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About XEpicGodXx

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  1. Mhms.. It gets like that. It's unfortunate when you're matched up against the same bronze n silvers over n over again too. No point throwing cause it's not fun for either team - but stomping isn't fun either. Cool of you to team up with them!! In saying that though, the opposite still happens to me to. There are some players I know by user name that I get this feeling of dread when I see them cause I know it's gonna be a one sided patootie beating and there's nothing me or my team can do to stop it xD Game needs a higher pop before it can balance out, but I don't think that'll ever happen given the game's age and history unfortunately
  2. NA server thread so there only I play both, happy to roll with enf
  3. The amount of 10 v 10s I've been in since returning is kinda rediculous. Any unbalanced areas are suddenly amplified and the chaos feels like a fight club but with map design that wasn't suited for this kind of combat. Any time my friends and I end up in a mission like this everyone just mentally checks out, grabs some kind of long range rifle and just picks at people for kills because going for objectives becomes irrelevant when you have 10people spawning within 50-100m of the objective constantly.
  4. A small range or bloom nerf might put it on par with secondaries that are close to it. Make the frogs seem a bit more useful, and the fbw could use a slight range buff too. Any big changes to the weapon are gonna make it so good nobody uses anything else or so bad that nobody uses it at all
  5. Game's matchmaking is better than it used to be believe it or not - but there's still a limited amount of players and if you're not as experienced as other players you will likely struggle a lot still
  6. On God I just posted this and looked at the user name I made when I was 12 omg xD Cringe name aside, still looking for friendos to game with ^
  7. XEpicGodXx

    Anyone recruiting?

    This might be silly to ask given the state of the forum and how old the game is, but are there any clans forming or present right now? I play enf and crim equally rn but happy to focus on one more than the other. I tend to bounce between silver and gold based on various factors, and am mostly looking for chill vibes and a little teamwork to make the solo qs less painful while the game is active!
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