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Posts posted by iRawwwN

  1. On 2/22/2023 at 9:46 PM, Hexerin said:

    The only way to make the bounty system actually work from a gameplay standpoint, is to:

    • Only players assigned to defend an objective can accrue notoriety.
    • Notoriety is reset:
      • On death
      • When a mission stage concludes.
      • When a mission concludes.
    • Notoriety accrues at a significantly faster rate.

    This, for very obvious reasons, wouldn't make any sense from a thematic standpoint, and thus would just be an ugly feature.


    There's no actual way to make the bounty system function as a whole feature.

    Just because you cannot figure a way to make it happen does not mean there is 'no actual way'.

    • Like 1

  2. On 2/20/2023 at 12:48 PM, TheMessiah said:

    Worse part is dat if ur not gold and gold see u in hes team-leaves the mission in a flash and u get dispatch against golds.Happens in almost every mission..

    Well yeah, I'm not wasting 20 minutes waiting for opp only to get teammates that use their toes to play.




    On 2/20/2023 at 1:20 PM, Vasco14 said:

    Well.. a good solution for those two problems in my opinion would be:


    1) For those that use the /abandonmission, could have a cooldown, like, you could leave the mission but then you wouldn't be able to use again in 30 minutes or  1 hour ,or an agressive way to avoid this behaivor would be to penalize the player


    2) For the griefers problem, a simple solution would be to tempban the players. Currently if you kill your teammates 4 times, you get kicked from the server and then you're able to join again (sometimes used to leave the mission). Instead of this what LO could do is, if you kill 4 teammates you would get 30 minutes ban, then if in the same week you kill 4 more, you will get a 1 hour ban, and so on, at the end of the week those bans would reset, so if you in a week just got baaned for 30 minutes, if you don't teamkill more in that week, in the next you get a reset.


    Edit for solution 2: if i players get's 5 tembans in a week they would get a permanent ban for griefing.

    1) Dumb idea. Let's penalize players! There are many missions in apb that are just NOT FUN. There are opp that you just KNOW you're gonna get again so /a works wonders. Try again.


    2)  That's not a simple solution. Teammates can intentionally troll you and get you a ban? Totally won't be abused by some of the... *ahem* less than desirables in this community. Maybe if you TK the same player X amount of times then something may happen but what if they're your buddy? What if you're grouped? What if you're NOT grouped but still troll with them? Should LO implement a 'forgive' button?


    How about we just get some actual ACTIVE ADMINS?


    y'all are softies. if ur getting bullied shut the game down and do something else. you're on a computer, hell you can even TURN OFF the computer and do some productive IRL things.

  3. 14 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said:


    1) I knew it wasnt going to be a perm ban for a couple pixelated symbols

    2) Same reason youre getting so bent out of shape about it. I mean jesus christ my clan name is "Hippity Hoppity Women Are Property" and that doesnt piss off anyone and didnt get removed when I got temp'd. I feel like theres more people who'd get offended about that versus an SS symbol, but maybe Im not like you and dont assign evidence-less arbitrary value to random things. I made all of this stuff back when "edgy" was the trend. It was made as a joke, some people laughed, some people apparently got really overly offended by it. I accepted my consequence, I dont accept having my account broken over it and neither would anyone else if all they were supposed to get was a 7 day temp ban.
    3) Ive made plenty of things with the editor. Currently my character is Naked Snake from MGS3, and Ive designed and sold some of the best looking non-copy/paste cars out there. Making 1 tiny 140p symbol as a joke shouldnt result in my account not having access to core game mechanics.

    1) They're a private company, whatever you do they can just terminate your account. Surely a perm. ban is on the table when you try skirt/break ToS.

    2) I'm not bent out of shape over anything? You think I'm somehow upset with you using SS symbols... I don't really care what you do you can have your freedom of expression but don't get so bent out of shape when a company takes action against something in their ToS.

    3) Just because you believe it to be a joke maybe not everyone agrees that your joke is "funny"?





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  4. 1 minute ago, MrChan said:

    But like, the lefists... and it triggers them... and they get mad. And that's funny.



    It's interesting. Being part of this community now near 12 years and watching people grow up and out of certain things... yet somehow 'triggering' people is TOP of people's to-do-list. Sure egging people on is funny but idk man. Dressing up my character in an SS uniform to trigger people, surely there is another hobby out there that is more fulfilling.. more educating... a little less incel-y?


    Maybe I've grown with the times a little too much to be still with these HSers playing a TPS that should have be canned 5+ years ago. XD

    • Like 2

  5. gg ez no re


    You're a dumbass. You have the ability to create near anything you can imagine with the editor and you proceed to make some SS symbols to RP as a Nazi? It's not "funny" to a LOT of people, your actions have consequences. Not that I'm saying those things should have happened to you but what did you expect? Would you be okay with your account getting totally nuked? At least then you wouldn't get blueballs... having your character there but.. not there.. LOL





    16 hours ago, NotTheEnforcer said:

    Ah yes, typical Cookie, ignoring literally everything else in the post. Can't imagine you thinking that you contribute anything of value with that mentality. Im not even going to acknowledge you at this point if that's all you can manage to focus on.


    You should explain to us why the SS uniform was so important to create, and why it's so humorous that you would knowingly risk ToS? Please, explain the joke.

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  6. On 12/7/2022 at 10:20 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Makes sense to have it anonymous so people have to judge the content of the letter by itself without things like “Oh Player-X wrote this? They’re an idiot not even worth reading.”


    On 12/7/2022 at 10:18 AM, GhosT said:


    Because this community isn't absolutely toxic and spews hatred towards one another.

    Adding names just does more harm than good. Same reason why everyone spams namechanges and new characters.


    You'll be fuming knowing I was part of it.

    jeez maybe LO could do some actual moderation to quell the hatred among players... nah lets just keep everything anonymous ezpz less headaches

    • Thanks 1

  7. On 11/2/2022 at 5:13 PM, ManiVII said:

    Recording a kill cam could fix the problem. How hard to add it could be?


    and who the hell make new versions of cheats for this game?  how many ppl play for it? wtf it worth it?


    i think its bc they dont update anticheat... 

    guy on Twitch said 150 cheetermen on 1 service... not even that many opp xD 


    Fewer cheaters than you think tbh.

  8. On 10/19/2022 at 1:27 PM, Rade said:

    I have chipped in the conversation around threat on these forums many times over the years but I still like the nuke button option. Get rid of threat and matchmaking. Players only get better and learn by playing against, and with good players. All threat does is put a bubble around not so good players and toss em all in one big toilet. I say flush the chain and let everyone mix together in the sewer down below. This will help foster better skilled players. You wont get better if you dont challenege yourself.


    Or you also have optional districts that are a free for all, threat / rank doesnt matter and players are matched based on a whoever is ready basis.

    Threats are important for many reasons, and tossing new players in with veterans of the game isn't going to help ANYONE. Having optional threat-districts with the population as low as it is now will just further increase times between opposed missions or limit Gold players opposition.




    On 10/19/2022 at 3:13 PM, MACKxBOLAN said:


    cant add ur quote to my post above...


    ur actually dumb.


    There are cheaters yeah, but there aren't as many as you think there are. Not every Gold is cheating, not every Gold cheese wins. You just refuse to improve as a person, you're a fucking BOOMER. get good.




    It's a video game and ur crying about "letting you guys into bronze is Fraud" and that "These purchases were made with the idea that threat segregation was a permanent thing.". No, you spent money on a video game from a private business that you in no way - shape or form - signed a contract with that the game had to remain the way it was. Insults removed.    - Azukii

  9. 8 hours ago, Spillra said:

    Sorry but im gonna need proof that you aren't a delusional silver with less than 100h in game

    AndyJames is the best player NA has ever seen. Oscar legend, you could learn a thing or two from him, kid.

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  10. On 7/21/2022 at 1:23 AM, Hexerin said:

    Probably. Say what you want about the Ruskies, but they actually gave a shit and developed the game.

    apb has always had potential but none of the companies took care of it. people dedicated to the game have a feel for how the game could be and were able to make those changes. 😞

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