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Posts posted by Victoria97

  1. I play since 2013, i have never opened the ticket i have never lost account, guess why? Because I always played by the book. I wasnt toxic, I didnt put swastikas around myself, I didnt run around with drawn vagina on my clothes, I didnt grief, I didnt insult players I didnt use overlays, I didnt use 3rd party programs, I didnt use macro, I didnt use aimbot aimassist, togglebot, triggerbot or any things of the above. I never exploited and glitched maps during events, I never talked abusively with gm's as I see the case is ALWAYS when gm comes here n there, because everybody is brave knowing gm cant ban you. 

    You account wasnt suspended by "accident". You very well know what you did, therefore you got 0 sympathy. 

    You should be happy support even wants to discuss things with you, if I was support and you come spamming me with tickets after you know very well what you have done, I would ban your 2nd alt email n acc from which you trying to communicate with me.

    All of you ticket and support communicators should be banned by mac address so nobody hears from you ever again.

    I d rather have player base of 40 people but decent 40 ppl who never did anything wrong, than playerbase of 1k population from which 900 of you wrote tickets and cried on forums how you got banned wrongly and that you "have no idea" why. 

  2. oh wow...i have nod32 anti virus as well...great! means i can expect same shit! 

    Eventually it will turn out that all those innova hackers who were testing all their aimbots and hacks, converted them into fake anti cheat which infiltrates and steals data from ur pc and sends them to real hackers who roleplay as sard company

  3. When there was patch release and maintenance should ve been 12 hours, many of those 1k population who got back started to spam the maintenance topic n bashing it why does it take so long,

    And servers were up in 3 hours even tho this message was same 8-12 hours.

    Now there is already drop to 750-800 population.

    Can we please hurry this up, we have seen you can do it in 2-3 hours when everybody was yelling! 

  4. On 8/30/2024 at 3:23 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Its not wins/losses or k/d that determines threat.

    Oh well why thank you for replying everything what doesnt determine a threat in a topic which asks WHAT determines a threat! You have always been helpful with saying nothing about everything. 




    There is still no valid explanation for the threat. Like someone said upper...you can be mvp 10 missions in row, really kicking, going like 20 kills 4 deaths...and then comes 1 missions where i was mvp with 26 kills 10 deaths, all objs done by myself (getting champion medal) and i turned silver. 

    In my team there were 2 bronzies and 1 trainee who literally feed enemy, their score was terrible like both bronzies together had around 7 kills and almost 15+ deaths.. and trainee went like 2 kills and 10+ deaths.

    And we actually won because all cops were farming and rushing vs bronzies and trainee instead of paying attention to obj. 

    And in such match, i turned silver even tho i practically won match myself solo vs 4, 1 high end gold and 3 max rank silvers who played like golds. 

    So threat has no sense!
    In other scenario i was playing bad, i was literally farmed, i barely got 5-6 kills and feed like 10+ deaths, and we lost the match..and i turned gold.

    Something is very very broken in the threat system, and this 50% score of top and 50% score of bottom doesnt hold the water meaning something is fishy here and doesnt add up. 

    Threat system is broken like 45 is. 

    • Like 1

  5. 3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    buy premium? they gotta make money

    Usually I am totally up for it. I understand that everything costs the money. Lil orbit have to pay for the servers, have to pay for their employees, etc.

    I spent around 40k g1c financing and supporting the game.

    However I am personally very frustrated with the unban of literally all banned scum since the beginning of time. 

    It it s a huge moral slap to all of us who always played by the book, who never cheated, scammed, griefed, used config or used any single other illegal or lame advantage whatsoever.

    It sends a message that even judge, jury and executioner dont care and dont do their work.

    Like what is the use of the anti cheat whatsoever, if you will just unban everybody after few of them will start crying on forums with "i was fake banned pls unban me"

    And i was being told that this is actually 4th unban wave since i quitted apb long time ago and recently got back. 

    So yes, i bought new clothing packs, both of them, but thats it. 

    • Like 2

  6. @MageLO 

    Hello, I am wondering as probably the entire community will Lil orbit provide another month of free premium? 
    Is it a thing and is it possible?
    It would awesome, because most of us got stuck with the tattoos and designed outfits now. 
    Is there a chance that in future you add premium (1 month) for joker tickets as a purchase option?

  7. 21 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:


    No, indeed you did, telling me be silent and have fun when its not allowed,

    No Sir, It is You who are spewing garbage and rubbish, and doing it in;

    Long Book Form. Now You're an obvious troll, and you smell.

    Go shower and then clean your room

    so you quite literally ignored all the friendly advices and constructive criticism because i said you talk a lot of rubbish? I didn't tell you to be quiet, it was obvious figure of speech. You didn't counter neither single argument I provided, but you will continue telling everybody how apb is full of hackers when in reality if you play just 1 hour you will see that is not the case.

    Nice ego there pal. You are obviously that type of person who holds monologue for hours and gets angry at anyone who wants to participate in the conversation n share their opinion.

    Forum is made for debate. 

    And then i am the troll... lol that's a good one. 

    Grow up mate will ya. And yes i smell and i live in a cave. Thanks. Quite mature there I won't say. 

  8. 3 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

     If you think that some snot nosed 14 year old ranting a Book in forum is going to change me, '

    You're sadly mistaking. 

    Nobody is trying to change you as you have no power to change anyone else. I just said you talk a lot of rubbish. Like  Sirvilla said under:


    2 hours ago, SirVilla said:

    Maybe so we will never know the whole truth     All the cheaters that you say are more than retired, and those who don't already know perfectly well who they are just because of how they play, in this game the only advantage is the time you have been playing it, one here already knows things, (old dog knows many ...)


    It is well known who are closet hackers...since name n shame stupid policy i cannot name them but we ALL know who they are. When you get them simply rage quit and come back and repeat the process until you dont get some normal players.

    And no i am not one of the cheaters, i play on laptop i play casual and for fun...i dont argue in chat district, i use ignore button or i simply silently ignore immature comments. 

    You probably discussed in public chat with that hacker who attacked you, and ofc gm punished you and him...because gm doesnt care who started the argument. You gotta be biger man and move over it. 

    The age of essay type of arguments in public chat are over. Nobody cares and nobody should care that much.

    If someone bashes you in chat, use /ignore. End of story.

    If you someone hitting 7/7 bullets report and rq or afk until match is over. 

    I am gold without much trying. Find a friends and do a group. With group is easier, with randoms 99% missions fail NOT because cops or crimes opp are hackers but because you all go 1 by 1 like sheeps. 

    I keep saying team work team work team work thats all apb is. 

    If you can find 1 normal other adult group with him n play with him. You will instantly enlarge ur victory points for at least 40-50%, And thats entire "secret".

    If you play with randoms everybody will hunt kills nobody will do objs and you ll keep losing and ur frustration will be bigger n bigger. 

    Anti cheat is as it is...we didnt see anything yet..so you cant know does it silently work or not.

    Some ppl already started to complain in social about the bans...which means a GOOD news to me. Means its working. 

  9. its a broken gun. it destroys existence of any other secondary. Why having nano or bloody mary or even try other secondaries when you got 45 mini ursus which deletes ppl with 5 bullets. Put the ability to kill at 8 bullets... make them have to hit all bullets + reload and 1 bullet and lets see how many of this sweaty macro cheating wannabe pros never missing a shot type of users will gonna use it. 

    If you could ve nerfed pretty good guns and practically destroyed their usage, like atac...then you can destroy this shitty 45 as well. 

    That pistol is ridiculous at this point and personally i think best choice would not be a nerf it should be deleted from db of apb. forever. OR nerf it so much like i said so that nobody will want to use it anymore. 

    Every high end gold is using macro and excusing it with "it came with my mouse, i have moneys i bought 1000 dollar mouse which have hardware macro" so you are "not" a cheater. And yes quite literally you are not cheater, but you are a cheater nevertheless morally, and you know it, we know it, i know it. 

    So yes delete this mother f* ing pistol already! 




    also 45 became such bs of a gun that most of ppl dont even bother using their primary weapons. I had the other day a gold guy who purposely or "proving the point" style, literally played entire mission using only 45. We had oscars, obeyas, obirs, osmaw, ntecs...and he was farming us like nothing. Guy ended up having 35 kills and barely 8 deaths. 

    this secondary is so op that its not even a secondary at this point, just put it then as a main weapon and lets be done with it. Make it official. 

    • Like 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Yep cyber terrorists. Spend all day trying to make legits leave the game by hacking or being toxic. 

    These fake anti cheats are just labels that do nothing.

    Nobody is trying to stop them, LO seems to like the toxics, maybe they are rich toxics.

    So we got literally an army of hackers trying to stop legits from playing. 

    If they aren't hacking they are trash talking in chat, and getting away with it. 

    I guess I should ask that for the ama, @MattScott Why do you prefer toxic hackers over 

    legit paying customers, as customers. What is my money dirty or something, cuz theirs certainly isn't 

    clean? And I don't wanna hear 'Report them. I REFUSE to use that function. 

    because it won't do anything, but submit me to staff retaliation.


    dude all you do is bashing non stop. How many hackers are there really? There are many cheaters with macros but no hackers who speed hack run around fly around like epicgoat style. 
    I would tell you to get good, but I myself am not such a pro player. I am good with ntecs and explosives pretty much. And i am almost always on top of food chain. 
    The only real issue are threats. Someone messed up the threats, because you turn silver with a victory and good score but you had in team army of feeders. And i turned silver already couple of times only because of the team, because there is no other explanation. If threat is based on standing, my standing was bigger than entire cop side. 
    Aside that..we do need new anti cheat but its not about Lil orbit loving or not loving cheating community, its about the fact if you ban all the cheaters player base will again fall at 200-300 people. And its nice to see 1k ppl around now, regardless they cheat or hack. At this point its irrelevant to cry about hackers, if you didnt get used to hackers so far idk what you have been doing since 2016 when you joined. Like there were always hackers in apb and there always will be hackers in apb n there is nothing nobody can do. Fairfight was good to me, but eveybody bashed it with "fake bans". Then battle eye came everybody bashed its not doing nothing, then we went to this last one prior to sard...and everybody was making forum posts about "being falsely banned". 
    They way you constantly talk ppl would think there are 99% of hackers in apb which is simply not true since i do play missions quite often and i got average 8 wins out of 10 missions. So i win 80% of missions and i am not even that good player. So if i can do it you can do it. 

    As for the report, you are literally source of the problem. Lets cry about hackers but lets do nothing about it, lets make irrelevant crying out posts at forums and lets spam our post numbers for stats. Out of your 1200 posts you practically didnt say nothing important. 

    I use report function all the time, and I always write in the report itself what i am suspecting guy is using. They do read reports but its not going fast because there are 10 ppl working in entire lil orbit company. 

    If it was company with 10 000 employees and player base of 50 000 ppl things would be different. But it is what it is. 

    So instead bashing lil orbit non stop how about tell them thanks that they are still trying hard to keep game alive, they are still adding new stuff new content, they are still searching for good anti cheat.

    Fact is there is no good anti cheat in any game on the planet. Every game's anti cheat is broken in 2-3 days after its release. Hackers get it as a personal challenge to break it. 
    So quit yapping about hackers, suck it up and go play the game and try have some fun. If you dont have any fun in apb, you know the drill... alt f4 delete uninstall and good bye. 

  11. @MageLO  I got question regarding locker expansions while we wait. Did you remove the cap for max clothing capacity from 95 space?
    Because I can see new contact is giving at one point +5 clothing space. Will it actually turn to 100 clothing space or vanish again as it vanished in G1 era when I wasted +5 clothing space and got nothing and basically remained on 95 clothing space??

  12. On 6/30/2024 at 4:45 PM, MageLO said:



    we were made aware that our Free Premium period has ran out earlier today and have added another 60 days of free premium for everyone in the last hour.

    Thank you very much for the prolongation of premium.  👍 

  13. As the title says, will you guys prolong the premium or not? Also, you could have at least warned us or something that premium will expire today. Now most people are stuck with their clothing, tattoos and other creations. 

    If you already unbanned literally all cheaters ever banned, least you can do in my opinion is to prolong the free premium. 

    For all the "smarties" who will say, buy it, I won't invest a single cent into apb anymore, until I don't see at least one single new content delivered.  

    Give us new clothing or new contacts or at least something so we can see that game is being worked on and is alive more or less. 

    I will count a new anti cheat system as new content as well, even though I know that in few months all the cheaters will start making posts about "false bans" so you guys can again pardon them and unban them all. 

    Thanks in advance for a reply. 

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