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Everything posted by SilveB

  1. Honestly i sometimes wish the cheaters would return.
  2. Remove everything but Snubnose and blowtorch. 100% would make the game more fun
  3. Absolutely not, He said nothing. That in of itself is a problem But it's not the one i care about. What didn't click with me is the way she acted, It was very poor and quite toxic. To me they way she acted around the whole sitation sorta seemed like she knew but since it was a private stream she thought it was fine. Problem is when u play the game u work for it's not a private stream. Every thing u do reflects very poorly on Little orbit. Now i hope they will continue to stream and have fun and progress in making a better community. And the first step they should take after this to make a better community is go through all the reports they've gotten since BE that have factual evidence that shows cheating in the past and ban them again. And yes there is quite alot of them.
  4. Lixil the community manager actively choose to play with a know cheater whos admitted to cheating. and when told that she was in fact playing with a disgrace of a human she started silencing people. for those of u saying that she couldn't possible know, She was told very early on. and instead of doing something normal like, Ohh i dont know maybe stop playing with this person in question she did the dumbest shit i've ever seen someone do.
  5. It's not a matter of trust. If there is video evidence proving that someone cheated in the past their unban should be revoked. It's very simple. They cant go through every single ban. But when they get reports with undeniable proof they need to ban the person in question. Sadly that is not how Little orbit works. They just silence people instead of doing something that would benifit everyone. It's sad to see but hopefully they will get their act together because if they keep this up we will be far worse off then with Gamersfirst
  6. i strongly disagree with this statement, It's very simple. There is no way she can claim she didn't know. Reasons being this I know for a fact that multiple report have been made against him both through support and ingame. (With the video i sent u) And during the stream she was told multiple times. And she didn't care. They way she acted was almost like she knew but didn't care.
  7. Not angry. just tired of all the (Insert insult of your choosing) running around acting like children. Refusing to see fact for facts
  8. It's not a matter of accusing anyone of doing anything. It's the very simple matter of this guy is a know cheater and hes admitted it himself.
  9. Honestly.. What is wrong with people -.- For those of u who do not understand the problem here it is, Lixil the community manager actively choose to play with a know cheater whos admitted to cheating. and when told that she was in fact playing with a disgrace of a human she started silencing people. for those of u saying that she couldn't possible know, She was told very early on. and instead of doing something normal like, Ohh i dont know maybe stop playing with this person in question she did the dumbest shit i've ever seen someone do. Hopefully she can continue to stream but she needs to understand this. It's not a private stream when u play the game u work for. Everything u do reflects on the company. Playing with a know cheater, favoritism, silencing, general toxic behavior. does not reflect good on LO. So stop defending lixil
  10. Let's just make all the Semi autos fully auto. Problems solved
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