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Posts posted by iPlumbum

  1. I would suggest to not tickle your ballsack over a game character, especially ones that are depicted as underage (weaboo)


    APB is already becoming too cringe with the amount of weaboo and furry trash in it. We dont need to be in a district and see some weaboo or a wolf with genitalia hanging out. 


    These people should be in prison. If you "perv" on apb characters I feel sorry for you.

  2. I think most peoples initial thought when reading this would be, double damage if dual wielding came into the game.


    But a simple toggle button in your locker on your secondary weapon tab to enable or disable dual wielding, and its purely cosmetic, so they would just have to add the animations of holding two pistols instead of one.


    That way there is no weapon balancing to be done etc and it would fit well with peoples character designs where they have a gun holster on each leg i.e. my character.


    Everybody wins.

  3. After 8 years of repetitive strain injury on APB's behalf.


    I would like to suggest a "Queue/Autojoin" function when selecting a district. There is nothing more annoying than sitting for an uncertain amount of time spam clicking to join a district. (unless you macro it 😇)


    It should of been there from the getgo but it wasnt 🤔, You should get prompted to join Queue for this district, then it shows you how many are waiting and your position.


    That way I can alt + tab and do other things whilst waiting, like any normal game 😊.

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  4. In regards to how broken and useless the current Bounty System is I suggest the following:


    Remove the current Bounty System entirely.


    Replace it with a style similar to GTA Online. You have the ability to enable "Passive mode" in which you become a ghost to other players (ideal for content Creators).


    If you dont have "Passive mode" enabled then you are free reign to kill and so is everyone else.


    When you are entered into a mission you become a passive ghost to everyone who is not mission related. (counters mission griefing from third parties).


    This also adds a new layer of gamemode to APB, a FFA deathmatch "Anarchy mode" whilst you wait for your opposing mission. 


    San Paro is meant to be filled with Chaos and Anarchy afterall 🙂

  5. Hello


    May I suggest a change with the Mail Items for Armas purchased goods.


    When I make a new character, I shouldnt have to retrieve 81 Items (personally) Armas items, surely we can get this automated much like receiving consumable rewards from missions.


    Suggestion: Automatically deposits Armas items into your Characters inventory for existing and new characters.


    Other method: Add a "Read all" button in the mailing system which in turn collects the items for you and checks all your mail to get rid of those pesky notifications on the bottom left corner of your Hud when playing.

  6. Ntec - Less ammo per mag / range nerf / damage drop off nerf 

    Obir - Damage nerf / Higher TTK

    HVR - Remove QS


    CQC weapons have their own niche and different styles to use them properly.


    Yukon - a duplicate of what the Mac 10 secondary used to be, you shouldn't be allowed to feel as safe with a secondary as you do with a primary. When I think secondary, I am thinking Last resort / Finisher weapon, Granted some are used for different loadouts i.e. an smg with a joker pistol etc for that extra range. Running around with a yukon etc and killing people like its a primary smg is ridiculous.


    Macro users - Anti cheat needs to be able to detect and ban Macro users, especially for Obeya FBW pistol users but also semi automatic weapons in general.

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  7. Displaying matchmaking ranks at its finest.


    Its good when it works, and everyone gets to show off how big their epeen is.


    When it doesnt work, i.e. APB matchmaking, its garbage and breeds toxicity. When you get dispatched into that mission, 3 golds vs 2 golds + 1 silver, you're immediately thinking to yourself WTF why do I have a silver??? balance??? fairness??? G1 are trash!!! fuck apb!!! I am going to dethreat.


    If the matchmaking ranks were hidden and you got put into the same 3v3 match, you would mark it down as a GG since the game isn't telling you off the bat...hey this guy is of lesser skill than the other 5 players in the match.

  8. 8BIT




    Welcome to the GodTier of APB.


    Awards and Global Dominance 

    8BIT is the original winners of the Hit Squad Event across Europe due to our superior skill, extensive knowledge in role-playing and exposing our enemies weakness through our greatness.


    We are also proud to present that we are now the best role play clan on APB.


    Current Roster




    Due to the fast growth of our fellowship, we at 8Bit have made the decision to take up the suggestion from fellow clans of having some form of Leadership, a council of some sort.

    To be part of the new Democratic leadership called the 8Bit Council Elders.

    These people while in-active in-game they will provide general guidance over the clan for various members in terms of rules, gaming strategy/tactics and clan morals. 

    Want to join us? Post in this thread why you should be in 8BIT and be exalted within the ranks of the Elders. We will forward your request to the Elders, and it's up to them if you can join or not.



    Team Shoutout's





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