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About taggs

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  1. We got ban off false reports 99% of <Brazy> was not guilty of the crimes they said we committed they called us cheater because we have experience at the game. Other players also informed me that the game is still getting DDOS. The APB clan "San Paro Police Department" mad because we always beating them in mission so they grouped up to tell the APB Devs we use hacks..... you cant even use mods or third party tools on Xbox One its impossible. Matthew Scott just to need to just tell his devs to investigate each account because banning 30-30 people who invested time, and money into there company without getting a update in 2 years is not fair . It feel like we've been rob out of thousands of dollars they want even give us a chance to fight the banned, I know they don't even have evidence on all of us they just do a lazy investigate "You've Been Permitted Ban This Ban Wouldn't Be Lifted" without any information to help you really understand.
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