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Posts posted by dett2

  1. Jump off a drifting car and it push you = desync , warping.  easy reproduce.

    Mobile rader tower doesn't work frequently. (ofc car health is fine , even while driving beside enemy doesn't show up).

    sometimes get Invisible mission objects and teammates markers. 

    Infinite loading , can't enter districts frequently.

    pick up comsumable gift weapon -> you can't change gun until you die.

    vandalism mission. If cops break them first , crims can't break them with guns. Only way is windows = Ram raid , camera = nade.

    don't ignore forum and please just know these problems.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, Yood said:

    I didn't see any mention of this issue . work is progressing as planned , problem solving as it becomes available .


    how you communicate the seasonal event with the problems of the mission ? Halloween and bombs 

    It's not fixed yet.


    anything wrong? I mean they can't fix this.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Yood said:

    what ? can you elaborate ?

    Criminal Vandalism missions.

    Before halloween event , cop breaks windows or camera -> proceed to next stage.

    After halloween event , cop breaks windows or camera -> nothing happens and criminals can't break them with guns.

    Only way is windows -> ram raid , cameras -> nade.

    I reported this so many times , but they did nothing.

  4. 39 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Patch notes are up for tomorrow's patch.


    We have a couple optimizations for RIOT, but the majority of bigger fixes are still being implemented. We want to see how these changes affect things.



    The team is still testing changes such as:

    - Sound in the district

    - Improved player messaging

    - Lowering the minimum player threshold

    - Reworking the end stage 

    - Possibly removing respawns in the end stage

    - Increasing the protection time of the Hazmat suit gained when respawning




    But No known issues...?

    This game is buggy now , i posted them please investigate it.

    And you forget to Add High Heel Ankle Boots in jokerstore.

  5. 16 hours ago, PingOVER9000 said:


    Rfp is fine.

     Fang is a direct upgrate and it's certainly one of the best secondary of the game, competitive but not better than primary weapons with same range.


    For that, I have difficult to understand why someone assume it is overpower.


    It is not necessary to nerf the RFP, what needs to be done it's just a slighty buff for the other secondary weapons, especially the other ones for medium/long range (act44 etc)


    - Ntec with IR3 is the  main problem, especially the URSUS for his "special mechanichs" until 75/80m every bullets make full damage with the same TTk... and kill with one less shot...




    I guess Little Orbit have tried with IR debuff to Nerf the Ntec too also, but make it easy.. nerf directly the damage  range drop off  for BOTH until 45m.


    Ntec Ursus has to be as to be conceive, a direct upgrade and a assault rifle (no a possible antifck everything ) that just  kill with a less shot.



    90% of the weapons are uncompetitive.. Need a general rework for each one of them..



    RFP isn't fine at all lol.


    You mean Ursus is 5stk in 80m? Have you tried it? 

  6. 1. FIX terrible spawns.(spawn in gas and 500m away from safe zone GG)

    2. change starting gun FBW to SNR 850.

    3. Extra life shoud be reduced. 

    4. Add more rewards.

    5. Do not allow Grouping. And don't make solo or duo team.

    6. Fix game crash.

    7. delete Buying guns. and put more guns everywhere.

    8. reduce waiting time. 3min30sec is too much.

    9. minimum starting member should be reduced. 16 is too much in jericho.


    To be honest ,other BR games are much better than RIOT.

    And I don't need BR mode in APB. Missions and Fightclub are Fun.

    So I suggest to give up RIOT at this moment , and please just focus on fixing server , engine upgrade.

    current state of NA is worst.

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