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Posts posted by Pedroxin

  1. On 5/24/2019 at 10:08 AM, Fortune Runner said:

    Once again this is not the U.S.A. government , but is a private game company.

    Free speech does not apply here.


    With that said if someone talks trash to you guys , let your weapons do the talking.

    It is why we are here to begin with.

    Kiss kiss bang bang.

    Freedom of speech is a basic human right and is not exclusive to the U.S. Limiting it would be a human rights violation.

  2. So here's the thing, after the recent merge I get stuck at "retrieving character list" and after a while, I get disconnected. Just wanted to know if anyone else has or had this issue.

    and yea yea I know try support blah blah blah, y'all know how long it takes for them to open your ticket so cut me some slack.

  3. 9 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:
    "A game like this wouldn't be as good as it was if it wasn't for the opponent that was across from me. So, these games don't mean anything unless the other opponent is as good as you or better." - Rapha (Quake Pro)
    Over the years of APB, mainly these later years, there seems to be a mantra from players that wins should be handed to them. That playing those that are better than them, or even the same skill level, is not fair. A constant complaint that the game is too hard on players, especially those that are newer to the game.

    This is in my mind a disgusting mindset to have. It breeds no sense of progression, a lack of willingness to see personal faults, overcome obstacles, and all around improve. Such a mindset promotes being stagnant and disgruntled by your plateaued position with no reason to improve. I find it disturbing that such a need for hand holding has spread not just through APB but much of the gaming industry as a whole. Playing those that are better than you is the fastest way to improve, especially as a new player.

    A personal example to this is my minimal hours playing CS:GO. 95% of my short playtime was an entire day spent playing against Oceanic eSports teams. I won a single round in the entire day. ONE ROUND. However this was a huge learning experience for me and due to me being pushed in to such a position I learned the game at a hugely accelerated rate. Those hours were equal to weeks if I had learned the game through regular hand holding.

    Now most of you would probably say this is an elitist view to have. That it is bashing casual players and does not apply to them. However I would argue that this applies to everyone as when competition is allowed to breed in this way it is a benefit to all skill levels. 

    I urge you all to think about instilling a more positive mindset when it comes to being pushed up against more unfavorable odds for it is at the benefit of your personal progression and enjoyment of the game as a whole.

    To add:
    APB is one of those games with such a high skill ceiling that I believe the best are still yet to scratch it. Looking back almost a decade ago it is crazy to see how far the top percent have come and I look forward to hopefully seeing that continue.

    alright, let's discuss the game from a new player's point of view.
    after installing the game and making an account you automatically join a server, there's also a chance that you connect to the silver sever which is an instant game killer for a new player so I'm not even gonna touch it.
    you have no knowledge of the game and have a very limited arsenal at your disposal.
    if you'd get matched against other players in your own position I'd say there's no problem but that's not the case. There's a high probability that you get matched against people who are way more competent at the game, have quite an extensive choice in weaponry and most importantly a great deal of map knowledge. sometimes you're matched against dethreaters and the occasional cheaters. well, anyone would uninstall the game and never come back after this experience, considering the outdated graphics and mechanics, toxic community and the general negative stigma surrounding APB.
    You should also keep in mind that most people have day jobs and other matters to tend to, they play video games to have fun, escape reality and forget the daily frustrations, not to add more to it. not everyone is planning to become a quake champion. I think when someone says the game is unfriendly to new players, they're right. if you shift your perspective from someone who played this game extensively to the perspective someone who just installed the game, you'll see that. In my opinion, the "unbalanced matchmaking" is one the most important reasons for the current state of the population and APB's failure to attract and keep new players.  
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