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  1. So another micro patch, that change literally nothing. Exactly what we needed, thanks. I hope that this 100 players online is an exact value they wanted to see, otherwise i see no reasone why do they keep making all of this pointles changes, instead of actually shift the meta to make the game more balanced and friendly to new players.
  2. It's just another balance change that do nothing. Its always done this way.
  3. Ofcource, jumpshooting with an N-Tec was a main balancing issue and now the game will be fine, thanks.
  4. Interesting but pointless changes again... There is ZERO point in using any of this weapon coz 1. Scouts are useless since the jumpshoting nerf 2. Shotguns are useless since nerf and even more useless after OCA buff 3.ShowStoper and RFB are pointless coz the Colby 45 is a only viable pistol. 4. NCR is useless coz obeya and LRR exist. The main issue is the devs have ZERO clue how the game works.
  5. And ofcource no Colby 45 again. SO what the point in a all of this changes if ACT44, RSA and pretty much ALL secondary weapons are non exist in a current meta. There is only a 3 seconadris for now Colby 45, FBW and FROG thats all. Corsair is a still 3 STK short range shotgun in a game where OBIR exist...
  6. I have tried it out , it feels slightly more consistent, but still not even close to N- TEC or even FAR.
  7. But Deagle in CS is a the only usable pistol, since its better then any other pistol in the game. CS was designed like 30 years old with a different player style in mind. CS is a best example of a poor designed balance, sincee its all about Deagle,AK,M4 and AWP. Other weapons are mostly for fun or for a newbies, who have no idea what is happening here. And a Colby 45 is a Desert eagle in a APB indeed, since its the best secondary for any ingame scenarios becasue it low TTK no RNG and easy to use weapon.
  8. And ofcource no Colby 45 changes, because why do we need to fix a broken OP stuff after all, right?
  9. Any other that required skill to be good with.
  10. Are you willing to pay for it when the game in a such broken state? I'm not.
  11. The problem is that the 45 has no accuracy penelty like other pistol has so its quite difficult to miss with it even if you not skilled enough.
  12. But there's not much of the second best available, most of the secondaries are balanced. The closest one are Frog and FBW and they booth are not as good, as 45. Nano is still there, i hate it so much but it not as anoying as 45. RFB is weak, but ok. Nah, if 45 would be nerfed there would be a plenty of choices. And as i sad, secondary weapon should not be equvalet to primary, its a backup weapon, not the main one.
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