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Posts posted by tuktukdriver

  1. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2019/8/29/message-from-matt

    20 hours ago, glaciers said:

    little orbit sold the apb ip (which means everything) to unit game and are licensed to continue developing apb:reloaded


    its likely that the licensing is indefinite and probably also free as part of the sale contract, but they no longer own apb

    Unit game will make a new mobile APB game and Little Orbit still owns and works on this game (APB Reloaded)

  2. 1 hour ago, NoFuture said:

    "APB Reloaded" and "Gamersfirst" names work like player-deterrents. Game could have it's last chance if Little Orbit released completely rebadged/renamed version with engine upgrade and new content. But LO went their own way and after failure of questionable-by-everyone RIOT sold intellectual property rights to some shady chinese proxy company. The End.

    Enjoy it while it lasts.


    Again no.


    they sold the rights to any FUTURE games based on the APB franchise to a chinese company.

    They hold all the rights to THIS game and are still working on the engine and new content.

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  3. On 12/3/2021 at 9:49 PM, iRawwwN said:

    There is nothing after this. Matt Scott sold the game to some random HK (read; China) company. He isn't allowed to do anything else with this game besides upgrade the engine. There will be no remake, this is where the road ends.


    There were other paths this game could have taken, but the inexperience of everyone who has touched this game brought us here. I truly hope that Matt succeeds with his endeavors of this game, but I cannot see it happening. Maybe after moass I'll make Matt an offer for the IP and we can rebuild this game. :^)

    No the rights to the APB franchise were sold to China (You don't care about the franchise, just this game)


    APB Reloaded is still in the godly hands of Matt Scott and Little Orbit.

    There's no time like the present but for now we will have to wait.

    When the time comes i hope God Howard is ready to give up his throne because the continued story of APB will go down in gaming history like none before.

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  4. They will start marketing the game again to new players and if new content and maps are released, i think APB can even beat it's all time player record.

    But only if there is something better on the table than old clunky dunky engine (that doesn't even work on newer GPU's anymore)

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