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Posts posted by Szambi

  1. My idea on buffing kevlar? Instead of adding health make it add you some bullet resistance... but with a twist! It would be ammo type dependent - so for example (random numbers, just to show what I mean):
    -FBW with its normal pistol rounds would deal 60% less damage
    -RSA uses magnum bullets so 30%
    -NTEC? 20%
    -HVR - 10%

    ...and so on.

    So pretty much the bigger the rounds, the less of a damage reduction you get. And like I've said these were just random numbers to show you what I mean.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  2. 1 minute ago, GhosT said:

    They do change stuff on the shredder. But I don't blame you, that gun is so bad most people don't even know it exists.

    Anyway, no, Reflex Sight does nothing on the NFAS-12.
    I do know about it existing, I even leased it from Joker Store a couple of times. Didn't try to mod it though.
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