 _TT 7.028758 _UCLT 0.567190 _G11 0.797290 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.017587 _PWT 18.524685 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.000000 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.004983 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 0.454045 _Hst 0.005569 _APBE 0.625521 _PET 0.002638 _FES 0.003224 _MBk 0.000000 FT_other -0.287555 00:08:39 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 1.006007 TT_PreAWAT 2.517913 _DuringAWAT 2.721046 _FetchRes 0.061262 _RBNotifies 0.000293 _PostAWAT 0.845948 TT_other 0.882296 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.192874 _Ww 0.121352 _MSM 0.002345 _Pri 0.123111 Audio_other 0.014363 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.005569 _GC 0.016415 00:08:39 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 1.006007 PWT 18.524685 PrWT 0.173528 PWT_PreRV 1.451244 _RV 12.425415 _PostRV 4.634249 PWT_other 0.013777 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 11.112525 _GBB 0.000000 _GBF 0.000000 RV_other 1.312890 CPUren_IV 0.000000 _D 0.000000 _B 0.000000 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.000000 _T 0.000000 _O 0.000000 _AL 0.000000 CPUren_other 0.000000 00:08:39 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 1.006007 InBytes 263 InPackets 1 TOTAL 0 00:08:39 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): Day 1.006007 00:08:39 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioProjectileImplementation - RegisterGameObject 2867578116 00:08:40 - APB_IGABF: Request cCharacterRequest_162 switched to the texture generation stage. 00:08:40 - Error: FMallocWindows: direct allocation failed. LastError = 8 00:08:40 - Error: Allocating from OS (aligned): 1048576 00:08:40 - Error: User-requested size (non-aligned): 1048576 00:08:40 - Critical: appError called: Out of memory! 00:08:40 - Critical: Windows GetLastError: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command. (8) 00:08:40 - Log: Exception handler starts. 00:08:40 - Log: Main thread is suspended. 00:08:40 - Log: UE3 memory allocator is unlocked. 00:08:40 - Log: Memory freed for exception handler. 00:08:40 - Log: ErrorCode : 0x7466DDC2 00:08:40 - Log: Create minidump. 00:08:40 - Log: Create internal minidump: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.08.11-19.41.14-7128.dmp 00:08:40 - Log: Create an empty file for the internal minidump. 00:08:40 - Log: Generate internal minidump with MiniDumpWriteDump. 00:08:40 - Log: MiniDumpWriteDump for internal minidump failed! GetLastError: -2147024865 00:08:40 - Log: Generate external dump file name. 00:08:40 - Log: Create external minidump: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.08.11-19.41.14-7128_Catcher.dmp 00:08:40 - Log: Copy the exception info to shared memory 00:08:40 - Log: Wake up APB_Catcher. 00:08:40 - Log: Wait for APB_Catcher to finish. 00:08:40 - Log: APB_Catcher failed! 00:08:40 - Log: Creating external mini-dump failed! 00:08:40 - Log: Process mindump file: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.08.11-19.41.14-7128.dmp 00:08:40 - Log: kdprogram -z C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.08.11-19.41.14-7128.dmp -y "Lib/Release_USER;Symbols/Release_USER" -c ".ecxr;.lines -e;k 50;q" 00:08:40 - Log: Executable not found! 00:08:40 - Log: RunAppProc failed! 00:08:40 - Log: ProcessMiniDump failed! 00:08:40 - Log: Search for callstack text. 00:08:40 - Log: Callstack text not found. 00:08:40 - Log: 00:08:40 - Log: Exception: Sending CrashReport callback event... 00:08:40 - Log: Client crash report 00:08:40 - Log: Map waterfrontdistrict_master 00:08:40 - Log: Pawn location 124754.1 135198.1 718.2 00:08:40 - Log: Exception: Calling HandleError()... 00:08:40 - Log: === Critical error: === Out of memory! History: 00:08:40 - Log: Log file closed, 11/08/18 20:08:40
  8. Not really sure if this is right 00:11:18 - Log: Log file open, 11/08/18 20:11:18, PID 3996. 00:11:18 - Init: ..\APBGame\Logs\ 00:11:19 - Init: OS details: 00:11:19 - Init: Version number: 10.0 (eOsType 14) 00:11:19 - Init: Windows 10 64Bit 00:11:19 - Log: CreateProc APB_Catcherprogram 3996 00:11:19 - Thread: Thread ExceptionHandler created with stack 262144 and priority 'normal' 00:11:19 - Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467 00:11:19 - Thread: Thread Main created with stack 2097153 and priority 'normal' 00:11:19 - Warning: FConfigCacheIni::LoadFile failed loading file as it was 0 size. Filename was: ..\APBGame\Config\ConsoleFilter.ini 00:11:19 - Init: Genuine USER_BUILD exe. 00:11:19 - Init: Genuine SAFE_BUILD exe. 00:11:19 - Init: Version: 3908 00:11:19 - Init: Compiled: Aug 8 2018 18:40:57 00:11:19 - Init: Changelist: 218742 00:11:19 - Init: Command line: -language=1033 00:11:19 - Init: Base directory: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\ 00:11:19 - Init: Character set: Unicode 00:11:19 - Init: Whitelist filtering inactive 00:11:19 - Init: appCycles test took 33.360144 ms 00:11:19 - Init: APBEngine.ini successfully deleted 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBEditor.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBEditorUserSettings.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBEngine.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBGame.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBInput.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBUI.ini 00:11:19 - Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ..\APBGame\Config\APBMachineOptions.ini 00:11:19 - Init: Init signal handers... 00:11:19 - Init: Init Terminate and Unexpected handlers... 00:11:19 - Init: ...done 00:11:19 - Init: Computer: DESKTOPA0N8JS8 00:11:19 - Init: User: louis 00:11:19 - Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4 00:11:19 - Init: CPU Detected: AuthenticAMD 00:11:19 - Init: Using smoothed QPC for timing. 00:11:19 - Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.411556 MHz 00:11:19 - Init: Memory total: Phys=4194303K Pagef=4194303K Virt=4194176K 00:11:19 - Init: APB game exe identifier: Release_USER 1-19-6_FLOWER@791420 Inst:0 00:11:19 - Init: Presizing for 200000 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 31457280 bytes. 00:11:19 - Init: Presizing for 400000 objects in StaticMap, pre-allocating 94371840 bytes. 00:11:19 - Init: Object subsystem initialized 00:11:19 - Log: GetRegistryParentKey: Software\GamersFirst\APB\ 00:11:19 - Log: GetRegistryInstallPathValue: Installation Path 00:11:19 - Log: GetRegistryTagValue: Tag 00:11:19 - APB_Steam: Initialising Steam Client 00:11:19 - APB_Steam: Steam Client initialised successfully 00:11:19 - Log: appRequestExit(0) 00:11:19 - Exit: Exiting. 00:11:19 - Log: Log file closed, 11/08/18 20:11:19 I really hope this is the one you want.. if not tell me specific one... I know theres a file called "Current" It's really super long though..
  9. I really have no idea what to do anymore. I log in can do something maybe for 10-15 minutes and then my game crashes. You know that thrill you get when you're doing amazing at the start of a mission? Well imagine that and then your game crashes.. so you relaunch.. same feeling again.. and then it crashes. thats been happening to me all week. I don't know what else to do. I checked all the stats of my computer. There are no problems with my computer at all. I have all the required stats to run this game and I have NEVER had this issue before. Secondly my friend can't even load into a district. She gets the loading screen and then the game crashes. Anyone have any fixes to these problems? I've uninstalled and reinstalled. I've restarted my computer. I've checked my drivers for updates. Everything is up to date and running just fine.. I really just want this problems fixed so I can finally play...
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