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Everything posted by Metal-Janah

  1. If that was true, NA wouldn't be so empty and the cheaters plaguing the game would either be gone or locked away in their own districts. We're literally celebrating 10 years of terrible game management and rampant cheating. Don't follow in G1's footsteps, make a difference. Please.
  2. Metal-Janah

    <gg n00bs>

    Join <gg n00bs>, make money. I'm recruiting criminals for end-game progression and raiding who meet any of the following requirements: 15,000+ Kills R195+ 10:00:00+ District Time Thinks percs and kevlar are garbage and that they should be unusable after R195 Thinks remote detonator is garbage and that it should simply be removed from the game Knows that Beacon is the best Fight Club map and that we all need it back very badly Is a Pure Pwnage fan and/or hates cheating n00bs. Whisper Janah in-game if you're interested. I will teach you about the game if you want to learn. I have a main on both factions with only a few alts. My main enforcer has Cop 15 and is around R220+. (Know your enemy!) I have never cheated in an online multiplayer game against other players, ever. I have never been banned in my entire lifetime on Steam since 2004, ever. I have played APB Reloaded since Open Beta in Q1-2011 and have never been banned for anything, ever. I have called out many closet cheaters and predicted their bans before they happened. Trust me when I say that I know my shit. I have also purchased 90% of the ARMAS Marketplace account-wide in support of this game for a very special time exactly like this one. Trust me when I say that I got your back. Thanks for reading, comments will be ignored if I can't lock this thread because I work a lot and generally dislike forums.
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