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  1. I sent in a ticket over 25 days ago they have still not responded it is really annoying that they cannot give a simple respond that they have received the ticket and are looking into it instead of just complete silence.
  2. I have the same issue have any of you still not heard back?
  3. Well cheesing it just defeats the whole idea behind the system, I like free stuff as much as the next guy but it was kind of a stupid system might as well have just given us all of it for free at that point. But yeah at this point I just want to get it so i do not really care how I just want to be able to get it again.
  4. That just seems like a really bad idea I do not want them to hide weapons behind a system everyone "cheated" to get free rewards... I was one of the few who didn't when it was out and I regret it now but I was really scared you would get banned and shit but a system like that is just broken like gamersfirst was in general though.
  5. I just read this post I am happy to see I am not the only one frustrated about not being able to have the temptress if they ever add it I would insta buy it.
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