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Posts posted by iPlumbum

  1. On 6/11/2018 at 5:12 AM, Akito said:

    lmao u know how there's an influx of posts being thrown around where the OP is saying "nerf this" "nerf that" "PLEASE"


    All I ask is that you actually come with backed up statements and actual proof behind your arguements rather than "Oh, I dont know how to deal with it, it must be an exploit or the game is broken because clearly no one is better than me in this game"


    ur not that good, please get that through your head 🙂


    stop complaining and actually learn to play the game, if the feature is indeed unbalanced the playerbase would let the developers know of how broken the mechanic is or gun (e: yukon, and even then yukon is easy to counter if u got more than 2 brain cells) LTL is not OP, and no this game isnt pro enforcer. U can literally become more rich as a crim than you are enf.... 


    these kids want the game to be "balanced" so that their silver self can have an easier time whilst simultaneously ruining everyone else's fun.

    the problem with APB isnt really mainly focused on the guns itself. It's the way the game is played. Some people are clearly better at the game naturally because its easier for them to learn the game than most people.


    That doesnt immediately mean that low skill players who never even took the time of day to see gun stats and only ask other silvers about "whats the best gun bro" (most of the time other silvers would say the "Atac is the best gun bro it has no recoil and it fires fast") should be given special treatment due to how low effort and brain dead they are about the whole game in general. 


    I sincerely hope the LO doesnt create a "protected" group filled with silvers and bronze that cry and whine about everything because they cant wrap their heads around the idea that "strategy" exists in every game and that you have to use your brain to actually play a game...


    like... "whoaaa! he just killed me with the starter pistol he must be haxing xDDDD"

    no, its called u suck and you should "get gud" (there's no other way to put it really)


    stop crying on the forums about things that need to get "Nerfed" because clearly you have NO idea what you're talking about since you've probably either returned to the game after years of hiatus OR you're a new player who came from other games where the game isnt as competative or strat based as APB.


    Example of Bronze - Silver tactics and


    *After watching the clip*

    -compare that gameplay to an actual decent player who has taken the time to learn how to actually aim and time their shots, because 9/10 that gameplay you saw is how most people in bronze play....

    -yet they wanna have the game "balanced" to fit their own needs








    pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttt stop



  2. Just now, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    Wtf is this thread all about. I ve been shooting with my mouse wheel for a long time when I 1st heared about it, and I would never do it again. It sucks, shots are imprecise, and there is like no room for getting better with it. Sometimes I feel like this forum is full of silvers. Complaining about n-tec, LTL, APB being p2w, mouse wheel. Lol :classic_biggrin: 


    You're doing it wrong then.


    Semi Auto's will shred you instantly when it's done correctly.

    • Like 2

  3. 20 minutes ago, Defibrillator said:

    Next time say Lixil is giving away free nanos in social.



    Usually as I sit in Social waiting for a spot, i normally find a GM in there doing a giveaway, obviously I have to let my team know whos in the district to let everyone know so they dont miss out!

  4. Banned nearly 20 times but hes legit now guys.




    Regardless if hes cheating now or not. You can easily hide cheats whilst streaming, it isnt hard. Any beginner and run around with esp and silent aim without it showing on stream.

    Personally it doesn't matter if hes legit now, he did cheat, which only added to the problem.


    I dont see why people are so easy to forgive and forget when it was you that these people were cheating against. They had to cheat to get a name for themselves, they deserve to be reminded by that fact.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2

  5. 6 minutes ago, Ashn said:

    You must be blind then mate... Flaws did cheat back in 2016. He hasn't cheated on APB since then, he doesn't have aimbot etc, he is just good at the game. you can clearly see that he doesn't have aimbot, an aimbot is locked onto a person. you can see flaws aim doesn't lock onto anyone he has smooth aim good tracking he doesn't cheat he's just a good player.

    not sure if serious

    • Like 2

  6. 6 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    Are you sure about all what just happened?


    See the other day another guy posted about "x streamer liked my customization xD", and i just asked if it was not spam to link channels outside the proper subforum... and then "BECAUSE OF THIS GUY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS, BLAH BLAH BLAH". Rly?

    What if i start posting about what summitg1c likes? Would anyone care at all?


    Subtle spam still spam.


  7. 7 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    Why would you insult id people?


    Comeon, are you trying to act here? We know lust is not new around this community, he knows we would freak out by seeing a gm interfering with missions again, and he posted it with all the intention 😉

    I doubted Matt for a second and made Matt lose his time, how could make us go through all this? How dare him...


    I was not wrong into thinking about blocking streamers... they will spam their channels like we are seeing lately and bring these kind of stuff.

    Now shinni has more viewers and we triggered our ptsd.


    EDIT: I am waiting for lust to apology to the community and the gm fired, who only tried to be playful.

    Is it insulting if its true? I always wondered that.


    If the GM wanted to be playful, next time he can go tickle his own ballsack instead of fucking about with peoples missions.

  8. 2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Heres another valuabe bit of info:


    If you took all the red blood cells in a child's body and laid them end to end... you would be charged with murder. 


    1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

    please don’t encourage him, he’ll start to think his posts are valuable 

    I have been giving information to avoid getting caught for murder, this is very valuable.

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