Dear Matt,
even though some of the community members have issues with the Anti cheat, I can understand your schedule conflict at the company. However what needs to happen in personal opinion, there needs to be more updates from you. Not just every few months but every month or at least every couple of weeks. There needs to be more GM activity in the districts keeping tabs on the potential "Cheaters" and toxic players in the community. There also needs to be at least new content every month or so that is released even if it is just "small" I would even say as to go as far as getting rid of fight club and adding a new map with new missions into the game with more contacts while focusing on the upgrade. I understand it takes a lot of resources and time to do that. But the more content you put out will keep some players and newer players from getting bored and quit playing. I know its a big difference but look at games such as like Call of duty or Fortnite there are a lot of cheaters in the games. However what keeps people playing new content is created every few months or so. Wanna get a little more in comparison? Look at Minecraft. Still going strong why? unlimited creation ideas. aka in a way new content A lot of people have even still asked for a racing district. Also another suggestion there needs to be something more to "clans" in APB having a clan in the game is kind of pointless without anything to gain from it. I would say start posting monthly suggestions and ask like above what the player base wants. It's kind of like reading a book over and over eventually it gets boring and you will want to read something else.
"out with the old and in with the new"
"Content is the key"