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Everything posted by injury

  1. I may have gotten a wrong first impression from this thread as I initially took it as complaining and didn't take in the part where you ask for advice. I suggest watching streams of good players and focusing on what makes them play well and also taking higher skilled opposition as a learning opportunity to see what guns they use and tactics used that were most effective. Have a gun that you've found yourself weak with but others seem to destroy you with? Use that gun for awhile in fight club, for example if you were to solely use FBW for awhile in fight club you would rapidly start to understand the tap pattern and improve your tracking, tap pattern knowledge translates to ALOT of different guns in APB (Controlling your urge to click too fast causing the gun to jam or bloom windening). NEVER settle for the crutch solution for any primary or secondary such as a nano or PMG because although they're great, they aren't high skill curve guns that will aid in your overall improvement.
  2. you are expressing your concern and im giving you a solution, getting good AND LEARNING FROM THOSE YOU OPPOSE will aid the problem instead of claiming you cannot do anything in those districts and typing on the forums about it. wanna play in silver dist? Adapt.
  3. you either gotta be ignorant or next level stupid to think that all LO has done is make the game worse.
  4. if u wanna play silver dist my suggestion is to get good
  6. I'm ticket #45 I feel the pain though
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