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Posts posted by Bellenettiel

  1. Judging by the usual life cycle of these free mmos, apb is pretty much on its last years, afaik.


    Not to be a downer, but truth be told, i am more impressed at the endurance that this community has got, any other community would've left eons ago for whatever.

    I mean, look at communities like warframe, a couple of months without any major update and they are already bitching on it and we are at what? 3, 4 years?


    That's pretty impressive, toxic or not.

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  2. ye


    While its cool that it is free, it is also would be cool if it feels like it belongs in with the rest of the clothing, even if we are going to customize it or not.

    Don't mean to be rude, some of these clothes models took considerable effort to get into the game, but some of the new outfits sold and found in game leave no room for customization at all, despite looking amazing.


    (for example the Pestilence outfit vs something hockey clothing pack, with the pestilence being the example of what is not done right)


    you know.. something to consider next time! definitely keep up tho.. always love to see new stuff. 😄

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