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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. 21 hours ago, AlexTheBear said:

    Well then how can I check it if I play by steam ?




    I'll try to validate with the same email that my steam has 




    The validation code from gamersfirst is not coming to my email what to do ???




    Now I can enter by the same email as my steam account is made by and I enter to the same account as in steam 
    But Your account is not active is still there cuz I need to validate but BUT THE VALIDATION IS NOT COMING TO MY EMAIL I ALREADY PRESSED IT LIKE 5 TIMES :DDD

    when you first started this game you had to create an account that got linked to steam automatically.


    you can check the address here (if you are signed in, like you are right now):


    and see if it actually is the one you are checking the whole time. have you checked your spam folder?


    which mailprovider are you using if i may ask?

  2. 10 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    dude, stadia will only succeed if people replace their pc's witht heir service, otherwise, you are so bad at math that you deserve to pay twice. But no one that can afford a mid range gaming pc and sufficient braincells will also pay a monthly fee for gaming as well. And the goal IS to replace gaming PCs and consoles.


    And if they succeed they are above 200million gamers, and they said the exectable goal is like 1 million players and above, so thats scale is VERY different, and even if it's only 200million. 24bn vs 3,3bn is NOT the same scale, if it's in th same scale range for you,w ell then it is, but objectively thats worlds apart.

    it's not even *10^1. of course it is the same scale and not worlds apart - objectively.


    that's not what your post even said. you can bend it now but no.

    the concept of replacing is widespread - as you can see with cloud services and e.g. chromebooks. citrix was a commercially VERY successful example. you said the concept was not widespread. this is objectively wrong.


    stop picking the stuff you want to respond to just so i can/gotta repeat the same arguments lmao.


    crucially you also just said they want to replace gaming PCs. yes. never said anything contrary. this service is STILL not gonna replace PCs in general and this probably isn't the aim of the project either. this is exactly what citrix is doing in another sector.

  3. 39 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    400.000 clients wordlwide, do you know how low that is? and a revenue of 3,3BN. for 400.000 clients. you know on the scale of the globe thats tiny. And they hardly use any proper or full scale client side desktop replacement offers.


    you know, including 99% of the furtune 100means,  When they run just a single sort of thing this includes them, but that doesn't even man that company has replaced thir office pc's with cloud hosts for these. or that even the turnovers are big, in fact 400k customers for 3,3BN turnover is pretty low.

    and yes those 11% market share is louse because doesn't matter if 11% or 100% you do nto get over those 3,3BN and that is a small number on a worldwide scale, thats exactly why I gave you the stadia expectation as comparison, so that you have another scale for comparison. Yes citrix may be limited to enterprises, still getting only 3,3BN from those top 100 is extremely low and I doubt any of those top 100 run on an server client architecture only. And thats what we talkd about initially, it is not used widespread as a replacement.


    originally I told about replacing what the PC does, and citrix does NOT do that. we had some citrix services as well in our company but it is not and never was a replacement for the major applications doing their stuff on the client pc not in a cloud.

    you did not say it is a replacement. stadia is very probably also not a fully replacement. and still 3.3BN and 24BN (12mo*2BN/mo) are the same scale. by your arguments stadia would be small too then.

    On 8/22/2019 at 8:33 AM, LilyV3 said:

    It's like leasing a computer, but instead of having that computer at home it stands somewhere else like the APB servers. So you will just connect to that computer form home. That computer then will run APB and you only send your input commands like mouse and keyboard actions to that Computer.  And that computer will send the screen information to your PC at home which then just shows the picture.



    But hey this idea is soo old it was an idea even for office task handling in bigger companies, but never managed to spread properly, because it works shitty.

    citrix is not meant as a full replacement. it literally does what you said there though. (more or less since citrix sucks)

    virtualization in general also does that though.

    thin clients are also widespread.

    hell, we could even talk about chromebooks here.

    of course the concept is widespread and widely used.

  4. 2 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    and who is using such a thing widespread? I don't know any bigger copany even doing that for thir office. I realyl do not see any larger scale where anyone used it to replace typical client sided applications with cloud or virtualized or centralised ones.


    citrix has a lousy 3,3BN turnover, and yes, thats pretty lousy by scale.

    Stadia said that below 200million players is already a fail. Think about that, if the price is just 10 a month thats already 2BN PER MONTH only by the subs. So that citrix is an example that cloud for replacing client side software utility is used, but the scale is supertiny and negliable compared to what happens globally.


    have you even tried to google citrix

    "Citrix solutions are claimed to be in use by over 400,000 clients worldwide, including 99% of the Fortune 100, and 98% of the Fortune 500."

    yeah, only 98% of the 500 companies which highest in revenue worldwide use citrix. i wonder how widespread that is. of course it managed to spread properly.


    "citrix has a lousy 3,3BN turnover, and yes, thats pretty lousy by scale." - so even if stadia would have 24BN per year (as you proclaimed) - (less than) 8 times what citrix currently has - 8 times is still the same scale. although they are not even competitors, do you really think e.g. a phone manufcaturer with 11% of global market share is "lousy" because another has 89%? of course one is bigger than another but even the smaller one has a giant customer base and is widespread. and this doesn't even apply here. they are not in the same market. stadia will ahve a way bigger market since it is not limited to enterprises.


    besides that virtualization and cloudcomputing is as old as the internet. it's not a new concept. supercomputers - that's literally clients using computing time on big servers for their tasks. which also lead to the development of the internet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSFNET

    a very similar idea - and you tell me that's not widespread?

    2 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    also wonder how IP bans would work, that could really mess things up on a crazy level.

    no big game/developer/publisher uses IP bans since they are way too easy to evade and are already an issue with IPv4 since these addresses (generally) get reassigned to different people every day. plus, even then, each vm could have their own public/external ip assigned. google certainly has the means to buy an own IP region. would they? would it be reasonable to get your own IPv4 region? no.


    especially since they only have certain games available and work with the developers so they could figure an own banning system based on other, more reasonable, criteria out.


    and even then - i doubt there is much room for cheating. how would you inject a cheat to a game that's not even running on your pc, on a machine you only have very limited access to? that may run an OS that doesn't even allow such manipulation? but sure, there are other bannable offenses besides cheating.

  5. percs shouldnt have (as high) stamina damage to allow the very skilled pig + perc combos


    low yields are practically a straight upgrade to frags rn. reducing the blast radius might be a good idea there.

    if it wasnt for flak jacket having that giant downside that only low yields "balance" out while ca1-3 basically has none... they could also just reduce count to 2. kinda dumb reasoning but... stuff is a bit more interconnected xd


    concs as a car counter and frag as the standard ones is kinda cool though. i'm not exactly sure what concs downside was - but i think they are pretty balanced. but - if i could propose a change there, lower the health damage, increase hard damage - make them really antivehicular. would deal with the annoying tank meta - whatever you say, hopping in a pioneer and driving off does not require skill xd nor does having a pretty indestructible radar tower/bait standing around. since this would fuck other cars more, rather nerf the tanks though. (and buff the low end!)

    i feel like oneshotting small/sports car with a conc is pretty balanced/reasonable though.

  6. is decent to me. obviously not as strong as oca - because oca is too strong rn.

    i don't feel scammed.


    plus, it even says it's full auto and even those normally quite useless bars say tell youbquite clearly what you are getting. have you had any weapon that can switch between either (except the yukon)?

  7. 10 minutes ago, xatwxes said:

    Hello, moderator, does it make sense for me to contact support if the ban occurred by mistake Easy Anticheat, should I lose my time in order to wait a month for a response from support?


    although - if there was a mass banwave it probably will be investigated either way. but: you are the first one talking about this.

  8. this guy is just pure satire

    15 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    but never managed to spread properly, because it works shitty.

    may i introduce you to citrix (leaving the second bit in was indeed not an accident)


    (arguably all cloud computing and virtualization are not too dissimilar)

    • Like 1

  9. 19 hours ago, Littleem said:
    On 8/19/2019 at 11:28 AM, Void said:

    You sound toxic yourself

    How do I sound toxic when I'm pointing out the true facts about this game...

    idk, you just manage to do so with ease. no clue how.



    even this answer just screams TOXIC af


    plus, please stop with the unneccessary highlighting/formatting

  10. 13 hours ago, Sayori said:

    Hardly... Good  IPS panel with 144hz is still expensive. And one will need to spend a lot of cash for modern implementation of VA that comes close to IPS colors. TNs are cheap but colors are washed out even on the more expensive ones. 

    but for gaming TN is totally fine.

    i went IPS but especially if you only play games/watch some shows on your pc sometimes and are on a budget, going IPS is quite unreasonable.

  11. 56 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    It's probably the most complained about weapon at the moment (the Fang). It's the one weapon that is almost universally thought to be out of balance and overpowered. Giving it out to everyone, while hilarious, was not at all a good idea.


    Imagine giving the OP version of the Troublemaker to everyone, or the OP version of the nano. 


    You don't need to compare the test version with the original, you simply need to test the prototype version and give your feedback on that.

    it probably is - i would agree with that. still, it's not that much better (effectively) as the normal rfp, which still slaps.


    i think it is a good idea. it was easy to obtain - and people who spent money to do so had all the time to "exploit" it as they please, have fun with it. now that it's going, might as well go all out and allow everyone to join in. can't just abuse it anymore if everyone has it


    it's only for (maximum of) 14? 15? days.


    i guess you don't need a comparison - but i think it's okay to show everyone why it needs a nerf and if/that their complaints were reasonable and they can see if the changes on prototype are effective and address the perceived issues well enough.

    i guess you could just give them the updated weapon so they could be like "ah ye ok weapon, kills fast up to 30m, would play 6/10" which i guess would be enough and what they actually just need.


    it doesn't seem like a toooooo hard task since they could give players weapons during events in certain districts since forever but eh. seems fine enough as it is. not much they can change now - maybe next time.

  12. 2 hours ago, Parthian said:

    Yeah, why not give the entire community a pocket OBIR? Really good idea you changed my mind completely. Wow. 👍

    exactly, so they can test the nerfs. you got it.


    a weapon that was already obtainable by everyone and (effectively) only mildly better than the contact counterpart - so it is a good idea. nice that you agree and don't do a sarcastic statement that is just because your stubborn on your shortsighted opinion!

  13. 26 minutes ago, quixxius said:

    Would it increase my skill? xD


    you do get a slight advantage since it allows you to react faster and track better - but to me it's mostly that it feels much more smooth, since those advantages are kinda lost on apb - you don't need super fast reactions in this game.


    however - consider that your pc might not be able to run every game (including apb) at 144fps. csgo, league, dota and other competitive games are much less resource-intensive and probably will run at high fps on any given system - and in those games it also matters the most.


    but for apb... eh. using a 144hz monitor just feels better overall tho. (be sure to actually make it run at 144hz though once you get it. you do need to set that in windows/nvidiaa control panel/etc)

    but tbh, when i first got mine i didn't really notice a difference, except when i looked at my old screen again in comparison. (only have 120hz though, bought that aw3418dw 1-2 yrs ago)

    • Like 1

  14. 1 hour ago, Spy said:

    It may sound selfish but sharing goes both ways.

    it is selfish

    38 minutes ago, Rat1oNRUs said:

    fact is why should he share his intel when lo declined himas a gm & to do what a real gm should be doing #banhammer.

    because he complains about cheaters too

    and as he said, it is their right to not be blackmailed lmao

    12 minutes ago, Rat1oNRUs said:

    how is he gonna harm the game? its the cheaters that harm the game he only wanted to help out but he got declined to methats abit weird do they not want to ban cheaters or what?

    i think not assisting when you are in a position where it would be very easy to do so is also a way of harming


    plus, why would some random dude with access to private cheats who claims to have been a gm before be a welcome addition to a team and given power lol


    also since it is a private cheat - not many use it, so not many cheaters - so just the usual issue in any given game - and they haven't been banned, so they are just pathetic closets that need cheats to play on par with legits - otherwise, if they cheated their patootie off, video evidence and other would get them banned eventually

    • Thanks 1

  15. 4 hours ago, Glaciers said:

    all items were already migrated from innova afaik, nekrova existed before little orbit purchased apb 

    the point was that even g1 wasnt obliged in any way to migrate stuff over from innova


    g1 got payments from 4game but that doesn't mean players are entitled to have everything at g1 when 4game decides to shut down

    • Thanks 2

  16. 2 minutes ago, LilWonka said:

    Anyone else would of been temp bans, im pointing out how biased they are. But I know your one of those LO coc riders.

    biased towards players who abide the rules and those who don't

    damn you right, never realized

  17. 5 minutes ago, LilWonka said:

    its not ez being a snowflake.

    you mean being snowflake as in posting on the forums about getting rightfully banned and complaining about it

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