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2 Neutral
  1. Firstly, I'm for changes and I agree meta shifts keep things fresh and healthy. However, the game has been largely unchanged for years and the changes are under the roof of new ownership.. I understand people being wary.
  2. fair points, I also haven't played long enough to run into every situation you've mentioned so I'll take your word for it. as far as competitive/casual goes I think the mission system is in such a bad gray middle ground in-between competitive and casual; for example I agree with you that casual players should be able to leave missions without punishment but I think the way people abuse it on a competitive level isn't okay. APB needs ranked and unranked game modes whenever they fix the threat system, so they can balance out different rules.. with the current population it'll just segregate our small community even further though.. so I guess it'll have to wait.
  3. What is wrong with dodging missions ? Should you just be able to dodge missions and players until you get a favorable situation? I don't understand not understanding. Name one competitive game that you can freely dodge in.
  4. I feel like removing /abandonmission is just a band-aid fix. They need to work on getting rid of round-about ways of abusing the system like punishing people for multiple abandons. Sometimes there's a legitimate reason to leave one game but when it becomes repetitive their obviously dodging. (edit. I think heavy items can be fun but Crem de la Crime is terrible.) we also need a proper vote kick system.
  5. I'd say keep at it if you have fun editing video; just keep practicing and learn from big APB content creators or random editing guides. besides what these two pointed out work on your cuts, you either had sped up video or amateur looking cuts. Also, stay away from cheesy looking effects (like interlacing) and text.... The text you used to add your name was horrendous.
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