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Posts posted by Unclean

  1. 2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    The only issue I have is shotguns now rule cqc class weapons. 
    There is no longer any reason to use an smg, as shotguns are now so incredibly forgiving. 
    Not the end of the world, Ive simly swapped my OCA and Whisper for my Country Gent and Tas20 Stock. 
    Still, its hard to call this result "balance"... "change" might be a more accurate description.

    The OCA still competes unless a shotgunner is using his corners correctly at face distance ( yes, we had this conversation already..)

    But I feel like shotguns SHOULD own face cqc since it's their range niche whereas smgs are between shotguns and ARs. That said-SMGs definitely need some love. I play the Norseman Hoenir and the manic from time to time for fun, but they aren't really competitive.. I end up switching to a PMG, AMR, or an OCA if a fight gets serious and I want an automatic

  2. I'm not sure if I like it or not.. I haven't had an instance where I could kill with it in 3 shots without an assist, but I do like that when you run out of ammo, you load one shell at a time so you can get extra panic shots out instead of waiting for a full reload

  3. 1 hour ago, Revoluzzer said:
    It's definitely not as bad as it was in the past. But even then people said the same thing. Which doesn't make any sense to me, because bringing all weapons to that level of power and versatility would render a lot of weapons obsolete. They'd all function essentially the same.
    The N-Tec has historically rolled the benefits of SMGs (low TTK), Assault Rifles (versatility) and Rifles (precision) into one, without having any of the true downsides (low range, master of none, low mobility). People said "oh it's a jack of all trades, but master of none" but I don't see how it isn't at the very least the master of all Assault Rifles (otherwise it wouldn't be the most used by far), while also encroaching on SMGs and Rifles in their own territories.
    As far as I'm concerned adjusting the TTK would have mostly fixed this. But instead we get this asinine accuracy-curve-nonsense.
    I'm not saying "make everything a balanced killer at all ranges".. more like.. people are complaining about how shotguns kill so easily in cqc right now, but that's how it should be.
    More like the ntec is a balanced killer at all ranges so weapons that are much harder to use or that have bad range should kill quicker.
    Maybe the ntec needs a ttk of like .9 since it's great at all ranges and then range-niche weapons like shotguns and smgs would get lower ttk of around .7 because they don't have that versatility.

    the ntec's ttk isn't really the issue since it matches most of the other ARs, but the issue comes when the other ARs are harder to use like you said with the precision and it's versatile. If a weapon has a niche purpose or a niche range, there's no reason for it to be harder to use or have a higher ttk than the ntec. I think explosive weapons should be harder to use, weapons that use a slower firerate to "balance" them shouldn't have other adverse effects like giant spread or recoil, and that weapons with low range shouldn't have the same ttk balance rate of a weapon that can kill you the samme from 10m or 60m

  4. 8 minutes ago, Solista2050 said:
    You forgot to add the DMR-AV. It may look like a stupid's weapon, but people(*) have learned to avoid cars or GTFOing as fast as they can when one is around.

    (*) those that survived, at least.
    That's what I meant.. I'll change it lol

    It's weird that the DMR-AV does so much hard damage, but then SBRS seems to do so little

  5. I know the weapon updates were a small step towards more updates and bring irrelevant weapons up to meta standard, but the SBRS still needs love. There's no point in using it when a DMR-AV does everything better and hardly anyone uses a DMR either.. my advice is to half the recoil on both models again and increase the hard damage. Keep the health damage to a 3-shot kill, but up the hard damage so that people in cars have to actually think twice before rushing in like with the ALIG, SWARM, and Shredder.

  6. 2 hours ago, dett2 said:

    LO should revert shotgun changes.
    CSG is broken now toooo easy 2 shot kill , and so many shotguns on mission.
    It's boring.

    Its meta now, of course there are a lot in missions. Just like oca, hvr, cobr-a, and ntec.. it being popular doesnt make it OP. It's supposed to be strong in cqc. You were never meant to take on cqc weapons in their range with a medium range weapon.

  7. 3 hours ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:
    8 hours ago, Unclean said:
    I'm not as I haven't used it yet to see the changes, but I was replying to someone complaining that people use meta weapons in missions

    On topic-i see more people complaining about the rate of fire changes for IR3 more than the range (for obvious reasons[its the negative]) and no one complaining about the range they add... so why is LO lowering the range? Anything ir3 is on is going to be handicapped from close range battles anyways

    The 9M made sense since you're gimping your CQC capability, now putting IR on a weapon is mostly a downside unless you only plan on using the weapon barely further than it's max damage range.
    Exactly.. unless it's on certain smgs I suppose

  8. 2 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    Everyone always talks about how N-TEC is balanced yet when a weapon comes out that can compete on equal footing or is stronger than it, it always gets the nerf hammer. Nothing can be "better" than the N-TEC only worse. The most balanced weapons in the game are the Star and FAR, and they should be the center of balance and what everyone compares and balances weapons to.

    Change my mind.

    The Star directly competes with the Ntec so you're kind of comprehending yourself here.. the ntec gives up a little cqc power to be better at longer distances but under 30m a star would win every time if skill levels are equal.

    the ntec simply is not OP. Neither is the star or far. They are all balanced. People like myself are saying it's the most balanced weapon in the game because it's the easiest example because everyone has used them and gone against them frequently. If all weapons are brought up to par to these weapons, then we will see a better variation of weapons in missions.
    • Like 1

  9. 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    People are still complaining about the HVR? 

    I'm not as I haven't used it yet to see the changes, but I was replying to someone complaining that people use meta weapons in missions

    On topic-i see more people complaining about the rate of fire changes for IR3 more than the range (for obvious reasons[its the negative]) and no one complaining about the range they add... so why is LO lowering the range? Anything ir3 is on is going to be handicapped from close range battles anyways

  10. On 8/6/2018 at 3:42 AM, LazyLizard said:

    You already know my opinion on these changes but i'll just list em here again:
    Have the stun grenade do the same amount of stun as the frag or Cap would do health damage.
    The pig already provides enough risk at 10m max for the reward of providing a much easier stun. Moreso the lengthty 2~ish second reload and one shot per magazine provides plenty of time for the opponent to kill you, even moreso if they have teammates to rescue them from the stun.


    1. You already get penalized for killing arrested criminals. There's nothing to feel bad about here. You're handicapping yourself and your team by leaning on the stun dmg more than you would health.
    2. No. Moreso, what the -fuck- would criminals do with LTL?
    I agree, criminals with ltl makes zero sense. criminals should have criminal-only lethal weapons and enforcers should have another way to make money outside of missions.

    cant wait for my breach loaded slug secondary that does 950 damage at 10m and 0 at 11m.
    • Like 1

  11. 2 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:
    15 hours ago, Unclean said:
    You must not read the forums..

    Just one of those people who show up to whine?
    ok wise patootie, where is the post saying we are working on fixing the BE bug that boots legit player upon loading the district, do you see that in any of matts stuff,,,no. No it says we gonna work on more weapon changes, don't say nothing about fixing what they broke. you need new servers, a new provider, before you start changing things.  n if the game worked I wouldn't be here to whine.
    they're working on server issues, but most of it is from the engine and code which they are rebuilding from the ground up. That's why Reloaded gave up. if BE is giving you issues then its probably a kernel issue.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Revoluzzer said:
    On 8/13/2018 at 10:13 PM, Nite said:

    This back and forth over the NTEC is getting kind of tiring to witness honestly.

    So's the N-Tec/N-HVR meta for the past six-or-so years. But as long as both weapons remain largely untouched the discussion will continue. At least they try with the HVR, even if the core issue is apparently never considered for change.
    I still stand by the thought that the ntec is the most balanced weapon in the game, and I dont even use it.. I prefer the nssw.

    I think instead of pulling meta weapons down at this point, we need to bring other weapons up to their standards.. if the ttk is longer than .75 for a medium range weapon, make it easier to use and keep the same ttk. Make the hvr switch speed longer, full accuracy from bloom slower, and eliminate hip firing from all snipers.. update smgs, the rest of ars, lmgs, and then snipers.. or whatever order.. I saw this last update as a baby step. LO should keep their chin up.. as soon as anyone sees "weapon update" they think that all weapons will have magically been worked on and all should be balanced now

  13. 3 hours ago, SkittyM said:
    5 hours ago, foolish ninja said:
    Strife TTK: 1.25sec
    JG/CSG TTK: 0,68

    you can fire 4 shots, while strife shoots 2. Where is that fine? JG and CSG are so forgiving compared to strife.
    It needs a fire rate buff and not more damage, cuz the damage is already at around 850
    Avoid comparing the SG-21 to any other shotgun.  It's not design with the idea of going head on with anything.  It's more for team support or popping out of cover.  Not to mention 858 damage is still absurdly high for a shotgun in APB, lowering the TTK could put it at S1 Manic status, and fuck that shit.
    I'd agree accept it has a huge range issue to be a support.. it's not like the hvr that can be used at any range

  14. 18 hours ago, GhosT said:

    I've went against 2 shredders yet, and almost everyone else is maining the N-TEC with a few CSGs and JGs between there. I'd say that's way more annoying than the shredder.
    They should still fix all of these.
    I see the ntec as the most balanced medium range weapon.. the jg should be super strong up close.. csg should be a little weaker, but be able to reach out a little further.. and the shredder should be the hybrid weapon.

    I think if we give LO time and let them take their small steps, they will bring other weapons up to this standard so there is less of a meta

  15. 2 hours ago, Hexerin said:
    NFAS exists for the short range automatic shotgun, with the True Ogre taking it even further to essentially being a melee weapon. The Shredder is supposed to be a more mid-range automatic shotgun, sacrificing some close-range power in order to actually reach out there... hence why it has a much higher TTK than other CQC weapons, the balance point that everyone is completely overlooking in their mad dash to completely destroy the weapon.

    I don't want to see the Shredder, one of the coolest guns in the game, fall to the same fate that the Strife has...

  16. 42 minutes ago, Spaghettio said:
    a percentage increase for range drop off would definitely be a decent solution for "some" of the issues relevant to shotguns 🤔

    but i'm quite curious as to why you consider a shredder as not a normal short barrel auto shotty? sure it was implemented with farther drop off and a tighter spread but by no mean does that imply it should be par with an assault rifle i find that claim rather outrageous or over-exaggerated at the very least  😕
    It's not on par with an ar at medium range.. an ntec user still kills a shredder user with ease from the range at which an ar is meant to be played.
    • Like 1

  17. 5 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    So we have no plans to fix the servers so any of these guns can be used, we just have plans to add more stuff but not new servers or a decent provider.
    Oh but it will be like 10 years before they see the tickets that tell them the servers are broken, n we'll just ignore that. 
    Push out the old players n Put On an Eminence Front.

    You must not read the forums..

    Just one of those people who show up to whine?

  18. 28 minutes ago, Tobii said:
    Huh? No? This is how the shotguns work now. The first pellet to hit does 100 damage. next one does 83. and so on.
    The graph is showing the total damage with every pellet hitting with a max of 482.
    This is how it works with the JG and CSG as well.
    Sorry, I just got off work and somehow confused the pellet count with range somehow lol

    So why the 41 damage loss? Does that set the damage per pellet off enough?

  19. 1 hour ago, Tobii said:
    I didn't want the damage to be that low.
    This is what I suggested with the damage
    Yellow being my suggestion.

    I do feel like the initial pellet damage might be a bit much though. /shrug
    So it would be the first weapon to get stronger and stronger up to an amount with range after DMR? This sounds a bit silly for a shotgun when an ntec dominated almost all ranges for what? 6 years?
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