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Posts posted by Ohshii

  1. 3 hours ago, postalgril said:

    this forum is mostly an echo chamber for toxic golds so you'll only get one result from those toxic golds that like their easy matches and dont wanna face their own


    the silent majority dont post here or even visit. 


    most people i know/friends with on discord etc have stopped playing until servers are back to normal because its impossible to play atm. 






  2. Im just glad I dont have to fight the same 1-2 premade teams over and over only until someone gets bored and logs out or swaps faction on an alt.


    Ive actually met a few silver players in the last week who had exceptional aim, they just didnt know the map/lacked positional awareness. Made a few friends, helped 2 of them get to gold for the first time. Was actually fun for once in a long time.


    Anyways I hope it stays open conflict forever, it's what I suggested literally 5-6 years ago and got crazy downvoted for it. Glad to see people actually like it now that they've tried it!








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  3. giphy.gif


    Welcome to Citadel, US everyone! 😄


    Dont worry EU players, me and my buddies racked up over 50 wins on Citadel yesterday, we kept the kill quotas up on those you-know-who-former-innova players 😄


    giphy.gif    +    giphy.gif    = ❤️




    In the meantime feel free to enjoy our complimentary coffee and tea in the lobby as well as some biscuits or wtf you EU guys call crackers! Ayyy Citadel US, breaking borders since 2019!




    Yay good luck! ❤️









    ❤️ Ohshii ❤️


  4. Try spending as much time as you complaining trying to actually pay attention and get good at the game. No? Didn't think so.


    This isnt COD. This isnt any other game you have on your YT channel. this is APB. The game is relatively easy to grasp, however the learning curve is steeper than clearly any game you have ever played which is why you can't get past your own self to realize that you just need to try harder to do better.


    Stop with these QQ threads and the QQ posts on every other thread about gold players. Don't get angry at us because we put in the work, accepted both our wins and losses, and kept playing to be better. There's a lot of factors in missions that can change the outcome and every single gold player knows this. There's literally hundreds of posts from gold players on these forums that explain to non-gold players what they are doing in order for them to learn but at the end of the day it seems like non-golds can't get past their own personal egos to accept that there are just better players than them in this game.


    And of course because Im telling the OP to stop complaining and start trying harder, I'm going to get down-voted to hell. Welcome to being a gold in APB who tries to actually tell people exactly what to do to get better just to get downvoted, made fun of and ignored. Because that's just how it is, until you put your ego on the sideline and actually accept that you're a long ways away from being gold mainly because of your overview, opinion and attitude of the game, you will remain a bronze player sitting on the forums crying over things that literally only exist in the heads of yourself and other egolord bronze/silver players who refuse to acknowledge their position and try to improve.


    There's been literally hundreds if not thousands of other silvers and bronze players, even some golds who played this game in the past who couldnt get over themselves to realize they arent the best and eventually quit the game because of it. Add yourself to that pile, or surprise us all and actually try and do better. My vote is on the pile.


    Now fuck off with these threads already.




    Every gold player who is tired of seeing non-golds hate on all gold players without knowing wtf they're talking about

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  5. 12 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    This is taking agonizingly too long. We are waiting on one more fix to get PC back online. 



    9 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    i feel ya. no seriously i feel ya youre leaning on me. kinda comfy though.

    sweet dreams of APB for you.





  6. 2 hours ago, postalgril said:


    what can a bronze do against a full clan of golds with all their configs, triggerbots, macros etc? nothing


    just 1 gold can take a team of 12 bronzes or 8 silvers


    at least the ones who dethreat die sometimes but now every single match 90% of the playerbase is going to get 0 points and it'll just be 2 or 3 gold clans just stomping and trashing the entire district with nobody else allowed to play or have fun.




    Stop resisting arrest then!






    16 minutes ago, Halphas said:

    Well... the EU wont be paying for ice after you get burnt


    15 minutes ago, JDM_Drifter said:

    Fair point


    Lets be real there's gonna be like 1500 EU players and like 25 NA players hahah Im just looking forward to having different people to play against at this point


  8. 3 minutes ago, Uhtdred said:

    i dont understand what's happening...


    will jericho be hosted in a new location? where? where is it hosted NOW?




    I didnt read any of the patch notes if there was any, but Im assuming theyre doing that server merge on the cloud stuff or whatever the deal is. Or not. Tbh I have no idea whats happening either haha good times




  9. 8 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    So after the engine upgrade comes out, the game gets a little boost in players that will be no where near the amount you expect, then you all realise the problems and the population drops back to where it was. What will you whine about next?


    What is the next level after whining for the false prophet of the engine upgrade? Please enlighten me.


    There will always be something to complain about no matter what.


    Could be worse, your morning could start out like this:





  10. You know the situation is trash when iSock speaks the absolute truth about it lol.


    I hope you at the very least get an actual detailed response about why they did what they did to your account man. No one deserves to just be shut out like that without an actual response. I get that it's their company they do what they want, etc., but it still sucks at the end of the day to see that happen.

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