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Posts posted by PostalDude2001

  1. Honestly i want them to support proton and enable battle eye for proton but i wonder why they don't switch to unreal 4 instead those older unreal engines are a pain to work in compare to unreal 4 and ue4 is pretty easy to work on and is a joy to use but there might be a reason why also i am happy they took this decision since knowing from experience from game development and the way it looking for them it would take month and even a full year or two to make this happen i just hope they can fix it if they can't well i hope they open source apb so it doesn't become dead and fans can make servers to keep the game alive am in a another commuity for a old bungie game called Oni and we made a engine upgrade by rebuilding it to add more features and keep that game alive i just hope they can make apb great again and fix the shit gamerfirst did with apb in the last few years   

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  2. On 1/31/2020 at 3:21 PM, Sakebee said:

    EDITApplications are closed at this time. We will announce when they open up once more.


    Hello everyone,


    We are looking to add more GMs to our volunteer program. If you think you have what it takes to be a helpful, impartial, and fair ambassador who can help maintain our standards for community behavior, now is your chance! As a GM, you will be engaging with the community in the game itself. Should you join us, your responsibilities would be as follows:

    ⦁    Making sure the dialogue between the users is friendly, respectful, and in accordance with the Terms of Service
    ⦁    Making sure the game being played fairly and in accordance with the Terms of Service
    ⦁    Assisting players in the game, be it to fix technical issues or share game knowledge
    ⦁    Reporting any activity that is against Terms of Service to a specified place you will be getting access to once you're a team member
    ⦁    Using your GM powers only for good and neatly reporting their usage to specified staff members



    The following requirements are the basic requirements needed for you to be a considered candidate:
    ⦁    MUST be 18+
    ⦁    Has a deep knowledge of APB
    ⦁    Has general knowledge of the Terms of Service
    ⦁    Has a friendly and professional disposition capable of handling both positive and negative situations that may arise
    ⦁    Has the ability to be objective and patient when handling issues in a fair and consistent manner, free from discrimination or favoritism
    ⦁    Can manage a conversational level of the English language

    A small advantage may be given to the candidates who:
    ⦁    Have previous experience as a GM or any equivalent position
    ⦁    Knows more than one language that is a big part of the game's community


    Note that you will be immediately disqualified if your application does not follow the requested format detailed below.


    How to apply:

    All applications must be sent via PM on the forums to both @Sakebee and @Ritual. Your application should be in the text field of the PM. Do not send us any attachments.


    1.       The SUBJECT of your PM should be “Application: APB GM”

    2.       Why do you feel you are a good fit for the GM position? (2-3 paragraphs max)

    3.       List all of your accounts and characters you own.

    4.       Tell us if you were ever banned in the past and why.

    5.       When did you start actively playing APB?

    6.       Roughly how long do you spend playing APB each week?

    7.       Do you have any previous experience as a GM or any previous experience with similar projects?


    What Happens Next?
    We will be reviewing your applications over the next few weeks to identify potential candidates to join the volunteer team. If you are selected, we will contact you and schedule an interview over Discord.

    What if I don't hear back right away?
    It probably means we have yet to review your application. We are usually dealing with a large number of applications, and it takes time to go through all of them. Whether you are moving forward to the interview stage or not, we will make sure to let you know the results. Thank you for your patience!

    Note: We take note of applicants that react poorly to not being selected. This will hurt your ability to be considered in the future.


    So what happens after I am selected and pass the interview?
    Congrats! Shortly after the interview, we will contact you to let you know if you will be joining our volunteer team! You will need to sign an NDA before we introduce you to the team. You will go through a training period with a well-seasoned mentor by your side while you get the hang of things before becoming a full-fledged GM.


    Let's continue to build up the APB community together. I look forward to reading your applications.


    🐝 Sakebee

    i would apply but i am never really in the forums that much


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