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Posts posted by XXXXXXXXXXX

  1. 5 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    That is true, you did not specify the shotgun, but to say "shotguns" implies all of the shotguns, the Shredder and CSG can both 3 shot from ~15m, the JG cannot (maybe if you get insane RNG you can, but not regularly, I tested this earlier), the Strife is garbage so I'm not going to even care enough to test it. I can see both sides of the argument, some people think they're OP, others think they're fine. I personally am enjoying the meta change, it's nice to have things shaken up once in a while.

    Depends on a lot of factors, if you're just standing out in the open then yes the OCA will most likely win every time unless you get really bad RNG, but if you're playing the shotgun properly and corner popping then the OCA most likely won't even have time to hit the shotgun user before being 85, I never even stated my opinion on the changes, all I said was it's untrue that shotguns cannot 3 shot at 15m.
    This is not true, if the oca knows shotgun is behind a corner oca could just shoot the corner and while shotgun is peeking he will get hit, Oca vs shotgun both can win, it all depends on the player and the situation. I also feel that oca and pmg main purpose is not to be cqc guns but more in the mid range.

  2. On 8/9/2018 at 6:45 PM, indi said:

    Revert all changes to the game from 2013 onwards and go from there. Gamersfirst really, really fucked the game up over the past few years, and trying to balance around their terrible decisions is unlikely to yield positive results.

    I'm radical, you seem radical, c'mon lets do it. Lets go back in time and make every weapon op lets bring back hvr from the past before all the nerfs, it will make things more interesting if every gun will be op then everybody will have a chance, i'm tired of nerfing lets just buff everything to balance things out. Also bring back scout jump shots aswell as old n-tec, oca, pmg, and every other gun and buff the current guns to match them. Buff everything, make it fun again.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Clandestine said:
    2 hours ago, 23k said:
    What? you still need to aim the same way as pre patch shotguns aim never changed but the only thing that changed is now your shots actually count before patch it was inconsistent that's why only like 1-2 people even played with shotgun you needed sometimes 3- 4 shots to kill somebody at close range, unless you're like 1-2 meters away from your enemy then it might 2 shot but not always.
    I was double shoting most of the time before the patch unless enemy was laging.
    You were 2 shotting not most of the time you only were 2 shotting if you were hugging the enemy even the the shots might not always register, everything were mostly 3-4 shots.

  4. On 8/9/2018 at 8:16 PM, Lucidy said:

    I'll make a list of things that should be how the game is.

    Shotguns : Needed more time to balance, live build needs shotgun buffs to be reverted (Showtopper is w/e, all the others need more time before pushed to live build)
    IR3: Revert the change no one asked for that crippled every single marksman and many preset modded guns. This was a bad way to change how things were fine beforehand.
    Ntec was fine Post-2015 changes.
    Carbine was fine Post-2015 changes.
    Revert ATAC to the 2014 stats prior to it's buff.
    Revert RFP and all its variants to it's stats prior to the buff (Back in 2016 or w/e).
    HVR is still kind of annoying but more negligible now, so keep the current version, with possible tweaks in the future.
    Misery is fine.
    Revert OCA to before it was buffed, literally no reason it should have been buffed in the first place.
    Anubis is fine.
    Oblivion is fine.
    COBRA is really cool and I think it has an interesting place in the meta now.
    Everything else I didn't list can stay as the live build.

    This is just my two cents on what I think would be the most balanced you could get with all the weapons now, agree to agree or disagree to disagree.

    What do you want done about shotguns explain. Because it looks like "Make every gun i like powerful and every gun i dislike weak"

  5. 10 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    Yeah I kept saying fixed hitreg is all we need. Now we have op shotguns made for those who can't aim and still broken hitreg.

    What? you still need to aim the same way as pre patch shotguns aim never changed but the only thing that changed is now your shots actually count before patch it was inconsistent that's why only like 1-2 people even played with shotgun you needed sometimes 3- 4 shots to kill somebody at close range, unless you're like 1-2 meters away from your enemy then it might 2 shot but not always.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Kiida said:
    All the Ogre really needs is a lot less pellet spam and ammo count. If you've ever faced someone who uses it you should notice that your hitmarkers disappear and a lot of your shots don't seem to do anything, that's the main problem with it really.
    Ogre and nfas right now are probably the most broken weapons in the game without a doubt, they're probably the only 2 weapons that really need a fix everything else is alright. Or do you think something else also needs to be fixed?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Kiida said:
    Anyone who uses CJ on the OSCAR is a moron, it's one of the worst mods to put on it.
    OCA is a very good weapon, and was needlessly buffed a year or two back to have a faster fire rate, making it even better.
    True Ogre destroys hitreg for anyone that goes against it.
    Dog-Ear is underrated af. It's now way better than the Obeya in terms of range and speed, before this patch it was about equal. It can also jumpshoot like the old Scouts.
    So it's bad for you? True Ogre shouldn't even exist in a game or it needs to get that damage dropped.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Realise said:

    my understanding is that cooling jacket barely affects the oscar; it is also the same with obir. PMG and OCA are both great weapons. 

    Simply walking back will not always work because the ogre will often kill you before you're out of range.
    Yeah true ogre and nfas are the most broken weapons in this patch they need a fix. Everything else is alright.

  9. On 8/9/2018 at 5:18 AM, Kewlin said:
    Yes, it is such a huge change.
      I actually have a rather healthy relationship with my family and today was my weekly meeting with a lot of my immediate family. . . it went rather nice.

    As me and some people have said, this isn't about any specific gun, it's about the fact that they made a change to perhaps the 2nd most important mod in APB with barely any testing against the advice of a huge portion of the playerbase, despite saying that this balance pass was going to be mostly about buffs. LO is just off their rocker. The IR changes have huge implications, and they basically did it on a whim, and it's going to fuck A LOT of guns.

    And even IR aside, the patch was a trainwreck.
    What guns you use daily?
    48 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    Are you saying making IR worse is a bad idea? It's change widening the gap to snipers finally makes snipers (which no one ever used since years) more viable now since the gap widened now. 

    I really agree with LO having way too less of an idea by gaming experience what their changes affect, the N-HVR nerf did nothing except affecting some hip shot actions, and now taking a nerf on IR so that OBIR, and obeya, the only non range snipers get a wider gap, just makes Snipers an even ebtter choice than they already were.
    That's good because snipers are meant to be the best far range weapons...

  10. 9 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    if no one aims for the invisible hitbox then why is it a problem? 
      do you know of any shooter that allows you to customize character height and has perfect hitboxes?
    9 hours ago, Nite said:
    I only even know of one shooter that even has full character creation and the player height is still locked

    everything else is some form of RPG anyway

  11. 39 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    Hit Reg? We have already talked about that - Not on topic. The countless "spawn system", "vehicle clipping", etc , problems? Yes, we talked about those, and how those do not at all relate to your original post. - Not on topic I never denied it, read my posts again I don't see this as a win or a loss. This is pure conjecture. I'm debating the contrary to your proposal, and why I disagree with it.
    I also believe the thread should be closed because of your past 15 posts, at least 10 of them are off topic. Which, are reasons to close a thread, go look at all the closed threads. I do? How so? Please describe and define specifics. If you actually look at the data, that peak is pre 2016. Over two years ago, irrelevant, and in-context, not in any way about my argument. Please stop using strawmen arguments.
    You're the one using the strawmen arguments. Spawn system, hit reg, problems the whole hit box is a joke, matcmaking problems, driving problems. server problems. the pay 2 win stigma problems you never even acknowledged those problems, You never actually had any valid arguments against headshots either look at this.
    On 7/25/2018 at 12:52 PM, Sergsininia said:
    I did not say there could be changes with hit reg... I said that we've established that as a problem you deem worthy of implementing a change, specifically headshots.
    Now tell me, how will headshots fix hit reg? it's just another hit box.

    If you have watched the video I posted, at around the 3 minute mark, or after ( I don't quite remember ), Issmir states that headshots are not a thing in APB. There is only 1 hitbox. 1 hitbox to rule them all. Not only is there 1 hitbox, but it also isn't the size of your character. The characters all fit inside this hitbox, so that way, if you have a tiny girl character, as thin as a twig, you have the same hitbox as your afro wearing supa fat enforcer. They're all the same.

    If you created a game where you can customize a character drastically with their height, weight, etc. then if the hitbox was only the character's geometry, you would see everyone either picking a character that is tiny, or tall characters complaining that they're at a disadvantage.

    The hitbox does NOT exceed the character so much that you can be shot from behind a dumpster. Every bit of cover in the game allows you to hide behind it from at least one angle. If you see partial cover, it will affect everyone.
    You fix the hit reg and the hit box then you implement the headshots. picking a character that is tiny, or tall characters complaining that they're at a disadvantage is bunch of bs. Its comes down to skill the height and weight of the character is not that drastic if you could create little paper thin midgets then you would have more of a solid point. The players will adapt to the enemies hell they wont even feel the change. When you aim at a character you don't see that invisible box you still aim at the character not the invisible hitbox.

    Then you replied with.

    Quite the contrary, you can see that "invisible box" it's what the crosshair shows when it turns red.

    What? you can't be serious.... you aim at the character nobody aims for that invisble hitbox. Everything you threw at me i confronted it on how it would work, you on the other hand you tried to discredit me on every post since the beginning and it never worked for you because you can't go against the truth.
    29 minutes ago, Pintail said:

    If I were a mod on this forum there would be no threads left.

    If you were a mod nobody would even want to be on your forums.
    39 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    Hit Reg? We have already talked about that - Not on topic. The countless "spawn system", "vehicle clipping", etc , problems? Yes, we talked about those, and how those do not at all relate to your original post. - Not on topic I never denied it, read my posts again I don't see this as a win or a loss. This is pure conjecture. I'm debating the contrary to your proposal, and why I disagree with it.
    I also believe the thread should be closed because of your past 15 posts, at least 10 of them are off topic. Which, are reasons to close a thread, go look at all the closed threads. I do? How so? Please describe and define specifics. If you actually look at the data, that peak is pre 2016. Over two years ago, irrelevant, and in-context, not in any way about my argument. Please stop using strawmen arguments.
    On top of that having headshots would make a lot more sense than having percs in the game.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    You listed generic issues that people have stated years ago.
    There was not an inkling of any "visual proof" of the problems.

    Even you're already off topic of the thread. Requesting to close the thread is probably the smartest thing to do.
    The problems never got fixed. I gave you videos, posts, everything to show the problems of the game. The fact that you try to deny it, just shows how ignorant you are, you can't debate because when you don't win, you whine and cry for the thread to be closed, you act like a spoiled child that cries everytime something doesn't go your way.
    2 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    I see double the number of players as before L.O. And around 1,000 concurrent STEAM players, not counting non-steam players.
    So... what? I don't see 100's of people thinking let's add headshots to this game. There just isn't that many people like you.

    Probably take a word of your own advice:
    The peak was 5.592 now the peak is 1,176 you don't see them because they got fed up with the bs that you're trying to pretend that doesn't exist so they quit.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:
    If i had one single tomato that went bad and said  "see this is evidence tomatoes are bad" guess what...it isnt proper evidence....

    once again...

    What? you cannot be serious, everything i posted was 1 bad tomato? You actually talk about yourself in this one, because you're that 1 bad tomato that says the game is good when i showed hundreds of players complaining about the sate of the game. You're just beyond ignorant.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:
    If it made NO SENSE would we take the time to explain why IN DETAIL FOR 12 PAGES WHY THIS IS BAD????

    And if YOU made any sense would you  spew out insults to say you are valid?

    I HIGHLY doubt you have a single clue about coding , or about business and how building a game from the ground up is EXPENSIVE AS HELL or how that would take no less than 2 YEARS MINIMUM to develop a game from the ground up

    I am requesting this thread be closed due to  toxic behavior rather than a meaningful discussion as well as major off topic remarks from the author who seems to be out of  control to reason with
    This thread is not benefiting the community and will only promote more toxicity if it continues any longer.
    You kidding me? You should go and close yourself. I gave all the visual proof of the problems this game has. And you're trying to sit here and deny it? You lose all your credibility.

  15. 32 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:
    Dude seriously?

    Did you even read the Q&A MattScott did? Did you ever watch it ?
    Have you even read this thread at all?
    if any of this thread posts or even the countless threads on anything we have talked about (old forums and new forums) STILL makes no sense to you.... then try to consider the problem just might be you...wow 
    If everything i posted didn't make sense to you then try to consider the problem just might be you...wow.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    Anyone who has a cat as their profile picture shall have their opinion invalidated automatically and removed from discussion, you shall go directly to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. I fixed it for you.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Slickmund said:

    Im at the point where Id be willing to pay LO to mute 23k really. Hes darned stubborn, prickly, offensive every now and then and most of all self righteous which I have little respect for. Surely my comment isnt relevant cus bla bla random counter argument x by which he means I am personally attacking him rather than discussin. Its just ugh, been nearly a week of talking against a brick wall that thinks hes a well of wisdom. What makes the never ending story a good story? It has a fucking ending! Someone please just make this stop. Only shitposting or no posting would be more constructive than this discussion.

    You can't go against the truth, simple as that. When you can't face the truth what do you do? in your case you try to silence it, because you can't handle it.
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