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Posts posted by TheDogCatcher

  1. Considering that the APB population is now at it's lowest point ever ( even worse than the last days of G1 ), if they rush the engine update out to please the fans and it turns out to be full of bugs ( which is a very real possibility ) it could very well be the last nail in the coffin for this game.


    That's why I'm playing as much as possible at the moment because I can't see the game lasting much longer if this downward trend continues.

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  2. I have to agree that the prices on the ARMAS store are extortionate, especially given the current low population of the game - there's no guarantee that APB will even still be around in another year, I for one would not feel confident in making a purchase for that kind of money given the current state of the game.


    I have spent quite a lot on APB in the past but even then only during sales, the population was much healthier back then so I felt more confident knowing I'd get my money's worth from my purchases.

  3. 2 hours ago, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    IRS has more range. The coroner did get a recoil pattern change recently, but apart from this and the range difference, same gun. Oh the coroner is under rifles while the IRS is under snipers

    The IRS doesn't seem to be listed in the store under snipers, am I missing something ?


    The only place I see it is as part of the death and taxes bundle.


    The SBSR however is listed under semi auto rifles.


    If I recall correctly it was like this under the old ARMAS aswell.


    Is this and oversight ? is it possible buy and IRS without buying the bundle ? if so how ?

  4. On 10/27/2018 at 3:09 AM, Fortune Runner said:

    some of those reports are people accusing me for cheating....for blowing up their car with a shotgun and  grenades as they stood by it trying to shoot me *shrugs*



    I don't doubt it, but this doesn't in any way negate what I said.


    There's always going to be hackusations but now a higher proportion of them are likely to be valid or at the very least those making the claims are more likely to be paranoid, it's a matter of perception, if you unban thousands of cheaters legit players are going to be more suspicious.

  5. 4 hours ago, Ignas / qsn said:

    just stop... these constant changes to mods are getting annoying.



    Noone has ever complained about mods before LO and now it's a complete mess.

    One side wants them back, another wants them completely ruined.

    Totally agree,


    It's like they can't accept that their bad idea was bad and so they give in partially but they still can't let go completely.


    Honestly if I was in charge of LO I'd be giving the balance guy his marching orders, this person obviously has no idea what they are doing .


    The big problem with messing with mods is that they can have so many potentially unexpected consequences due to the wide variety of weapons they can be used on, so without an intimate knowledge of all weapons in the game it becomes really easy to screw things up, this should be bleedin obvious to anyone doing this kind of work.

  6. 6 hours ago, Ignas / qsn said:

    Just leave everything as it is... including weapons, mods and etc. imo game is in perfect state in terms of balance (except missions)

    I don't think balance is perfect , there are still a few useless weapons (mostly legendaries), but it is in a reasonably good state - proably the best it's been since I started playing (assuming they are going to revert the IR3 changes).


    There are definately other aspects of the game that are in far more need of attention.

  7. 8 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    first part I partially disagree since many changes like optimization rely on upgrading the engine and that would get old players to want to stay.

    But not just optimization but graphics and many other features desperately rely on this upgrade happening asap.







    The reason why I don't think returning players will stick around is based on my experience of older games I've played that have been remastered or whatever.


    It usually goes something like this : there's a load of hype with people getting all excited over updated graphics improved netcode or just the fact that they'll be able to play these games on newer systems. Then the game is released and lots of people are playing but after a couple of weeks they start to drift away again as they realise it's just the same old same old with a shiny new coat of paint, and eventually what you are left with is a few die hards who never left in the first place and a few new players who didn't get to play the game the first time around.


    I really don't see why APB would be any different in this respect, it's the new blood that will determine if this game lives or dies.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    A large majority of the community has been from pc over the years and many are waiting for the updates so they can come back and play.



    I honestly don't see many people who say they are waiting for the Engine Update coming back for long, the fundamental gameplay won't change, they'll probably have a quick look and then move on again.


    I honestly think LO should concentrate on attracting new players, there is a constant trickle of them even now it's just that they don't stick around because they instantly get jumped on by more experienced players, we could easily have double the population we have now (if not more) if the game was more friendly to noobies.

    • Thanks 1

  9. 3 hours ago, Seedy said:

    dont worry about the haters.. they will try to bring down anything that is doing well enough. I think your doing well.


    Why isn't Little Orbit listen to me? / Why is Little Orbit listening to people that don't know what they are talking about?

    Most people have no clue how to make games. They complain about physics, matchmaking and so on yet they have never debugged a single line of code or actually considered the maths behind such systems. Until they even have the simplest understanding of these things they need to just keep out of it. Their opinions just bread hatred for the people making the games from more people who have no clue. Everyone is a critic yet 99.99999% of people are faceless blowhards with no clue. Please critic, take your self out of your mothers basement and look up at the sky. There is someone out their who maybe will even like you. You dont have to be critical of every single thing. Little Orbit are doing well. I have faith in them.



    If this were in any way true why do games developers employ testers most of whom have never written a line of code in their life ?


    If you have to attack the people making the comments rather than adressing the points they make you've already lost the debate.


    Players can identify problems with games they have an intimate knowledge of even if their proposed solutions don't make much sense from a programming perspective.

  10. Honestly I'm split on this, they have done some undoubtedly good things such as the trading system and Battleye, but their balance changes have been a real mixed bag some things have been good but others have been disasterous, then they've done stuff like the unbans which in my opinion was a terrible idea.


    I am however hopeful that moving forward things will improve provided they learn from their mistakes, for now I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt but only time will tell.

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  11. Constructive criticism from concerned players is one of the most vital tools a developer has at it's disposal when it comes to making improvements to a game.


    A developer who doesn't listen to the concerns of it's players doesn't last very long.


    Not all criticisms are valid but it's still better to be able to discuss things freely and openly, look at the changes made to shotguns, they were bad, people were leaving the game , we complained, LO listened and things were fixed.

  12. 11 hours ago, Snubnose said:


    right now the pool is too limited, not only because of limited district size, but also because of a small playerbase.

    you gotta wait untill the cross-district (phasing) matchmaking is going to be implemented... with that, most matches should be balanced out a little bit better (it also needs more strict matchmaking after that though)

    most likely it's going to be after UE3.5 update... hopefully early 2019. (pretty sure it's high up on the priority list)

    Cross district matchmaking sounds like a terrible idea, with the load times this game has you'd spend more time loading districts than playing in them, so unless UE 3.5 improves this aspect dramatically I think it would drive more players away than poor the matchmaking.

  13. Honestly I'd rather Little Orbit made less "progress" until they have had time to fully familiarise themselves with the game, not only on the technical side but also from a gameplay standpoint aswell.


    I strongly suspect that the mistakes they have made since taking over are largely due to them feeling under pressure from the community to make a bunch of changes to show that they were doing something,  doing something/anything is sometimes worse than doing nothing at all, this is painfully obvious from looking at the changes they made to shotguns/IR3 etc.


    Give them some space and stop demanding stuff, game development is hard and from reading the comments on this forum most of you seem to have very little idea of just how difficult it can be.

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