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Everything posted by Goldexen

  1. I just drove it yesterday and... well, it still can't compete with top tier compacts because it's slow and now with nitro, pushed very early, you'll get wheelspining for like 3 seconds of nitro and i must say: i don't envy devs right now because they're literally ran out of things to buff this car: 1)if you add even more acceleration - you'll get wheelspin even without nitro and with it you'll negative acceleration+torque steering like hell 2)if you buff handling - then it can return to the previous state where you can roll over in corner, or you just will lose more speed while turning 3)last one: if you make it AWD, then it'll become another top tier compact without any unique features while also being ahead of them by Max Speed But at the same time if you leave it in this way - nobody will use it because it's crap i also don't get why it received trunk size nerf when became updated version of regular varzuga
  2. it's because Rally Group 5 exist where you can drive only 2WD cars So i think that this Varzuga referring to this group of course it would be better with AWD to became new 3rd top tier compact car, and of course Balkan also has AWD car(Ravan) so it even will be lore-wise thing but as soon as this car doesn't provide any issue while driving it - i think it's good being FWD
  3. because before devs added this car into progression - it was a niche meme car nobody cares about but when people started to use it - they found a "surprise" that Rally XS is a rolling shit! Of course i was talking about similar behavior 2 years ago in my compacts' video, but nobody cared since then
  4. it's basically means nothing, because Cisco is still a trash, but if you wonder: it means that chassis will be less squating when you accelerate i.e. less weight distribution when you drive your car also And yes, i too noticed that Cisco became slower, but it was since the update with changing Cisco's weight
  5. Well, if you took cars' balance into consideration, then what about a)fast fixes: 1)Return regular Vegas G20 acceleration from RTW's times? example is here(https://youtu.be/f5m89parnmo) at 3:38 2)buff of the Moirai in terms of max speed and reverse gear? 3)fix Ravan's no torque boost from nitro? 4)returning Han Cellante into shops? 5)(maybe) lowering price of Dolton Montane WCW from 300 to like 150 JT to.make it more viable for T-players? 6)raise up Charge Sentinel's HP like you wanted to in one of the patch notes? b)long time fixes: 1)return Fresno it's RTW's physics when it was not that low and at least usable 2)complete rework of Varzuga Rally XS or big buffs to it? 3)complete rework of Macchinas with also changing their appearance? 4)give freshly registered players options to choose an additional starter cars like it was made with weapons? 5)give Ravan an "senior" version, like Coywolf to Veo? and also give it car sounds with Kit from Coywolf? They're share wheelbase so it's not a problem to fit this kit to Ravan Good work tho, nice to see that game is still updating and have a balance tweaks, i really like to watch cars' variety on the roads after non stoping Vegas 4x4 showing 99.9% of time in prime time of G1 Thank you for that upd8: And ALSO, i completely forgot about that What about to buff unpopular blue mods options for cars? Yep, we all know that Spawner is OP mod with every nerf because of conception, but about to buff Mobile Supply Unit and Extra Cargo Capacity? for 1st one it will be good to decrease occupied place in trunk from 3 to 2 or even to 1 piece, because even yellow supply box is only 2 pieces in trunk, this change will significantly increase pick rate of compact cars(even calabria) and MSU mod, while also increasing team work of group and adds more variability into character's mod, and for ECC i can suggest to add buff that with this mod you will not lose that much torque of a fully loaded car while also increasing additional trunk's space that's how i see situation about blue mod: not only nerfing primary option, but also make others more viable
  6. Well, since they destroyed spawnpoints for NPC vehicles - i'am not surprised - NPC cars are spawning from free space right now, devs don't give a shit about those who making actual online and making game even worse
  7. 1.Why 3 golds aghaints 4 silvers can call backup and got 4th gold, but silvers can't? Where is balance? 2.Is it possible to return threat-copies back? 3.Where is buff to Sungnyemun Moirai? It has dead rear gear and completely obsolete in $30k range(even Fresno is better because it has biggest HP among all purchasable vehicles) 4.Can we receive "senior" versions of older cars for $5k like Han Veo -> Han Coywolf 5.Where is buff to Balkan Varzuga Rally XS, as well, as ability to buy it normally and customizable? 6.Where is a buff to Charge Sentinel's HP? 7.Are you going to remove these stupid factions' restrctions and add cars into each others purchasable pool? Because it's not funny that both factions have alternatives only via armas 8.What about promised PVE mode? 9.Where is a fix to Balkan Ravan's lack of torque boost from nitro? 10.Maybe, if you set high stakes on JT - then make it main "donate" cash, instead of G1C? And move all items from ARMAS to Joker Store? Also made it moveable between players, as Warframe did? - It will change game from P2W(for newcomers) to slightly Market-Sitting 2 Gain 11.What about craft-system as in Warframe? Like you have a chance to get a weapon's piece from mission and that is also tradeble between players(like: you'll get receiver from Joker CR-5 and you can trade it for missing buttstock of DMV-AV and after that you'll build it with blueprint) 12.What about new modes, like, for example: derby? normal races and mods for them? drift event etc.? 13.Also, after reforming armas it will be good to see an price reduction for donate items About car buffs - you can read it here: -> Spreadsheet of APB's cars <-
  8. Hewwo evywan :3 We vecowded a video that veveted to discuss @MattScott after 5 years of ruling EyPiBi Reloyded for a whole 1.5 hours ^^ Hope you enjoyved dis ^^ Also feel free to check translition of highlight-phrases in comments section, i translated these sentences specially for you, my dear community ;* Dont' look for a age restrictions - we just so excitied about 5 year celebration :<
  9. Thread can be closed, no necessary support has achieved
  10. Thank you for support! IDK seems like they're not care about this
  11. Wow, that's pretty good work particularly pleased with the attention to details and geometry, it will be nice addition to the APB if LO actually cared about community work, especially this one with like 90% of work's done
  12. what does it mean? i tried to read this sentence many times but don't understand anyway vaquero now can drive 22 m/s or what?
  13. Thank you for support! Like watching your videos
  14. I recently watched patch notes to find one with "buff" of regular Vegas G20 and found this post: MIKRO & VAQUERO BUFF I mean, this is cool, that moderators are checking forum and listen community, but the problem is that i wrote about those things like 3 years ago in this thread: And in my spreadsheet: (Last Change was in October 10, 2021) So, i wondering: is "Community Corner>Fan Sites & Communities & Promotions" don't checking by Moderators or it's just that theme isn't popular? Anyway, i feel nice that cars were changed in better side, so i'd like to test them, but on a special server for testing without NPCs(like i posted in my "Car Comparison" thread), maybe there is an option to make it? Because NPCs are really ruining tests I'am not asking for something special, because i know, that i'am yet another player of which there are many in APB, but why not try and find out? Especially that i don't ask something extraordinary, and i made/making this videos for a community(and also balancers of game for sure) and this thing will be really helpful and allow me to make videos faster and maybe more better, like making more Sprint runs instead of only 3, or 15 instead of 10 laps on circuit because, like i said before, NPCs are main ruining factor in my tests
  15. >Car balance >Only 2 tweaks you know, this is a joke, right? Where is Varzuga Rally? Where is fix for nitro on Ravan not giving any boost? Where is fix for Moirai's rear gear? Ah, yes redacting HP is most simpliest thing, i forgor
  16. Lol? i always thought that this weapon need an buff, not nerf? This thing is already too narrow-specialized and even in it's niche it still performs bad I don't understand at all Also, if you want to change cars' balance - can you, please, fix the spawn of traffic cars that just appears in line of sight from nowhere? I remember times when i tested cars and for first episoded of "Car Comparison" there was a good thing that i could block NPCs from driving on tracks-for-tests, but the more videos i uploaded - the worse situation becoming, like someone specially ruined their spawning (example:APB: Reloaded - Bishada Rapier vs Charge Cisco vs IO Growl: Car comparison)
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