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Everything posted by STRIVERUS

  1. Hey, just stumbled across this post. I made a much more detailed version like 8 years ago. Its on Forza Horizon 3, 4 and 5. You should be able to find it under "APB". It is a mix between the real press car supra, that was made for APB, and the Rapier.
  2. I dunno if it's just me but I always outrun the 4x4 with a regular Vegas on top speed. Also have a better grip on long corners in higher speeds (if you dont go full throttle).
  3. There is also the "Ignore" function that could block unwanted invitations.

    Old Login Main Menu

    PLEASE BRING THE OLD ONE BACK !!! It even felt more next gen than the 3D one, that we have now... and damn that old menu song!!! The new one is so annoying... (I mean the first time I saw/heard it, it was pretty cool, but unlike the old menu, it became really annoying after a month... at least for me) and just like Brandon wrote... "Now to discuss the other reasons why I believe it should be implemented. It still had the original style of the game. All those broken glitchy sounds, combined with the moving, constantly re-adjusting graffiti in the background just gave it a vibe that was really unique." Old Post: https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/377906-old-main-menu-log-in-screen/
  5. Hi, I was thinking, if we could ever see an option to invite a player to a duel or a mission (both opposite and your faction)... 'Cause many times I've encountered this problem when I wanted to do a match against my friend (mission or some kind of a duel). Sure I can invite him into a group and we can fight against each other, but we can kill a team member only 5 times before getting kicked. This also happens when I meet a player from the opposite faction in a mission district and I want to do a match against him only (or with my group only against his group). Is it possible to have an additional option in ">" (while aiming at the player): challenge to a mission or smthn. like that ? Well crime witness is not really a full mission, that changes stages. And then there are some players that don't have opposite faction characters, or if they do, they don't have all their gear there. + If you are playing against 1 group in a mission district and you just want a rematch or smthn. against that same group or player, you want to do it there and now (you don't want to be loading and changing districts, especially when all districts are full or empty) But it could be rewardless. Without getting Killstreak, Blitzkrieg medals etc. And it could (or couldn't) give money (since the money reward from missions isn't high, and Fightclub rewards are better).
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