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Posts posted by Alani

  1. 2 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    Why the hell do people keep saying this?  Matt never promised, or even implied, that RIOT was supposed to come out in March or May!  March is when the first public testing for it on OTW was planned but it was postponed until April because they hit a few snags.  Matt also gave his reasoning for not sharing screenshots.  He said he doesn't want to hype it up too much and that he wants the screenshots to be as representative of the final product as possible.  He said in Jenz's livestream a few days ago that the main engine upgrade itself is basically done and they currently have an artist going through and adjusting the shaders to make the game look better.  He said that the SPCT will have some more testing to do really soon.  



    theyve specifically said they aimed for a may release of riot. lol



    and i love how they want to put the testing of the game on a small group of people. like yeah no, its fine, let 15 people play test a future game that is sufficient to release to the rest of the public. it obviously wont bring about people finding all sorts of bugs and making mad dash to fuzzy bunny about said bugs in the forum for the first year and a half of the game being out.


    apb wasnt made for 15 people. it was made for 100 people fighting each other in districts.


    what they really need is a fucking open test server. instead they want to keep it to a few so that those few can be like 'ya its good to me' and then let the rest of the playerbase receive the game and theyll jump in going 'yay new apb' and find everything wrong with it because certain things wont work, or there are hundreds of random spots on the map that are all fucked up now.'


    if they want to do this release correctly, they need a legitimate open test and keep the server open so they can let people fuzzy bunny about whatever in a forum area designated for the new game.


    Otherwise they will just kill the game forcing an upgrade from the current APB, to the new one and then finding out half the playerbase is having major issues.

  2. honestly they should just stop this riot bullshoot and hanging out in discords and shit and attempt to fix this shit instead of literally ignoring it majority of the time.



    because whatever crap theyre doing isnt helping and their stupid battle royale bullshoot isnt going to get played at all if they cant fix their ddos issue.


    there are plenty of games i have played that have much better protection over this shit than this game has ever had.

  3. i love that everyone thinks switching cheat protection will prevent all cheaters every fucking time.



    Everyone thought Fairfight would block all cheaters, and everyone later started making fun of it for not doing so. The battle eye shit everyone thought would block all cheaters, until it didn't and now everyone is like 'yay eac will work!!!' when it obviously wont.


    its pretty fucking obvious this game wasnt made to be compatible with how anti cheat shit works.


    it doesnt take long to work around this shit, especially when its client sided. Server side will take a bit, but it will be worked around.

  4. Just now, Fortune Runner said:

    The districts were "said" to be downsized by G1 due to the server performance. (In other words no idea if G1 lied or not)

    Not sure if we could raise the cap because currently the servers are a bit touchy.

    We did just have a major problem with servers after all so caution is advised.

    Getting more players would mean more full districts though , but how to get them here?

    there were no real performance issues when the districts were 50/50.


    g1 just wanted an excuse to lower district pop thinking it would create more than one district for people to play in. instead it just decreased the amount of people who can play at a time

    • Like 2

  5. It obviously didn't help the servers when it was implented and literally changed nothing but making it harder for people to play the game when there is only one district populated at a time.



    like fuck man. that should simple ez thing to do while you 'work on riot' and the magical engine upgrade.

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  6. like ye its probably an unpopular opinion, but i feel like the game could benefit of having different sounds and new weapon reskins.


    like the current set up is all western weapons, why not increase and add more eastern stuff too?



    this is a selfish plug to add ntec/oca/whatever variants of chinese guns yo

    • Like 2

  7. 1 minute ago, Fortune Runner said:

    SPCT are hand picked players who know APB better than most.

    The way you described would actually not be a good way to do it.

    Regular players notice the regular things and a vast majority wouldn't really help much because of it.

    sorry but I disagree with you on that.


    they're not hand picked who know APB better than most lmao


    otherwise there would be a lot more of them.

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