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Posts posted by Victoria97

  1. @MageLO  i dont know if you guys are aware of it, but citadel is down. Jericho works and i can join in with my char, but all chars at citadel cant login...looks like citadel is down.


    edit: it just took pretty long time to load the citadel chars probably cuz its my first time logging in. nvm. its working now. tnx

  2. Servers are crashing non stop, and when I say non stop, it literally means every 10minutes.
    We tried to play yesterday, there were literally 4 beacon full districts on in EU, full financial, and servers kept crashing. People came back filled 3 beacon districts entire game crashed again and sent error "account already in use" 
    You guys need to make longer maintenance and fix it already.
    I am not posting just because game crashed one time, check logs. Its crashing non stop when there is bigger amount of players online. 
    Nobody can grind the event during weekend if this ll persist.

  3. 8 hours ago, Talla said:

    I thought the changes would come to live tomorrow.
    Was there even a client update?

    i know that this change we encountered in sunday afternoon gameplay in EU. When we joined the sunday it needed us to download 25mb patch even tho we were online in saturday meaning they made a silent patch in saturday/sunday time. 
    This cross district matchmaking lasts since then, we tried to play yesterday it was disaster. 
    We were 3 premade group, we waited 30 min for a match, and then somewhere 32-35 min of waiting we got kicked to waterfront into an already lasting match stage 2 against 4 max rank gold cops, while in our team was trainee and green person.

    Next time i will screenshot and post here after hiding names. Its hilarious to see the opposed levels. We are talking about ranks 150-200 silvers and trainee bronzies <40 level against 4 lvl 270 cops who are literally bullying...there is no other word at this point aside bullying their opponents. 

    If you got at your dispose ALL weapons, all armas weapons, all mods plus those cops were changing weapons every 10-15min changing char mods...literal sweaty try hards...going high buildings with snipers, i ask you and anyone else, what motivation exactly do rest of us silver mortals have aside alt f4 uninstall apb. What else is there?  

  4. @MageLO Whoever came with this brilliant idea obviously didnt test it out, nor played more than one mission in apb. You need to have feedback from your player base to know the consequences of your changes.

    Why didnt you put it optional if you already wanted to test something new? Why is there no choice for us to say yes or no to the transfer question? Instead you put it as an ultimatum.

    We want to play financial and stay at financial because we hate waterfront and sniper obir gameplay tryhards climbing highest roofs they could possible get to, but nooo now we cant even stay in financial or at least that system change us to same district...instead we get kicked to waterfront where we didnt want to be at first place.

    Does the guy who came with this idea in ur dev team, knows that each 2nd time we get kicked around, all of us get glitch that we cant see tags of objectives or enemy tags, neither on the map nor in person hence we have no idea where we have to go on map hence each 2nd mission we waited for 20-30min to begin with, we gotta restart entire apb to the desktop to repair the glitch bug. Does your guy know that? Obviously not.

    With this move apb becomes literally UNPLAYABLE!! 


    It was more or less already unplayable cuz we had n have to battle vs closet cheaters try hard golds using no recoil configs n whatnot, but now we gotta experience impossible long waiting for missions, endure glitches during forced transfers to other districts, suffer UNFAIR mm...terrible MM and now on top of all that, this looks like someone in ur team is literally purposely sabotaging player base literally making us all leave the game so you can finally shut down the servers justifying it...there is no players. 


    I cant deliver any other conclusion to this awful illogical move which literally improves nothing, even blind man can see it improves nothing it only degrades the gameplay experience further n further. 

    MM is broken more, idk what you did to MM with this move..but we are not getting same threats anymore...it was at least until now that if we are 3 silvers we ll get often 3 silver enemy...if we are 1 gold 2 silver we ll get exactly 1 gold 2 silver in enemy team... now MM puts TRAINEES, greens, bronzes with gold max ranks, greens, everything in same basket against premade 4 men high end well known nolifer golds, who are known in community to make configs and streams and we all know they have no life when it comes to apb. How can MM use our stats now all of a sudden and oppose us to such stats? It happened to us maybe 1-2 times in weeks...now it happens in EVERY match! Means u touched MM settings n changed them to WORSE!!


    I know entire community is forcing you to make changes constantly, trying the options, deliver new systems, but dude, your testers need to actually test the idea before launching it officially.... in this case it was better you didnt touch anything, nor changed anything since you only made the bad situation a lot worse.  

    Please reverse the settings of missions to what they used to be before last wednesday and sunday maintenances. Tnx in advance

    • Like 1


    On 12/13/2024 at 5:28 PM, MageLO said:

    Ho ho ho, San Paro!

    We’re back with another exciting blog post to sleigh your holiday expectations! This time, we’re diving into all the jolly activities and awesome rewards waiting for you during 2024’s Holiday Season!

    Mark your calendars because the festive fun kicks off on December 18th and wraps up on January 8th. So, grab your favorite mug of hot chocolate, cozy up by the fire, and get ready for a holiday celebration like no other!

    Want to unwrap all the details about Christmas 2024 and what we’ve got planned? Head on over to our dedicated blog post for the full scoop!

    damn was really hoping for at least 1 new clothing item but still new gun is new content so tnx u very much ❤️ 

  6. On 12/7/2024 at 12:01 AM, Dispirit said:

    I mean the players need to start taking some responsibility for the player count dipping. If they stopped cheating the game would probably grow, all be it at a slow rate but grow. Cheating is always gonna be a problem like in every game. Can't always be the devs fault as there will always be some sort of bypass.


    Think these cheaters need to have a serious think about what they are doing. It's gonna get to a stage where they aren't gonna have a game to cheat on.


    Maybe for just one second think... "I won't cheat anymore..." If they all thought like this the game would be a lot better of an experience for everyone.

    in 2013 it was already easily predicted that apb will eventually be a game filled with cheaters, hackers, trolls and toxic immature abusers.
    Many people left apb due to the high amount of toxicity during g1 era, so not even cuz of cheaters which always existed and always will exist in every game.
    You really think trolls care? Cheaters care? Its their main goal...to waste their time making someone else's time miserable.
    At this point too many people left again so its not even the trolls and toxic players that remained...even those types moved on.

    Now we got player base filled with basically old closets who cant let the game go cuz they invested too much time of their life building their ego via apb game, using all sorts of configs that remove recoil and assists with aim and grenade throwing, where they keep telling others and themselves how that is "not cheating", and we got those full blatants who re roll weekly new chars new accounts which they build up by going full full blatant level aimbot style, and as soon as they max their cop and crime ranks they sell acc for irl money to newcomers.
    And we got third curious real newbies who install a game and manage to remain in the game maybe full few hours before they tuck their tails between their legs and run away from everything.

    So its irreparable and downfall is inevitable. 


    We are currently stuck in a magic circle, where only way you can maybe save the game is that sard really starts to work after all this analyzing for months, and literally do a ban wave of removing all k/d ratio suspicious players instantly without mercy. 

    But if you do that, current player base of 300 people would literally drop to 80-100 legit people, and do you really think it would pay off to have servers for 100 people? 

    So after that ban wave we would again need an unban wave so that we bring back all that cheating scum, who is basically at this point keeping this game alive as well.

    Actual working anti-cheat is far too late same as engine upgrade. To little too late. 

    At this point we just need new content and enjoy in the small things and maybe expecting new patches like new horizon gradually slowly upgrading apb towards some potential apb 2. 

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  7. I surely hope that you guys prepared new content for xmas event aside silly titles and jts. When is xmas event starting? Which date?
    We want at least 1 new clothing piece, at least one single new item, even if its just repainted refurbished same old item. 

    Game is in worse state than before horizon...pop is dropping as we speak.
    We need from you guys to hold us up give us at least some nice xmas present, surprise us. 

    Pretty please.  @MageLO

  8. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    confirmed by whom? 

    Confirmed by one employee who left Lil orbit. Certainly not confirmed by you who come and spam the forum with your posts numbers without ever saying anything useful. Wannabe funny 3 letters comeback person. 

    You are among first ones who sucked up, while during g1 era u were nothing and still you are nothing with your irrelevant title which is only thing you "accomplished".

    I remember you in early days of 2013-2014 and your immature trolling. You were among my first ignored people. 

    • Thanks 2

  9. there are confirmed rumors that old veteran cheaters infiltrated lil orbit in a forms of spcts and gms and with that they got unfair influence when some old closets are banned and then suddenly they get unbanned.
    With that said its irrelevant at this point to expect any function from offline sard when posts are being ignored by gms and staff with literal youtube channels which show in detail not full 10 hours after sard was released how they bypassed sard...identical thing was for battle eye, identical thing was for easy anticheat and that goes to ffbans era as well.

    Not to mention your unban wave which not only destroyed population yet again, but it also brought back all the old famous hacker and cheater player names which are now storming FC and mission districts again by hitting 10/10 shots and being gods...as they used to be...which just shows they blatantly continued to use their hacking programs because they even care less for ban now, than they used in apb prime time before. 

    i dont understand why staff cant join in silently at least one FC at least one day at random day...and just observe what we have to deal with daily. People really dont hide, they go scores 40+ with 2 deaths...with 10 day oca 0 slots. There are several lowrank names which are doing it on cop side and then they go to crime side and nobody cares.

    so to conclude...with knowledge that it doesnt matter which anti cheat u install ...its bypassed under 24hrs... even if it worked..you will just unban wave them all eventually..and spit in faces of us legits players who always obeyed the rules and followed the rules, and u will reward the caught hackers and cheaters by letting them save their ingame items and unbanning their mains so they can continue to harass community further. 

    Reports are futile because nobody ever reads them, you got 5 employees and entire community knows it...i bet you didnt read neither 10 reports in this entire year hence nobody even bother using it.

    Your sard anti cheat is offline, it "collects" data...for what? already several months with 0 bans...0 reactions...0 deeds...and not only we legits know it, but also hackers know it...hence why they are literally raping the game and take it out on entire playerbase. 

    your game will die not cuz of lacking the new content at this moment but because it literally became a game for hacker fest and testing out hacker programs.

    Before it was, dont hackusate because you reall need to get good...now its doesnt matter how good you are if you dont ve at least macro...you stand no chance. So cheating and hacking heaven.


    • Thanks 1

  10. I am seriously hoping you guys are giving us at least one new clothing item. 

    Can you return the old G1 tradition of giving out new backpack each halloween event? 

    we would love if you just add a single new backpack or something.

    Is it true, that now that complex coding of g1 which prevented adding new content all this years, is finally edited, you can way easier add new clothes and new items to the game?

    Please dont let us down @MageLO  please ❤️  

  11. yes we need ttk 0.000001 milisec for the headshots done by aimbot because there is not enough hackerfest rampage going on in fc every day on cop side 2 blatant 40 rank trash accounts harassing entire citadel for weeks and sard doing nothing. 
    sard is a mockery, anti cheat agenda is mockery, takes one sec for someone to invite staff to fc silently so he can observe and literally just manually instantly ban person...but nobody cares.

    so yes pls put headshot too so i can instantly permanently uninstall apb already and quit the masochistic misery 

  12. On 10/13/2024 at 2:10 PM, BoomLion said:

    Can a GM or someone come an tell me theres no cheats so i can play again.. got alot of time an money love APB but cant take all teh macros an stuff..plz tell me theres no cheats so i can pwn everyone....

    sorry but you are seeking something which is impossible in any multiplayer game that exists on the planet. There are always cheaters and there will always be cheaters. 

    what you need to do is train and play more often and you can be pretty well in combat and with results

  13. 12 hours ago, CHRISCEO said:

    All the signs are there including response times when the playerbase is as low as it is that this game isn't going to last much longer.

    People are saying apb will die since 2013. And its still here and its not dying. Yes eventually it will die, but it wont be in any close future. It will run for next 5-10 years. 

    What we need is not engine upgrade anymore, we need someone to start working on APB 2, with already new engine. 
    Problem is such games aside of nostalgia are becoming obsolete. 

  14. I play since 2013, i have never opened the ticket i have never lost account, guess why? Because I always played by the book. I wasnt toxic, I didnt put swastikas around myself, I didnt run around with drawn vagina on my clothes, I didnt grief, I didnt insult players I didnt use overlays, I didnt use 3rd party programs, I didnt use macro, I didnt use aimbot aimassist, togglebot, triggerbot or any things of the above. I never exploited and glitched maps during events, I never talked abusively with gm's as I see the case is ALWAYS when gm comes here n there, because everybody is brave knowing gm cant ban you. 

    You account wasnt suspended by "accident". You very well know what you did, therefore you got 0 sympathy. 

    You should be happy support even wants to discuss things with you, if I was support and you come spamming me with tickets after you know very well what you have done, I would ban your 2nd alt email n acc from which you trying to communicate with me.

    All of you ticket and support communicators should be banned by mac address so nobody hears from you ever again.

    I d rather have player base of 40 people but decent 40 ppl who never did anything wrong, than playerbase of 1k population from which 900 of you wrote tickets and cried on forums how you got banned wrongly and that you "have no idea" why. 

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