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Posts posted by supermariobrothe

  1. 8 hours ago, Uru! said:

    there's a lot i could say about this topic from the perspective of a diagnosed bipolar person but as for this:

    i think you would be incredibly hard-pressed to find absolutely any game with a ranking system where high rank players take low rank players seriously. in csgo, a global elite wouldn't take a silver I player seriously. an immortal in dota wouldn't take a herald seriously. a challenger in lol wouldn't take someone in bronze seriously, and so on.


    in my experience however, the amount of volatility regarding "rank shaming" isn't as bad in other games, for one general reason: apb's threat system is flawed. ranking systems work great when there's a large enough pool of active players to judge, and apb tries to assist that by ranking absolutely everyone who plays, but ultimately there just aren't enough players to have accurate ranks. it creates a situation where the vast majority of "competent" players are gold, and aside from some edge cases like you mentioned, the divide between a random gold and a random silver could be massive in terms of capability.  i would go as far as to argue that the difference between a random bronze and a random silver could be less drastic, but this is speaking from the perspective of someone who in my entire playtime of apb has been gold.


    i don't remember the actual threat spread, but iirc it was something like "the top 10-20% of players performance-wise are gold". if this were the case, there should be significantly less gold players in the game than what we see. this is likely a problem because threats have (to my recollection) never been reset, where other games reset their ranks seasonally, or at least have some method of deprecating inactive players' rankings. a good rank spread for games is generally thought to be a bell curve, and the actual competency of apb's playerbase may be similar, but the threat system really just boils down to "competent or not, with some people randomly bounced around".

    Does SC:GO mix golds up with bronze players? and dont they have ranked play and casual play? serious business hardstands do ranked play and people who just wanna chill and have so fun play casual?

    Also no otehr game does it the way APB does as far as i know, the whole virtual world thing with social hang out spaces where players can see each other face to face and interact, the only game i can think of that comes close to what APB is doing is splatoon, which do not display anything above people's head's and call of duty WW2 which does show player's prestige level above their head but it does not show how good they are at the game above their head, people need to walk up to someone and personally inspect their stats.



    7 hours ago, blockblack said:

    For those 2 car surfing OSMAWs you are probably talking about Volvo1965 and Krikkesmets, Right? Also I got first degree brain damage because these people, 2 OSMAWs on a car came to literally take everything, I had only 2k cash and had more than 110k cash stash and I mugged to reach 5 stars and go to laundry and literally they explode the hell out of me while I was 5 stars and just 3 meters away from the money laundry... and till this day I keep wishing they get banned...

    No it wasnt them, some other 2 douche bags whos names i wont mention cuz name and shame.


    Also, put on a flack jacket next time if you can get one.


    6 hours ago, Solamente said:

    a nap doesnt seem to have helped me


    if toxicity is caused by elitism and elitism is caused by aspd, then we're at a bit of a roadblock because i disagree that apb is a tiny sociopath factory 


    Well long story short, it does not help to curb toxicity in the game when players are forced to walk around with the word looser written on their foreheads.

  2. 6 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    "Oh, for fuck's sake. A dog? Her "baby" is a dog? San Paro is swarming with crime and Rosario's wasting our time with this? Deliver the mutt to our drop-off. The reward better be worth this bullshoot."


    Oddly enough the criminal contact thinks it is a lizard that has been stolen. So we know that the van had more than just the dog but also a bunch of other animals. Did the enforcers just leave all the other animals in there?



    Thanks zombie waifu, for the all these years i have been playing this, the existence of lore of the game has rarely crossed my mind, never paid attention to the text at the top left but now you got me interested in reading all that lol,

  3. @MattScott So the shader dot question is still unclear to me because Matt didnt outright say that shared dots/crosshairs are not allowed, he said shader modifications in general are not allowed, but than he did a 180 and said that shadr mods like the ones that remove fog are allowed, so that conflicts with the whole shaders not allowed thing than, so could shader dots be one of those exception too the no shader rule too? would be nice to have a clear yes or no answer specifically for shader dots/crosshairs.


    Also the tattoo arm sleeves is the thing that got me most excited about this Q&A, are there any plans for legs as well?

    Also how are you going to solve the problem of NPC vehicles being in different places on both instances that players are being phased from and to, wont you have a thing where you drive along full speed and suddenly a dump truck materializes in front of you?

  4. 44 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    elitism is a symptom of pvp, its unavoidable as long as there's any tangible way for one player to prove theyre better than another

    Ok but what i mean by it is that you are focusing on the elitism part and ignoring everything else that was said about it,

    5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Just make ram raiding only available in districts with a minimum population of 10vs10. 

    That way crims aren't getting free money, and enfs have ample opportunity to witness and make some cash themselves. 


    There, EZ. 

    And also increase the rewards for both parties doing it to incentivize people to do it despite the risk, like, make crims get double or triple of what they normally would get by ram raiding without being witnessed so they would actually want to be witnessed, like a payday 2 style thing.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    i don't think its me 

    Im not sure what you are quoting here or what you are even trying to say with this, also to respond to one of the people you quoted, i never said this game makes people into full blown sociopaths, i said it makes people develop symptom of it.


    51 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    after playing apb for almost 10 years i dont feel any need to screw my opp over (other than by winning i guess), most veterans (at least the ones i know) realized a long time ago its not worth it to be so plugged into the game

    Well congratulations, you are in the same boat as me than, but people like us are the exception, not the norm.


    51 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    even if removing threat would somehow lower elitism (spoiler: it won't), you'd still end up removing a huge reason for people to play

    Elitism is a symptom of a bigger problem that you are ignoring, also i never said anything about removing it, i said myself that i do not think it should be removed, rather made it harder to obtain gold, so that only the people at the very top could get it.


    51 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    1 pedestrian =/= 1 player afaik, and being forced to waste time/attention running around killing civilians on a mission is still effectively punishing players for playing well


    losing prestige at the money laundry requires a player to have dirty money, for an enforcer that means finding a stolen car or stolen items and turning them in - again, not a process ideal for the middle of a mission

    You are right, but its still something and not "no other way", and when you got all these tasty pedestrian snacks walking around pretty much everywhere, why not grab a few?

  6. 8 hours ago, Solamente said:

    holy crap what the hell, playing videogames gives people mental illnesses? sounds like you have a few of your own lmao


    here's the bottom line: apb is a solely pvp game - in order for player A to win, player B has to lose, and yeah losing sucks because (almost) no one wants to fail, but blaming a video game for a personal inability to control oneself is a pretty crazy level of denial


    thats not to say that apb is perfect and nothing should change, but framing your personal opinions on balance as some crusade for "mental health" is hilarious


    Holy crap, someones been taking this post way too personally, sounds like you have a few insecurities with your own mental state


    heres the bottom line, you completely missed the point of this post, well yeah DUH player A has to win and player B has to loose, and i dont mind loosing a match if it was due to my own mistakes and inabilities, i do not however like to loose when the opposition has glitched the objective, like lets say enforcers breaking store windows that crims are supposed to break, breaking the whole mission, or using other objects in the game to put the item into some place that is not posible to reach normally. im not sure which one of us is in denial here.


    And this is not my personal opinion, its an observable fact that people that play this game for a long time develop a compulsive behavior where they will preemptively try to screw over their opposition in any way they can before their opposition can screws them over.



    removing threat won't do anything to curb pvp toxicity because threat doesnt cause pvp toxicity, the elitism will just move on to other comparisons; "i have more total kills than you", "i have more weapon roles", "im in this big owner clan and you aren't", "i beat you x days ago and i have a screenshot", blah blah blah, all it boils down to is "i win and you lose so i'm better" and there's no way to get rid of that

    None of these things are displayed above your head for everyone to see, and people would need to take the time to inspect every single player to know these things, people wont base their interactions with you around your icon color, they will need to get to know you as a person better first before they care enough to inspect your stats.




    i also don't see why your gameplay preference, which i assume is hunkering down and camping one (possibly broken) spot, should mean more than their gameplay preference 


    feels like you want to band aid the symptoms of larger problems instead of actually fixing the root cause - running is less effective when mods like blowtorch are balanced and carsurfer is more widely available, players abusing map spots merely requires the maps to be fixed


    You assume too much, my preference is to carry the item in the middle of the road (doesnt have to be a road but an easy accessible location) and fight over it, grabbing it and letting it go, this is the most fun way to do this and im glad that there are still players that understand what good sportsman ship is and accept my middle of the road challenge, instead of grabbing it, punting it in a car and driving off with it.


    And i have no idea why you feel like i want to bandaid the symptoms because i never said anything about fixing it, i was bringing up as an example of how broken this game is.

    Its like, you are constructing some nonsensical straw man with this.



    friendly reminder that enforcers cannot pay off their prestige level

    They can kill a random pedestrian to drop their prestige, they can also go to the enforcer version of the money laundry which will take off 1 star


    4 hours ago, Spy said:

    Ramaiding is working as intended. There's no such thing as free money in APB. Ramraiding is a bonus to get some extra money for both crim and enforcer with a risk factor. If it's such a big deal to crims getting witnessed and risking losing 'their' money then there's always the safe way to get money: do misions like the rest of the community does. Besides that, crims can easely collect their ramraiding money under the $2500 cap and lower the chance of getting witnessed. But as we all know, crims won't do that because it takes to much time, they just want free money fast without doing the extra mile. Not gonna happen...

    "I tried to calm them down and explain to them why they cant report them for simply playing the game how it was meant to be played"


  7. 1 hour ago, Kylegrey2 said:

    To blame a game for antisocial personality disorder just removes all personal responsibility from the equation. Its the anonymity the web provides that emboldens people to act this way. The more they get away with, the further they push it. Apb is frustrating but not to blame for how shitty people treat each other online.


    Want to also point out the leftist logic of "it upsets me, so get rid of it". You cant nerf the world for grown up children who cant handle reality.

    you should have just replied with a "tl;dr"


    and besides, even if my theory is not correct and the game does not create these kind of people, you cannot deny that it facilitates this kind of behavior.

    • Like 4

  8. 27 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I think you're thinking about this a bit too much.

    I'm sorry. Are you talking shit about LeBoyce sound clips? I think you should go get hired at Tasty Burger.

    haha, yeah well i do like the creative ones, i even recorded one after a match because it fascinated me lol, but threes some that just mean


    23 minutes ago, Ketog said:

    I actually, agree with each and every one of your points, with threat being the one that has the biggest mental impact on players .


    Having "how good of a player you are" being shown above your head at all times, makes people judge you even before having any sort of interaction, and knowing that threat itself is a poor representation of someone's skill doesn't make it better either ...


    Yeah like, i need a few matches to warm up, than i can be really good at the game for 2 or 3 matches but than i run out of stamina and just start sucking at it again, theres no way for the color above your head to reflect that.


    12 minutes ago, illgot said:

    Crims being witnessed... that is how Enforcers earn money.  They can't simply ram raid in an empty district at N5 all day solo and earn a million credits, they have to get lucky and witness idiots doing this out in the open when there are enforcers around (check the map to see if enforcers log in to the empty district).


    and 8k?  That's nothing.  I've been able to gather nearly 250k in 30-45 minutes with my crim.


    Now, if you want to really bypass the whole witness system, since you were working with a crew, have one of the crew log on as an Enforcer and just have them hold the money.  The Criminal farms say 5k, blows themselves up which drops the money, Enforcer picks up the money and holds it.  After you reach a goal, the Enforcer stands at the crim drop off with all the cash, the Crim (who can easily reach N5 by mugging) then kills the Enforcer holding the cash, picks it up, takes a step in any direction and completes the drop off.


    Your whole complaint about a group of Enforcers doing what is intended is silly.

    I suggest you read it all again


    "I tried to calm them down and explain to them why they cant report them for simply playing the game how it was meant to be played"

    "I also realized that even if i tell them that this is how the game is supposed to be played, it wont take away the shitty feeling of being robbed, and a gameplay mechanic that gives you this kind of a feeling is a bad mechanic"


    Also yeah that is what im doing, helping crims ram raid as an enforcer


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  9. Ive played many online games over the years and i have not seen a game that would have such a large quantity of people with varying degree off nastiness to them, for a lack of a better word(well maybe dota).

    So this has got me wondering for a while now, does A. APB attract those kind of people, or B. does it create them?


    One day i was driving around in an empty district and saw some ram raiders doing their thing, i didnt bother them or anything. But than 2 other enforcers showed up, one was driving a white jericho and the other one was car surfing with an osmaw, they were witnessing the raiders, blowing them up and grabbing their hard earned cash. Apparently one of the raiders had amassed 8K stash and the 2 car surfing osmaw trolls took all of that from them. Needless to say, the raiders were really distressed about it, all that hard work wasted.

    The trolls kept turning up into the district every 20 minutes to repeat it.


    Removed image due to Naming & Shaming.     - Mina_


    I tried to calm them down and explain to them why they cant report them for simply playing the game how it was meant to be played, and that moment in the middle of telling them that i realized that the answer is B, this game causes people distress and makes them develop symptoms of ASPD (antisocial personality disorder)

    I also realized that even if i tell them that this is how the game is supposed to be played, it wont take away the shitty feeling of being robbed, and a gameplay mechanic that gives you this kind of a feeling is a bad mechanic,


    So what do i mean by this? the design of many of the game mechanics forces players into doing desperate things, creating situations that will bring out the worst in people and make receiving end bitter at them for it. So im going to list a few of them.



    Ram raiding and witnessing


    While this is far from the worst mechanic in the game in terms of begin detrimental to player's mental health, it is probably one of the most poorly thought out mechanic in the game.
    Crims can easily make cash by stealing cars and looting stores. Enforcers on the other hand, have no such easy ways to make money, they can turn in stolen cars or goods but they get peanuts for it, and even reaching a high enough prestige level for a multiplier is a challenge. Its a lot of pointless driving around and looking for things to turn in, so Enforcers are forced into the role of a parasite, abusing other players by witnessing them and taking their stash instead.
    And its not all fun and games for crims either, while ram raiding is the best way to make the most cash, it is also the most stressful and monotonous activity you can do in the game, it is a lot of work and anything but fun, so the least thing you want is some asshat with osmaw legally griefing you. No one is doing ram raiding for the hopes of "fun times" in getting a mini mission with the cop that witnessed them.

    All in all, this brings a lot of unnecessary grief and rewards abuse.



    Bronze/Silver/Gold icons


    Now this is a big one and i bet im gonna get a bunch of insults over this but, a HUGE chunk of all the toxicity in the game comes from this, The gold status is a source of inflated ego and elitism, people who arent gold are not taken seriously, belittled and treated like they know nothing and not worth your time to even speak to. Because of this, people who are low gold will stress over it, obsessed with their score, obsessed with other people's score, not wanting to play with people of lower threat level, tryharding and worrying about performing. Some will rage whisper insults to people that killed them or people they killed. They will do things like abandoning missions that have at least one silver in the team before opp gets assigned (back in the good old days they used to just kick silvers from teams in the middle of the mission) or ALT-F4 the game when they are doing bad, because their pride depends on it, they wanna be one of the cool gold kids in the eyes of other cool kids. Once their gold is secure and their ego is safe, they will taunt others that arent gold.


    All in all, while this is probably the biggest thing that has a negative mental effect on the community as a whole, personally im a bit conflicted about LOs decision to scrap this system, i cannot imagine APB without the gold/silver/bronze thing, its like the soul of the game, for better or for worse, and i would hate to see the system go as much as i would love to see it go, maybe it should be reworked instead so that only the truly best players would get to be gold instead of everyone and their mom like it is now, i believe back in the day it was a lot harder to get gold too.


    Item hold missions.


    These would be fine by themselves if everyone played fair, but most of the time players will either run with the item, or exploit the awful map design to get the item into some way up high unreachable place, and as a cherry on top, the missions where an armored truck is the item and you are literally supposed to run with it, nothing takes the wind out of your sail than runners, i know a few people who just stopped playing the game because of this.

    Now every time this topic comes up, you always get geniuses belittling the poster about how they should just use the rocket launcher like everyone just have one laying around in their gun locker, or get car surfer LMG or some other nonsense perfect world scenario that can only happen between high level players that already have all those toys unlocked and in their inventories.



    High level locked gear


    Things like the rocket launcher, car surfer, creating impossible to win scenarios, making players bitter at the car surfing osmaw dudes with cowboy hats.



    Awful objective placement


    Sometimes the objectives are placed in locations with no thought put into it, like hacking an ATM in a middle of a wide open space with enemy spawn points in sight of the objective, or investigating a car that is surrounded by buildings with easily accessible roof tops that the opp can spawn next to, and you gotta love the spawns around the warehouse and boat area in waterfront, so it becomes a matter of who gets to it first, resulting in missions with bitter outcomes.


    Death themes


    Really love the death theme idea but it can often get abused to create very loud ear no beeps or insult the player with an arrangement of leboyce voice samples.

    That being said, i think the good far outway the bad in this case and im kinda against the proposed idea of an option to turn of death themes, theres a lot of really creative people in the game that make wonders with the music editor that i shouldnt be silenced because of a few bad apples.



    The bounty system


    Now i personally love the idea but i think its implementation is very poor, randoms outside your mission can mess your whole mission up if you turn P5/N5 or if there happens to be someone outside your mission who turned P5/N5 thirsty for some kills, and finally, people who arent as thrilled about being the bounty and just wanna get out of it, will kill a random person of their own faction just to get rid of it.

    The fix for this problem would be really simple, if someone turns P5/N5 on a mission, it should be restricted to the mission and people outside the mission couldnt interfere with it, once the mission is over, it should open up to the whole district and whoever is not on a mission could go after the bounty.



    All these things i listed and many more are not a big deal on their own, but when you pile them up, it can make people playing this game develop varying degrees of ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) and im glad that some of these issues were address by Matt in the recent Q&A stream, and while some of his answered were not ideal(turning off bounty system, removing visual threat), its still nice to know that something is being done about it. Also matchmaking is another huge issue but i havent listed it here because that topic has been done to death.



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  10. Please make it so that killing someone from your own faction would not get rid of your P5/N5, cowards and assholes will always kill a random person outside their mission or even their own teammates to get rid of their N5/P5, this is really annoying and just bad game design encouraging bad behaviour.


    also, it wold be cool if you guys made it so that accidentally running over a single pedestrian would not remove your P5 as an enforcer, i had so many moments when i hit P5 and i wanted to a location where i could take out out as many people coming after me as i can before i die, only to notice that im no longer P5 when i finally arrive there because i accidentally ran some random NPC over on my way there :C

    Currently its way too easy to loose your P5 as enforcer, gotta be on your tip toes about it.

  11. on topic of reporting, who reviews the reports? is it the same people that do support tickets? i imagine if they are so overwork it takes them half a month to answer to a tiket, i can imagine the report staff has same if not more work on their hands with everyone and their mom mass reporting and telling others to report imaginary cheaters every match.

  12. They could just simply only ban the player that did the charge back, i dont see the problem here, also i dont see the problem with players trading armas stuff for ingame money, LO would be getting richer from it either way, unless theres some kind of law against it or something.

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  13. 8 hours ago, Solamente said:

    it was removed because it was basically a ban button for anyone with malicious intent 


    i don’t think there’s a way to implement gifting without the potential for abuse, so it might not ever come back 

    what do you mean? what was wrong with it?

  14. 13 hours ago, GhosT said:


    Wdym not a good gun. It's one of the best guns in the game. Especially if you quickswitch it.

    You don't see it in fight club because baylan is a snipers dream and asylum is a shotgun fest. It doesn't have a place in fight club.

    Well from my perspective, other than quick switching that they are going to patch, the handling is a bit cumbersome, it will not shoot if you click too fast after switching to it, you need to stand still to shoot it or you will loose accuracy if you walk while shooting it, and unless they are a complete newbie, they will run and hide to regen before you can fire the last burst, you are also defenseless if they get in close (unless you use some sweaty JMB secondary) and most objectives are within tight spaces where people run around with shotguns and SMGs. Its mostly good in waterfront where there's lots of open spaces and objectives that are in the open.


    Like, i believe that it can be an effective weapon in the hands of a professional that has mastered it and his secondary weapon, but majority of people playing this game arent, so its not some wonder weapon that anyone can pick up and do good with. So its not the weapon thats good, its just you being good with it and assuming that everyone else are as good as you.


    Also i think its strange not to see it in baylan because i had the most luck with it there because of all the open long range space, also it is in general a long range weapon dream, not just snipers, but surprisingly you dont see as many snipers and other long range weapons on that map, only like 1 or sometims 2 per side, and they all mostly hang out on that green roof lol, but the map is mostly dominated by ntecs.


  15. This got me thinking, why is this nerf even a thing, was the obir ever really a problem to anyone? do you even see anyone ever use this gun in the game, who isnt some 3 weeks old bronze account that redeemed their perm weapon selector mail they got from finishing the tutorial?, heck you dont even see it at fight club for more than like once a month. Despite the damage it puts out, its not a very good gun and its too situational to be of any use majority of the time, they shouldnt be nerfing it, they should buff it instead.

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