I saw that this game had been taken over by a new company so—excited for the future of what I considered a criminally underrated game—I downloaded it again and hopped onto my old level 170 toon for a bit of cops vs robbers action.
In my first game, a rank 200+ gold (we were in a bronze server) PM'ed me to call me a "stupid arab" for killing him. As far as I know he had no way of knowing whether or not I was an arab. Then he switched to LTL so he could chase me down and emotespam me after arrests, and referred to me as "kebab" in district chat from then on.
In my second game, I did quite well, my success tempered only by the rank 255+ gold (in the same bronze server) PM'ing me to send the same message every time we interacted:
"2v1 noob, ahahahahahaha"
Note: I was the one 1v2'ing he and his friend, not the other way around. I have no idea how that makes me a noob or how the minds of these people work.
Nice to see that nothing's changed.
Edit: I feel like you guys think I'm having a go at LO, I'm not. Just poking fun at some dumbasses in the community is all.