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Ebon Prime

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Everything posted by Ebon Prime

  1. Here are some of the top questions I hear being asked in chat: Why is FE back? How long will FE remain up and running? Any updates or fixes for FE in the works or at least planned? Will they bring the Marketplace back? If so, when? If not, why not? Will there be an FE2: Electric Boogaloo or a FE remake? What can the players do to help? Can they donate? Do clones have genitals? If so, why can't we see them? Will this be addressed with the sequel/update? and the final most frequently asked question I hear is: Ebon, when the hell are you ever gonna shut up? On a personal note: OMG THANK YOU FOR BRINGING FE BACK!!! I LOVE YOU!!! -Ebon Prime Brought to you by the Law Offices of Boozy, Gimp, and Prime: "Just because you did it doesn't mean you're guilty." Call us today at 1-800-NOT-DRUNK. We'll fight for you! (\(\ (-.-) o_(")(")
  2. Commander's Crafting Kit Just want to make a plea for returning vault expansions from the marketplace.
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