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  1. in my opinion, 10v10 matchmaking has made the game more casual, and gives it a huge boost of fun. The game had become boring, playing 2v2 or 4v4 and dying at the hands of strong opponents who are usually the same in the next mission. The new MM is an excellent and much-needed update. It's true, however, that it would be preferable to be able to choose a 'classic' (4v4) or 'escalated' (+5v5 to 10v10) game, to keep that competitive spirit that many players crave. I haven't seen any problems apart from the chaotic aspect, which for me allows me to play without tryhard. It doesn't matter if I die, the action is permanent and the fun is guaranteed, no need to walk 200m to find an enemy behind a wall. The balancing is very efficient but sometimes the wait is far too long before finding a match with a filled district. if not for MM, never remove the 10v10 because it is the best thing that can have a dose of fun after a good day's work. Keep up the good work and players will be able to believe in you.
  2. it is however well specified an AI with a PVE in the near future thanks to the 64 bits, it will be accompanied by a new matchmaking, we can therefore conclude that it will probably be a 'tutorial' mode for the newcomers
  3. Thank you for all the work, the persistence will pay off, you will see in a few years your new baby, will be a great success again when the mass of cheaters will disappear, and that these virulent Gm will be banned. I have always believed in this game and I am convinced of its success, keep up LO !
  4. I hope the roadmap will be realistic, and detailed enough, we have been waiting for this, we want to play more on this 64 bits, keep the players busy with micro activities, don't leave them with simple optimizations, you are on the right track, and I am sure that with perseverance the community will follow you even with the eventual failures you will probably make. we believe it
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