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Posts posted by CookiePuss

  1. The FFA being available for a limited time only is a way to appease both those who want to get their hands on one, as well as those wishing to keep it scarce. 
    I dunno what all the fuss is, seems a logical solution.

    • Like 2

  2. 9 hours ago, Dead_Game said:

    This could be  a slogan for cheaters to justify their toggling  or a weak attempt to nullfy the hyprocracy, either way AI cheats are being released and tested. 
    LO just implemented a free EAC anticheat and this is just another placebo and another poor scam.

    Keep playing the dead game  and make yourself the " regular player" or insert the usual "git gud" to deny reality lol.

    Maybe you are “gud” maybe you aren’t, I don’t know you. But out of curiosity, how many people do yo think are cheating? Say out of 500 players a day. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Bold of you to assume they have any plans. They can't even be bothered to push small weapon balance tweaks with every weekly maint, to inch things towards a better place over time.

    As I understand it, Secrets has been focusing solely on queued matchmaking.

  4. 6 hours ago, Yapopal said:

    If you raise the price of calling a car, more models of cars will appear on the roads. Let's raise the price to $4,000 for calling Vegas 4 slots. Morai $500 for 1 slot. The cost of calling Macchina Calabria and similar cars is $100 per slot.
    What do you think of it?

    Rather than force people to use bad cars, perhaps we should make the bad cars better?

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  5. 1 hour ago, PonuryZniwiarz said:

    i never meet  with that kind of "help" before(in any game, i allways felt that supportis trying to help but not in apb)before i send ticket  mates told me that i will have wait very long for respond and i will dont recive any help.APB support keep saying "we cant help you becouse of reason" for every ticket uptade, or every ticket.I met that behaviour when G1 developed that game and the same thing LO is doing.

    Mayby you should make something to help players not trying to find execuses you cant.Also do something with cheaters,macro and dead crosshair users they even make videos on youtube with it and you do nothing.

    I'm sorry you arent getting the response you want, but once a ban has been deemed justified that's like being found guilty.

    Its "case closed" so to speak.
    As I understand it, from this point forward you have to appeal to EAC.



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